Skip Gates & The Cambridge Police: Town & Gown

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
If you don't know what I am taliking about you have just proven your ignorance.

Skip Gates (whos' home I;ve been in -- delivering and setting up xmas trees) see's things through a prism of his experience as does the hack Police Officer (family Cambridge cops and Middlesex Sherrifs?).

I have more thana few stories about the Cambridge Police and their mindset--such as the time an Officer there made comments about Hispanics and pepper spray.
Why are you starting a new thread when there are already three or more?
I shouldn't encourage you to be so mani -like as to require all your own self started threads for every topic, however ...

Your title, Town and Gown, is quite appropriate. This has more to do with class than race.

Cops get called names all the time. I don't think this cop was acting in a racist manner but he probably didn't appreciate being accused of being one by an uppity nigra.

There have always been clashes between local people and Harvard.
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There has been quite a bit of discussion recently concerning the arrest of Professor Henry Gates, Officer Crowley's racial views, and the President's uninformed characterization of Officer Crowler doring his news conference last night. In an effort to facilitate more informed debate on the subject, I thought it would be helpful if we all took a couple of minutes and read the police report...

Courtesy of The Smoking Gun:




Admittedly this is Officer Crowley's version of the events in question, but until now, I am pretty sure we have only really heard Prfessor Gates' side of the story.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report
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Here is what appears to be a well educated negro and still hung up on "why because Im black"
Magic negro in the white house and they still aren't happy ... they never will be.
I say we drop all the race shit and just move on you are who you are and you get where you are by your own actions!
Here is what appears to be a well educated negro and still hung up on "why because Im black"
Magic negro in the white house and they still aren't happy ... they never will be.
I say we drop all the race shit and just move on you are who you are and you get where you are by your own actions!

But if we move on, the good professor would be out of a job.
It appears to me he should be!!

me too, and I'm guessing he saw the writing on the wall, which may be why he pushed the officer into arresting him. Now he's got his case, he's making plans on the documentary, etc...and he's back in the saddle again.
I shouldn't encourage you to be so mani -like as to require all your own self started threads for every topic, however ...

Your title, Town and Gown, is quite appropriate. This has more to do with class than race.

Cops get called names all the time. I don't think this cop was acting in a racist manner but he probably didn't appreciate being accused of being one by an uppity nigra.

There have always been clashes between local people and Harvard.

Skip obviously went postal...and some whites see a blac man going postal as a man going ghetto. I do not believe the Cambridge officer is racist as much as he is a townie thug into power. How many times I've fear being arrested because a cop was having a bad hair day.

It's worse in California. In LB or LA Gates would've most likely been shot.
Obama has already taken sides despite the fact that he has admitted he doesn't have all the facts, and has expressed today that he has 'no regrets' for what he said. Thank goodness he's not in a position of power. Oh wait.
I shouldn't encourage you to be so mani -like as to require all your own self started threads for every topic, however ...

Your title, Town and Gown, is quite appropriate. This has more to do with class than race.

Cops get called names all the time. I don't think this cop was acting in a racist manner but he probably didn't appreciate being accused of being one by an uppity nigra.

There have always been clashes between local people and Harvard.

Skip obviously went postal...and some whites see a blac man going postal as a man going ghetto. I do not believe the Cambridge officer is racist as much as he is a townie thug into power. How many times I've fear being arrested because a cop was having a bad hair day.

It's worse in California. In LB or LA Gates would've most likely been shot.

"a bad hair day" LOL!
Have any of you idiots ever been on Ware St.? hahahahaha, I think the cop is exaggerating things in order to justify a charge. Ware St. might as well be student housing. Gates used to live on the other side of the campus with his wife, behind Julia Child's house. That might as well be Staff housing. I bet the cops would've had a different attitude had Skip been at his old home. I would bet much on this...having lived down teh street and witnessing how class determines a Police Depts policies
I shouldn't encourage you to be so mani -like as to require all your own self started threads for every topic, however ...

Your title, Town and Gown, is quite appropriate. This has more to do with class than race.

Cops get called names all the time. I don't think this cop was acting in a racist manner but he probably didn't appreciate being accused of being one by an uppity nigra.

There have always been clashes between local people and Harvard.

Skip obviously went postal...and some whites see a blac man going postal as a man going ghetto. I do not believe the Cambridge officer is racist as much as he is a townie thug into power. How many times I've fear being arrested because a cop was having a bad hair day.

It's worse in California. In LB or LA Gates would've most likely been shot.

"a bad hair day" LOL!

I get into confrontations on hot and humid days, what can I say?
I didn't even know you was a maude. congrats, I guess.

about 8 months late there jackass. :cool:

shows how much I give a fuk, but as I said earlier...congrats. :eusa_whistle:

Actually it shows how retarded you are, since I have infracted you on a couple of occasions. The retarded part is that you think people will actually believe that you didn't know that I am a moderator on ths board.

Epic fail on your part.
about 8 months late there jackass. :cool:

shows how much I give a fuk, but as I said earlier...congrats. :eusa_whistle:

Actually it shows how retarded you are, since I have infracted you on a couple of occasions. The retarded part is that you think people will actually believe that you didn't know that I am a moderator on ths board.

Epic fail on your part.

the funniest part is you think I give a shit about an infraction in the same way most weaklings do. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was unaware or forget if I ever received an infraction. but I guess I'll just have to take your ---ahem--- word for IT, eh?

that said, congrats
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