SHOWDOWN: Senate Dems Join Rand Paul To Oppose Saudi Arms Deal...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
WTG Rand! I'm still a little skeptical of the Democrat support he's getting though. I suspect most are only opposing it, because Trump supports it. I'll try to give them the benefit of the doubt though. But regardless, it's time to seriously reassess our close relationship with Saudi Arabia. It's an evil nation. I'm actually ashamed my Government considers it a 'Good Friend.'

Senate Democratic leaders are joining forces with Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky to oppose a small portion of President Donald Trump's arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Monday he was supporting a resolution offered by Paul and Democratic Sens. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Al Franken of Minnesota to block the sale of $510 million of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia.

Paul and Murphy are expected to force a vote on their resolution -- which is possible under Senate rules for arms sales -- as early as Tuesday, according to Senate aides.

"I will support Senator Murphy's resolution of disapproval," Schumer said in a statement. "The human rights and humanitarian concerns have been well documented and are important: of equal concern to me is that the Saudi government continues to aid and abet terrorism via its relationship with Wahhabism and the funding of schools that spread extremist propaganda throughout the world."...

Senate Democrats join with Rand Paul to oppose Saudi arms sale -
Rand Paul is right on this. Fuck Saudi Arabia and their fascist religious shithole.

Yeah, it's an evil nation for sure. You would think after knowing it funded & armed ISIS in Syria, our Government would have changed course with the relationship. And not just that, but most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. And our Government knows prominent Saudis funded the attack. Saudi Wahhabi Sunni teachings is the foundation of all brutal Sunni Terrorist Orgs in the world. It is time to seriously reassess the relationship.
When will Americans get it? It's Saudi Wahhabi Teachings that are killing them.

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