
This is stuff I learned when a young student, decades ago. Sadly, elements within the Department of Education and teachers union, didn't like the facts, so they just stop teaching it.
IM2 is just a victim of hearing repeated lies over and over and over, et cetera, until he believes them.
Does IM2 also disregard Thomas Sowell and Carol Swain?

Why shouldn't I?

Owens dropped out of college. I have degrees. Why should I listen to her factless babble?

You have not heard anyone say that slavery was invented by whites. But slavery in America was a white controlled institution. Whoever owned who in 25 BC is irrelevant. Then there is that 100 years of Apartheid that came after slavery and now we are in year 59 of laissez faire racism.

So listening to black idiots will only make you dumber.

Why shouldn't I?

Owens dropped out of college. I have degrees. Why should I listen to her factless babble?

You have not heard anyone say that slavery was invented by whites. But slavery in America was a white controlled institution. Whoever owned who in 25 BC is irrelevant. Then there is that 100 years of Apartheid that came after slavery and now we are in year 59 of laissez faire racism.

So listening to black idiots will only make you dumber.
Not denying any of that, although, I do keep in mind that it was Africans that raided weaker tribes and sold the ones they captured into slavery.
Topic aside, how ya doing?
Not denying any of that, although, I do keep in mind that it was Africans that raided weaker tribes and sold the ones they captured into slavery.
Topic aside, how ya doing?
Not exactly how it happened. But I'm doing fine.

And yourself?

Which Country Ended Slavery First?

Global protests in support of Black Lives Matter have systematically exposed the legacies of slavery and colonialism today.

This has put many on the defensive. White people are quick to tout stories of abolition, emphasizing the path bravely forged by imperial powers like Britain and France. They diminish the realities and consequences of slavery and colonialism by demanding gratitude for ending the same violent systems they had previously implemented.

These narratives are historically inaccurate. Neither the French nor the British were the first to abolish slavery. That honor instead goes to Haiti, the first nation to permanently ban slavery and the slave trade from the first day of its existence. The bold acts of Haitians to overthrow slavery and colonialism reverberated around the world, forcing slaveholding nations like Britain and France to come face to face with the contradictions of their own “enlightenment.” Many would now like to forget this reckoning.

In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as First Consul of France and became determined to rein in the growing autonomy of Saint Domingue under the revolutionary leader and colonial governor Toussaint L'Ouverture, who published the 1801 colonial constitution that “forever abolished” slavery.

Bonaparte’s return to colonial order included slavery and, in 1802, he reinstated slavery in France’s other Caribbean colonies. But the rumors that France would reinstitute slavery in Saint Domingue sparked the war for Haitian independence in October 1802.

Just over a year later and under the slogan “Freedom or Death,” Jean-Jacques Dessalines led the revolutionary army to victory. On Jan. 1, 1804, Dessalines declared Haitian independence.

Like I said, listening to black idiots will only make you dumber.
You ever wonder why Coondace Owens only shows up on right wing TV and radio shows, she won't bring her boot licking ass on a show will the host will challenge that garbage she is spewing. It's easy to crush that boot licking, sell out.
mmm .. I'm thinking she kicked the asses of most left wing hosts on the topic so they're actually too cowardly to invite her on unless she's outnumber by several loud mouthed and ignorant left wing pricks.
mmm .. I'm thinking she kicked the asses of most left wing hosts on the topic so they're actually too cowardly to invite her on unless she's outnumber by several loud mouthed and ignorant left wing pricks.
I didn't post this to start a political debate. It's just an interesting history lesson.

Which Country Ended Slavery First? Haiti.

Global protests in support of Black Lives Matter have systematically exposed the legacies of slavery and colonialism today.

This has put many on the defensive. White people are quick to tout stories of abolition, emphasizing the path bravely forged by imperial powers like Britain and France. They diminish the realities and consequences of slavery and colonialism by demanding gratitude for ending the same violent systems they had previously implemented.

These narratives are historically inaccurate. Neither the French nor the British were the first to abolish slavery. That honor instead goes to Haiti, the first nation to permanently ban slavery and the slave trade from the first day of its existence. The bold acts of Haitians to overthrow slavery and colonialism reverberated around the world, forcing slaveholding nations like Britain and France to come face to face with the contradictions of their own “enlightenment.” Many would now like to forget this reckoning.

In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as First Consul of France and became determined to rein in the growing autonomy of Saint Domingue under the revolutionary leader and colonial governor Toussaint L'Ouverture, who published the 1801 colonial constitution that “forever abolished” slavery.

Bonaparte’s return to colonial order included slavery and, in 1802, he reinstated slavery in France’s other Caribbean colonies. But the rumors that France would reinstitute slavery in Saint Domingue sparked the war for Haitian independence in October 1802.

Just over a year later and under the slogan “Freedom or Death,” Jean-Jacques Dessalines led the revolutionary army to victory. On Jan. 1, 1804, Dessalines declared Haitian independence.

Like I said, listening to black idiots will only make you dumber.
Just saw the movie "The Sound of Freedom" about today's slave trade. Slavery today is children being sold as sex slaves. Enabled by Biden's open borders.
There are more children slaves today than there ever were "slaves" in the past, so claims the movie script at the end.
So who should pay reparations to today's sex slaves?
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