Single payer socialist: Healthcare slavery if health liberty rejected


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Elizabeth Warren is salivating over a complete government takeover of health care — single payer. And it WILL happen unless Trump & GOP make healthcare affordable by using free markets.

Single Payer Socialist Healthcare Slavery, If Health Liberty Rejected


This dippy moron who claims herself to be an Indian MMmm k.
we had a so called free market BEFORE Obamacare and millions went without insurance and with insurance we had record bankruptcies and we had health care insurance prices going up double digit in price each year the previous decade, with less and less coverage.

Yes the prices went up with OCare, but AT LEAST we GOT MORE for the price with preexisting condition coverage, with no cap limits so less individual bankruptcies, with covering children longer, with measures to increase care, etc etc etc.... and yes, OCare still needed a lot more work done to it to make it more affordable....

BTW, there is no free market in health care....there never was....the government is involved up to its EYEBALLS! VA care, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Military health care like Tricare, Military medical coverage, tax write offs for employers giving a health care benefit, CHIPS- child healthcare coverage, all govt worker coverage, funding medical schools, funding research and development, preventing the negotiation on PHARMA prices, health savings accounts, tax deductions for the individual etc etc etc etc goes on, forever and a day!

THIS IS WHY IT IS SIMPLY BULL CRAP this line that conservatives want a FREE MARKET to bring prices down....

THERE IS NO FREE MARKET, WITH OR WITHOUT obamacare....our government has been totally involved manipulating the market, for a century! :eek:

Just think about it....
T now tweeted he want to repeal the ACA and not replace it. All about the tax break for the elites.

Whoever voted T , are going to be sorry.

Elizabeth Warren is salivating over a complete government takeover of health care — single payer. And it WILL happen unless Trump & GOP make healthcare affordable by using free markets.

Why would they do that?
Health care cost rose after the government and insurance company's took over the paying of bills. $45 band aids became common just like $1200 hammers in the military.

I would like to see both the government and Ins companies totally out of the business of paying medical bills.

Create health insurance saving accounts and open up competition and let the patient pay the bills and choose their doctor. The Government could infuse these accounts with cash annually and as needed per individual and their health care needs. The government would still be helping but the patient would be in the drivers seat. No more middle man. let the Ins company’s stick to auto and home.
Health care cost rose after the government and insurance company's took over the paying of bills. $45 band aids became common just like $1200 hammers in the military.

I would like to see both the government and Ins companies totally out of the business of paying medical bills.

Create health insurance saving accounts and open up competition and let the patient pay the bills and choose their doctor. The Government could infuse these accounts with cash annually and as needed per individual and their health care needs. The government would still be helping but the patient would be in the drivers seat. No more middle man. let the Ins company’s stick to auto and home.

Or let them go back to selling actual insurance, rather than pyramid scams. Catastrophic insurance is a reasonable thing. But we're trying to use insurance as a means of financing routine health care. That's just idiotic. Not only does it entail unnecessary overhead, it breaks the market by perverting consumer incentives.

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