Slavery in France. Protests against COVID-1984 slave brandings aka 'health pass'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Who is so-called 'president' of France. A good-for-nothing sexual deviant liar and Rotschild's tampon. He has created nothing in his empty life before, now he has the # 1 place in the France history as the biggest mass-murder and killer of freedom.
What are Scamdemic 'passes' in reality? The Slave brand-marks, France gonna to slavery now. Rothschild, Freemasons, Satanists, Gates, Schwab & Co are allowed to do with branded slaves anything as they please now.
Humanity must understand satanists who invented the Scamdemic - 1984 want to eliminate more as 90% by deadly 'jab' and the rest to enslave.
Satanists aka communists aka democrats aka socialists aka progressive aka human right activists etc. hate humans, they serve Satan and fulfill any his desire.
Hopefully France will stand-up and send the perverse insane traitor and his corrupted gang of satanists ( together with their masters ) to the tribunal.

PARIS, July 14 (Reuters) - Police in Paris clashed with protesters railing against President Emmanuel Macron's plan to require a COVID-19 vaccine certificate or negative PCR test to gain entry to bars, restaurants and cinemas from next month.
Macron this week announced sweeping measures to fight a rapid surge in new coronavirus infections, including the mandatory vaccination of health workers and new health pass rules for the wider public.
In doing so, he went further than most other European nations have done as the highly contagious Delta variant fans a new wave of cases, and other governments are watching carefully to see how the French public responds




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