Showtime's "The World According To Dick Cheney"

Have you guys seen this?

It premiered Friday night on Showtime.

Quite an interesting bit of 2-hours of recent history.

Cheney hasn't changed one bit, he's actually proud of what he's done, or what he THINK'S he's done.

The man simply isn't living in reality. He has his own set of facts, although he lies through his teeth about most things of consequence, namely the precedings to the Iraqi War, he actually believes his lies...which makes him the dangerous S.O.B. that he is.

Here's a trailor of it:

The World According To Dick Cheney Trailer - YouTube

I highly recommend you guys watch it.

For those who have, what's your thoughts?

I doint think I could take that much more dicky.

He is a sociopath nad knows exactly what he did.

He will just lie about anything no matter how clear the real facts are.

He is the father of the modern reopublican party.

Now lie is too obvios for them.

They will Lie straight into the face of facts and feel NOTHING.

sociopathic assholes
Bias is a part of life. Whining about it is childlike.

What interests aware folks are the ways people manage bias.

Given that significant numbers of humans view draft dodging war profiteering NeoCon lowlife cocksucker MicroDick Sheenie as a, well, no other way to say it, "villain", why do you suppose these people promote such an obvious moral degenerate and anti-American scum to the level of "villain"?

Are these people themselves mental defectives, or Mary Poppins types, or what?

^ what you lack in coherency you make up for with indecipherability.
I saw about half of it last night. It portrays Dick Cheney as the all powerful mind controller. I am sure Cheney was pouring the Kool-Aid, but why was everyone drinking it up? I remember Britain's Tony Blair selling the WMD's harder than President Bush & V.P. Cheney. Bush/Cheney built a huge coalition of countries, had the backing of both parties in congress & the majority of US citizens.
I saw about half of it last night. It portrays Dick Cheney as the all powerful mind controller. I am sure Cheney was pouring the Kool-Aid, but why was everyone drinking it up? I remember Britain's Tony Blair selling the WMD's harder than President Bush & V.P. Cheney. Bush/Cheney built a huge coalition of countries, had the backing of both parties in congress & the majority of US citizens.

rumor has it that it was he

who gave bush the evil weather machine

and back home

buried behind his run down barn

is where he hides his bag

of human teeth

Britain has their MI6 intelligence & their Prime-minister Tony Blair was telling the same story as our President Bush & V.P. Dick Cheney.

[ame=""]Tony Blair WMD's[/ame]
Without ever planning to watch another word about one of the most despicable degenerates in US history, descriptions above make Sheenie's weaseling seem a little bit more honest that MacNamara's in "the fog of war".

I sat through that. It was a long night.
Have you guys seen this?

It premiered Friday night on Showtime.

Quite an interesting bit of 2-hours of recent history.

Cheney hasn't changed one bit, he's actually proud of what he's done, or what he THINK'S he's done.

The man simply isn't living in reality. He has his own set of facts, although he lies through his teeth about most things of consequence, namely the precedings to the Iraqi War, he actually believes his lies...which makes him the dangerous S.O.B. that he is.

Here's a trailor of it:

The World According To Dick Cheney Trailer - YouTube

I highly recommend you guys watch it.

For those who have, what's your thoughts?

I thought it was boring. Cheney is so full of himself and his pov, his stance in the documentary is one of justification for anything and everything he's ever had a hand in. Why would anyone want to hear from that slug again? Is he planning to run for something? I wouldn't be surprised.
Yeah, I have absolute confidence that Cheney is and always has been a very sincere selfish prick.
Without ever planning to watch another word about one of the most despicable degenerates in US history, descriptions above make Sheenie's weaseling seem a little bit more honest that MacNamara's in "the fog of war".

I sat through that. It was a long night.

I saw Fog of War over 10 years ago, unlike Dick Cheney, MacNamara at LEAST had some decency in him enough for it to be his public deathbed confession.

I think I'll watch it again.

Seems that Republicans never learn.
Britain has their MI6 intelligence & their Prime-minister Tony Blair was telling the same story as our President Bush & V.P. Dick Cheney.

Tony Blair WMD's

Tony Blair was Bush's personal Brit Boy-Toy, he swallowed everything Bush spewed down his throat.

This is well-known, and well-documented. There's even a movie about it.

No one sold the war more than Bush and his NeoCons.
We get it, you don't like Cheney. I wonder who is next on MarcATL's hit list of politicians who are no longer relevant? Maybe Dan Quayle...
We get it, you don't like Cheney. I wonder who is next on MarcATL's hit list of politicians who are no longer relevant? Maybe Dan Quayle...
How I feel about Dick Cheney has nothing to do with anything.

What matters is are the facts on the table, that is what did Cheney do during his time in The Bush Administration.

What facts do you have a problem with sir?

Spell them out of you will.

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