Silk using Diamond's death to make even more money.

Simply untrue

Baker listed in his autopsy that Floyd's death was the result of a “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” Other significant conditions were listed as “arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease; fentanyl intoxication; recent methamphetamine use.”
A federal evaluation performed by the Office of the Armed Forces medical examiner agreed with Baker’s findings that Floyd’s heart stopped while cops were restraining him.

“His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication,” officials from the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner wrote. “The subdual and restraint had elements of positional and mechanical asphyxiation. … We concur with the reported manner of death of homicide.”
Fentanyl overdose. Period.
Using her death to push a political viewpoint is worthy of some of that as well, innit? Disgusting, cheap shot.
Check out Jim Breuer and his comedy routine.
It's a real hoot.

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