Showdown at UC Berkeley, the 1st amendment graveyard


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Today Violent clashes are expected after leftists shutdown another conservative speaker from attending an event. UC Berkeley is now a graveyard for the 1st Amendment but free speech activist are traveling by party buses to go stand up and fight for what this nation was founded on.

SHOWDOWN At UC Berkeley. The 1st Amendment Graveyard

The rabid dogs in action. These are the most disgusting pos losers of society. These communist FKS needs to be sent to N. Korea never to return.
Today Violent clashes are expected after leftists shutdown another conservative speaker from attending an event. UC Berkeley is now a graveyard for the 1st Amendment but free speech activist are traveling by party buses to go stand up and fight for what this nation was founded on.

SHOWDOWN At UC Berkeley. The 1st Amendment Graveyard

The rabid dogs in action. These are the most disgusting pos losers of society. These communist FKS needs to be sent to N. Korea never to return.
Incredible our phd posters. Prefer to spew the pill popping rush?
Weird my 23 yr old Neice got an engineering degree and started at $90k
Communist FKS? Education level? Haven't been banned yet for pathetic 2 nd grade insults?
Did you start at 90k at 23 ?
Have you started a $150mm business?
Do tell, rabid dogs indeed. Ever been wothin 500 miles of a college campus mr mind wars? (or is it info wars, hilarious, keep up the erudite comments) my oz friends rely on the hilarity and paranoia
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Today Violent clashes are expected after leftists shutdown another conservative speaker from attending an event. UC Berkeley is now a graveyard for the 1st Amendment but free speech activist are traveling by party buses to go stand up and fight for what this nation was founded on.

SHOWDOWN At UC Berkeley. The 1st Amendment Graveyard

The rabid dogs in action. These are the most disgusting pos losers of society. These communist FKS needs to be sent to N. Korea never to return.
Incredible our phd posters. Prefer to spew the pill popping rush?
Weird my 23 yr old Neice got an engineering degree and started at $90k
Communist FKS? Education level? Haven't been banned yet for pathetic 2 nd grade insults?
Did you start at 90k at 23 ?
Have you started a $150mm business?
Do tell, rabid dogs indeed. Ever been wothin 500 miles of a college campus mr mind wars? (or is it info wars, hilarious, keep up the erudite comments) my oz friends rely on the hilarity and paranoia

Feels good to be scammed doesn't it. :clap2:
Interesting how people have to insult
pos, rabid dogs, communist FKS?
And I get warned for asking for their education level?
The truth may hurt.
Once again, the left proves they are the ones most guilty of what they propose to be "outraged" about.
You can still enrol for a science degree mind wars.
Interesting science place actually. You should try it. University science Ed is quite useful actually.
Im sure they would welcome you
Interesting how you can read the mind of the lefties.
Most I know are filthy rich, will do better under Don and don't give a damn about these "riots"
Too busy making money
Today Violent clashes are expected after leftists shutdown another conservative speaker from attending an event. UC Berkeley is now a graveyard for the 1st Amendment but free speech activist are traveling by party buses to go stand up and fight for what this nation was founded on.

SHOWDOWN At UC Berkeley. The 1st Amendment Graveyard

The rabid dogs in action. These are the most disgusting pos losers of society. These communist FKS needs to be sent to N. Korea never to return.
Incredible our phd posters. Prefer to spew the pill popping rush?
Weird my 23 yr old Neice got an engineering degree and started at $90k
Communist FKS? Education level? Haven't been banned yet for pathetic 2 nd grade insults?
Did you start at 90k at 23 ?
Have you started a $150mm business?
Do tell, rabid dogs indeed. Ever been wothin 500 miles of a college campus mr mind wars? (or is it info wars, hilarious, keep up the erudite comments) my oz friends rely on the hilarity and paranoia

So, you're making the point that high salaries prove that berkeley grads are not losers, but you don't challenge the claim that they are pieces of shit, or disgusting or rabid dogs or communists.

I think you raise a valid point. It is sad that being a rabid dog disgusting piece of shit communist doesn't hurt your career prospects in this day and age, but there you have it.

Not all of them are "losers". If you judge people by their wages.
You can still enrol for a science degree mind wars.
Interesting science place actually. You should try it. University science Ed is quite useful actually.
Im sure they would welcome you

5 Reasons You Should Stop Feeling Guilty Over Your ‘Useless’ Degree
We've all been there.

A recent trend I've noticed in my circle of friends is they feel so damn guilty over their degrees, whether they’ve paid for college themselves, or their tuition payments came from the bank of Mom and Dad.

I've heard everything from, “I spent four years getting this degree, so I should use it” to, “My parents would be so upset.” I’ve even heard, “I don't have a choice.”

I get it; I really do.

In the last three years since I graduated from college, I've used my accumulated knowledge approximately zero times.

But I also wonder, why do we feel this shame?

Education is a privilege, not a life sentence.

Guilt is not a feeling you should associate with your education.

I fully believe you can be anything and do anything you want to.

You are a dynamic, ever-changing individual who — thanks to the generations that came before us — doesn't have to believe in limits.

Here are five reasons I believe we should lose the guilt over our college degrees:

1. It was only four years of your life.
I don't know the real reason you pursued the degree you have.

It could have been because of pressure from your parents, an interest that has since faded or a romanticized naïvety for jobs that no longer exist.

In any case, it was only four(ish) years.

In the grand scheme of things, dedicating four years to something is barely a blip on the map.

In 50 years, it will hardly register on your radar.

What made you happy at the beginning of your college experience doesn't have to make you happy now.

5 Reasons You Should Stop Feeling Guilty Over Your 'Useless' Degree
Interesting how you can read the mind of the lefties.
Most I know are filthy rich, will do better under Don and don't give a damn about these "riots"
Too busy making money

It's interesting to see how pathetically dumbed down you are. Keep going. The more you open that mouth the more hard core proof you give. For the world to see. :blahblah:
Interesting how you can read the mind of the lefties.
Most I know are filthy rich, will do better under Don and don't give a damn about these "riots"
Too busy making money
Filthy rich and yet they are driving around in cheap Prius' with "Hillary -->" bumper stickers on them, just so they don't get stoned to death by their other liberal friends. :lmao:
Today Violent clashes are expected after leftists shutdown another conservative speaker from attending an event. UC Berkeley is now a graveyard for the 1st Amendment but free speech activist are traveling by party buses to go stand up and fight for what this nation was founded on.

SHOWDOWN At UC Berkeley. The 1st Amendment Graveyard

The rabid dogs in action. These are the most disgusting pos losers of society. These communist FKS needs to be sent to N. Korea never to return.
Incredible our phd posters. Prefer to spew the pill popping rush?
Weird my 23 yr old Neice got an engineering degree and started at $90k
Communist FKS? Education level? Haven't been banned yet for pathetic 2 nd grade insults?
Did you start at 90k at 23 ?
Have you started a $150mm business?
Do tell, rabid dogs indeed. Ever been wothin 500 miles of a college campus mr mind wars? (or is it info wars, hilarious, keep up the erudite comments) my oz friends rely on the hilarity and paranoia

So, you're making the point that high salaries prove that berkeley grads are not losers, but you don't challenge the claim that they are pieces of shit, or disgusting or rabid dogs or communists.

I think you raise a valid point. It is sad that being a rabid dog disgusting piece of shit communist doesn't hurt your career prospects in this day and age, but there you have it.

Not all of them are "losers". If you judge people by their wages.
Like the Sunnis and Shiites, Left and Right Preppies Are Both Our Enemies

They wind up in the same earnings percentile their Daddies were in; so the data about income don't tell whether it was deserved or set up by an "educational" credential only the rich can afford to buy for their brats.. Berkeley is a school for spoiled and pushy born-rich guillotine fodder. From the 1960s on, the only thing this pseudo-Leftist movement has been about was to establish Birth-Class Supremacy, both in the public and in the private sector. These frauds purposely act disgusting and threatening in order to trick us into voting for their Right Wing partners and going under the boot of those economic-elitist parasites. It is undeniable that things turned out that way; therefore, that's the way the united hereditary plutocracy planned that they would turn out.
Interesting how you can read the mind of the lefties.
Most I know are filthy rich, will do better under Don and don't give a damn about these "riots"
Too busy making money
Filthy rich and yet they are driving around in cheap Prius' with "Hillary -->" bumper stickers on them, just so they don't get stoned to death by their other liberal friends. :lmao:
It Should Be Easy to Make the Spoiled-Soft Sissyboys Surrender Their Unearned Privileges

Liberal comes from a Latin word that implies being a slaveowner. Liberals and Conservatives are both richkids, a class that has no right to exist. Don't believe anything either side preaches; it's all snobbery, nothing more.

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