Sioux leader to Trump "and take your Swamp Things with you"....

Seems not everyone is thinking Trump's "Pocahontas" comment was funny or in good taste. There is a Sioux leader who is speaking out about Trump's comments when he had the Navajo over to the awards ceremony.

17.11.29 Sioux Leader To Trump: 'Leave The Office You Bought And Take Your Swamp Things With You'

Harold Frazier, chairman of the South Dakota-based tribe, said he was “deeply ashamed” of Trump’s “disgusting” treatment of the World War II veterans and appeared to suggest that the president should resign.

“The President of the United States had an opportunity to honor veterans and bridge gaps in the relationship Tribes have with the Federal government,” Frazier said in a statement sent to HuffPost. “Instead, he chose to disgrace himself, his position and the nation he represents.”

Frazier continued, “The President of the United States wanted to utilize an opportunity to honor native warriors who defended this land to make a political attack. I have one for him, leave the office you bought and take your swamp things with you.”
Pocahontas is a name not a slur and it's not even a Sioux name and the Sioux already oppose Frump because of his support for the Dakota Pipeline which they vehemently oppose so it's not surprising they would find something to attack him over. Their response is to be expected from a purely political standpoint.

Depends on how you use the name Ringle.

Gomer is a name, and I have actually known a person named Gomer. However, if your name is not Gomer, and you've done something stupid and I call you Gomer, then it is no longer a "name" and now it's an insult.

Same thing for when people say "way to go Einstein" when someone does something stupid. They aren't insulting Einstein, and they aren't using his name properly. They are using the name as an insult.

See the difference? Calling Warren "Pocahontas" isn't calling her by her name, it is using that name as an insult against Warren.
It's used as an insult because of her claim (so far unsubstantiated) that she's part Injun, less than 1% and directed only at her. Hell I'm about 1/3rd Ojibwa and that's stretching my Injun status according to some but legally I'm considered Native American even though I don't use that status for anything legal or otherwise.
There are even Dems in the halls of congress which used (as an aside) that nom de guerre in reference to Warren as an inauthentic phony. What's happening now is pure politics, nothing more, nothing less.
The ceremony in which the treasonous fat senile old orange clown made that reference in branded it as particularly inappropriate. And as far as Warren's stating that family verbal history claims that there is Native American blood, that is almost certainly true. Whether the verbal history is correct or not, would be something a DNA test could determine.
Tough shit.

They're scraelings, they got conquered. Suck it up.

Same thing for those confederate flag wavers right? You got beat in a war so your entire culture needs to be marginalized and oppressed now right?

Or does it not apply to people the left hates? Tear down some statues, build monuments to others?
Dumb fuck, the scraelings survived, and likely finished off the last of the Vikings in Greenland.
Are you putting all Indians in the same teepee?

Actually, no. I am simply responding to others who said that no Native Americans would have troubles with Trump's comments, because they were more pissed at Elizabeth Warren.

If they are FOX viewers, that might be true, but not all Native Americans think Trump's comment was okay. tell you the truth, there are a lot of others out there who are pissed that Trump authorized Keystone XL, and now it's leaking.

Who ever said no Natives would be upset? Surely there are some snowflakes in the Native American community. You certainly found one.
Most of the Native American community despise the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. They are a warrior people, and the fact that the clown used a fake medical excuse to avoid serving his nation brands him as someone that should be relegated to sitting with the women.
Are you putting all Indians in the same teepee?

Actually, no. I am simply responding to others who said that no Native Americans would have troubles with Trump's comments, because they were more pissed at Elizabeth Warren.

If they are FOX viewers, that might be true, but not all Native Americans think Trump's comment was okay. tell you the truth, there are a lot of others out there who are pissed that Trump authorized Keystone XL, and now it's leaking.

OK, you found one. Now, how about the rest?
Are you putting all Indians in the same teepee?

Actually, no. I am simply responding to others who said that no Native Americans would have troubles with Trump's comments, because they were more pissed at Elizabeth Warren.

If they are FOX viewers, that might be true, but not all Native Americans think Trump's comment was okay. tell you the truth, there are a lot of others out there who are pissed that Trump authorized Keystone XL, and now it's leaking.

Keystone XL isn't leaking. The Keystone pipeline did.

Why bother giving titless WAVE facts? He'll just screw them up and tell you that you are lying!
They're scraelings,

They're called Sleestaks

Are you putting all Indians in the same teepee?
My peoples lived in wigwams not teepees...... :eusa_whistle:

Interestingly enough Ringel, did you know that it was the woman who was responsible for setting up, taking down, and transporting the teepee? And, because she was the one who did all the work with setting up and upkeep, if a couple ever split, the woman was the one who kept the teepee and it was the male who had to go find someplace to live.

Learned that at a rest stop outside of Walsenberg CO.

You shouldn't take everything you read on a bathroom stall to be the Gospel!

Otherwise, you'll be sitting there for hours making phone calls to set up a gay rendezvous! :D
Seems not everyone is thinking Trump's "Pocahontas" comment was funny or in good taste. There is a Sioux leader who is speaking out about Trump's comments when he had the Navajo over to the awards ceremony.

17.11.29 Sioux Leader To Trump: 'Leave The Office You Bought And Take Your Swamp Things With You'

Harold Frazier, chairman of the South Dakota-based tribe, said he was “deeply ashamed” of Trump’s “disgusting” treatment of the World War II veterans and appeared to suggest that the president should resign.

“The President of the United States had an opportunity to honor veterans and bridge gaps in the relationship Tribes have with the Federal government,” Frazier said in a statement sent to HuffPost. “Instead, he chose to disgrace himself, his position and the nation he represents.”

Frazier continued, “The President of the United States wanted to utilize an opportunity to honor native warriors who defended this land to make a political attack. I have one for him, leave the office you bought and take your swamp things with you.”
Pocahontas is a name not a slur and it's not even a Sioux name and the Sioux already oppose Frump because of his support for the Dakota Pipeline which they vehemently oppose so it's not surprising they would find something to attack him over. Their response is to be expected from a purely political standpoint.

Depends on how you use the name Ringle.

Gomer is a name, and I have actually known a person named Gomer. However, if your name is not Gomer, and you've done something stupid and I call you Gomer, then it is no longer a "name" and now it's an insult.

Same thing for when people say "way to go Einstein" when someone does something stupid. They aren't insulting Einstein, and they aren't using his name properly. They are using the name as an insult.

See the difference? Calling Warren "Pocahontas" isn't calling her by her name, it is using that name as an insult against Warren.

It sarcasm, dumb ass!

It's like my calling you a titless WAVE. It means no disrespect to women, but your rating is not known to be a very manly occupation, with only yeoman between you and raging homosexuality!
And as far as Warren's stating that family verbal history claims that there is Native American blood, that is almost certainly true. Whether the verbal history is correct or not, would be something a DNA test could determine.
I have no problem with Warren, at all. Imo, she has boatload more character and intelligence than trump could even dream of having.

Families always have stories of their history and lineage. Righties always take small things and blow them all out of proportion in order to attack their imagined "enemies". And, anyone who doesn't think exactly as they do is considered an enemy. It must be sad to be them.
Seems not everyone is thinking Trump's "Pocahontas" comment was funny or in good taste. There is a Sioux leader who is speaking out about Trump's comments when he had the Navajo over to the awards ceremony.

17.11.29 Sioux Leader To Trump: 'Leave The Office You Bought And Take Your Swamp Things With You'

Harold Frazier, chairman of the South Dakota-based tribe, said he was “deeply ashamed” of Trump’s “disgusting” treatment of the World War II veterans and appeared to suggest that the president should resign.

“The President of the United States had an opportunity to honor veterans and bridge gaps in the relationship Tribes have with the Federal government,” Frazier said in a statement sent to HuffPost. “Instead, he chose to disgrace himself, his position and the nation he represents.”

Frazier continued, “The President of the United States wanted to utilize an opportunity to honor native warriors who defended this land to make a political attack. I have one for him, leave the office you bought and take your swamp things with you.”

Damn. There goes another four votes.
Are you putting all Indians in the same teepee?
My peoples lived in wigwams not teepees...... :eusa_whistle:

Interestingly enough Ringel, did you know that it was the woman who was responsible for setting up, taking down, and transporting the teepee? And, because she was the one who did all the work with setting up and upkeep, if a couple ever split, the woman was the one who kept the teepee and it was the male who had to go find someplace to live.

Learned that at a rest stop outside of Walsenberg CO.

You shouldn't take everything you read on a bathroom stall to be the Gospel!

Otherwise, you'll be sitting there for hours making phone calls to set up a gay rendezvous! :D

Actually, because the rest stop was in a historic area, there were little plaques and the like all over the place showing where the battle was, what kind of plants and animals were native to the area, as well as lots of other little factoids like what I posted about the teepees.

But, I can see you are still your basic insulting asshole self, so I will go back to not responding to your trolling.

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