Slimes Editor Apologizes For Putting Ideology Ahead Of Facts


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Like the slut means it... :crybaby::dunno:

NY Times Editor Apologizes For Criticizing Story That Cast Doubt On “Hands Up” Ferguson Claim…

Took long enough.

Via Daily Caller:

The New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan apologized Monday for her editorial last August, which criticized her own paper’s Ferguson reporting for including anonymous police sources saying that Michael Brown wasn’t shot with his hands up.

In Sullivan’s initial op-ed, entitled “A Ferguson Story on ‘Conflicting Accounts Seems to Say ‘Trust Us,’” she criticized the New York Times’ “dubious equivalency” in including anonymous sources saying Brown was shot while running towards police officers along with witness accounts saying he was shot while surrendering. Sullivan would have preferred only the named witnesses– and therefore only the pro-Brown witnesses– be included in the story.

“The Times is asking readers to trust its sourcing, without nearly enough specificity or detail; and it sets up an apparently equal dichotomy between named eyewitnesses on one hand and ghosts on the other,” she wrote at the time.

Sullivan reached this conclusion, despite noting in the op-ed that her own deputy national editor James Dao disagreed. “In stories of this type, it’s rare and difficult to get on-the-record what investigators are learning,” he noted.

But after the release of a Department of Justice review, Sullivan apologized. “In the heat of a very hot news moment last summer, I criticized a Times story about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo,” Sullivan writes. “Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I want to acknowledge that I misjudged an important element of that story.”

Keep reading…

Edge: Trust me, the only thing she' sorry for is that it didn't turn out to be true. Believe it.

Like truth matters to these people.

In the mid 1800's, the KKK was the terrorist arm of the dimocrap party. Lynching Republicans all through the South was their primary mission. The fact that Blacks in those days were somewhere around 99.99% Republlican is why they were lynched.

In the 1900's, dimocraps have used Unions as their terrorist arm until they were supplanted by the Peaceniks of the 60's and 70's.

Now, it's the Occupy (bowel) Movement (100% Elizabeth Warren) and the victim's groups.

dimocraps are what they are people.

They aren't ever going to change. Believe it.

They run out of one way to terrorize and frighten people..... They'll just find another
Like the slut means it... :crybaby::dunno:

NY Times Editor Apologizes For Criticizing Story That Cast Doubt On “Hands Up” Ferguson Claim…

Took long enough.

Via Daily Caller:

The New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan apologized Monday for her editorial last August, which criticized her own paper’s Ferguson reporting for including anonymous police sources saying that Michael Brown wasn’t shot with his hands up.

In Sullivan’s initial op-ed, entitled “A Ferguson Story on ‘Conflicting Accounts Seems to Say ‘Trust Us,’” she criticized the New York Times’ “dubious equivalency” in including anonymous sources saying Brown was shot while running towards police officers along with witness accounts saying he was shot while surrendering. Sullivan would have preferred only the named witnesses– and therefore only the pro-Brown witnesses– be included in the story.

“The Times is asking readers to trust its sourcing, without nearly enough specificity or detail; and it sets up an apparently equal dichotomy between named eyewitnesses on one hand and ghosts on the other,” she wrote at the time.

Sullivan reached this conclusion, despite noting in the op-ed that her own deputy national editor James Dao disagreed. “In stories of this type, it’s rare and difficult to get on-the-record what investigators are learning,” he noted.

the benefit of hindsight, I want to acknowledge that I misjudged an important element of that story.”

Keep reading…

Edge: Trust me, the only thing she' sorry for is that it didn't turn out to be true. Believe it.

Like truth matters to these people.

In the mid 1800's, the KKK was the terrorist arm of the dimocrap party. Lynching Republicans all through the South was their primary mission. The fact that Blacks in those days were somewhere around 99.99% Republlican is why they were lynched.

In the 1900's, dimocraps have used Unions as their terrorist arm until they were supplanted by the Peaceniks of the 60's and 70's.

Now, it's the Occupy (bowel) Movement (100% Elizabeth Warren) and the victim's groups.

dimocraps are what they are people.

They aren't ever going to change. Believe it.

They run out of one way to terrorize and frighten people..... They'll just find another
But after the release of a Department of Justice review, Sullivan apologized. “In the heat of a very hot news moment last summer, I criticized a Times story about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo,” Sullivan writes. “Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I want to acknowledge that I misjudged an important element of that story.”

As much injustice as there is in the justice department and the whole judicial system, it amazes me that anyone would accept their review as gospel. The last ones that I'd trust or accept "facts ?" from is any government agency.
But after the release of a Department of Justice review, Sullivan apologized. “In the heat of a very hot news moment last summer, I criticized a Times story about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo,” Sullivan writes. “Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I want to acknowledge that I misjudged an important element of that story.”

As much injustice as there is in the justice department and the whole judicial system, it amazes me that anyone would accept their review as gospel. The last ones that I'd trust or accept "facts ?" from is any government agency.

Unless it vindicates your POV
But after the release of a Department of Justice review, Sullivan apologized. “In the heat of a very hot news moment last summer, I criticized a Times story about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo,” Sullivan writes. “Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I want to acknowledge that I misjudged an important element of that story.”

As much injustice as there is in the justice department and the whole judicial system, it amazes me that anyone would accept their review as gospel. The last ones that I'd trust or accept "facts ?" from is any government agency.

Unless it vindicates your POV
Not so. I question everything. I don't accept what they say as being gospel.
If anyone anywhere says there's no bias in the mainstream media they're lying.

More likely those that say there is no "bias", are LIPs and are totally unaware of facts like these:

A sweeping study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans. Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors, Their conclusion: "The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Smooch Study of 130 213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

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