"Show Me Your Papers!"

The mind wanders to a Jew fleeing Germany in 1938 suddenly being confronted by an SS officer as the train whistle screams in the background. Yesterday the governor of Arizona put a travel ban in place meaning you better have a good reason for being on the roads if they see you. Since I work in an "essential industry", I was given a PASS to hand to a cop if I get pulled over. WTF? Let's keep something in mind...the is a super FLU and it cannot be used to infringe on our civil liberties. Once they get their foot in the door, the door never closes again. A ban on church services just got a pastor arrested in Texas when he defied the ban. Is there any more sacred right Americans have than freedom to worship God in the manner they choose? How the virus can be passed from car to car they haven't explained. Our governor, Doug Ducey is typical politician feeling he has to "do something" to keep us from becoming NYC. Supposedly if you want to travel to a grocery store across town, they can tell you not to. Hey Doug....I'll shop anywhere I fucking please, comprende? :mad:
This is not the America I grew up in anymore..........The people have so easily given up all their rights. What happened to the Constitution? This is all bullshit
You might want to take another look at Ducey's stay at home order. Essential businesses include grocery stores. Yes, you can go to the grocery store. No, you don't have to show papers. I understand this was just a rant that resulted from your frustration. But even a rant should be accurate. Otherwise it's just fake news.
Maybe it's an unintended benefit of venues such as this one to give the emotionally unwell a place to rant and rave without doing anything stupid in the real world. A loony relief valve during stressful times, if you will.
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The mind wanders to a Jew fleeing Germany in 1938 suddenly being confronted by an SS officer as the train whistle screams in the background. Yesterday the governor of Arizona put a travel ban in place meaning you better have a good reason for being on the roads if they see you. Since I work in an "essential industry", I was given a PASS to hand to a cop if I get pulled over. WTF? Let's keep something in mind...the is a super FLU and it cannot be used to infringe on our civil liberties. Once they get their foot in the door, the door never closes again. A ban on church services just got a pastor arrested in Texas when he defied the ban. Is there any more sacred right Americans have than freedom to worship God in the manner they choose? How the virus can be passed from car to car they haven't explained. Our governor, Doug Ducey is typical politician feeling he has to "do something" to keep us from becoming NYC. Supposedly if you want to travel to a grocery store across town, they can tell you not to. Hey Doug....I'll shop anywhere I fucking please, comprende? :mad:
If pulled over and asked for your papers, inquire as to whether they prefer the Charmin or the Scott.
You might want to take another look at Ducey's stay at home order. Essential businesses include grocery stores. Yes, you can go to the grocery store. No, you don't have to show papers. I understand this was just a rant that resulted from your frustration. But even a rant should be accurate. Otherwise it's just fake news.

Hey dingbat....it's not about grocery stores...it's about being restricted to one near you. And don't pretend to tell me about showing papers....I was given a pass in the event that happened.....lie in somebody else's thread.
Maybe it's an unintended benefit of venues such as this one to give the emotionally unwell a place to rant and rave without doing anything stupid in the real world. A loony relief valve during stressful times, if you will.

This ^^^^^^^ from the sickest puppy on this board.....hey Unkotare...just how bad do you smell? You posing as a dimestore psychiatrist is hilarious....I doubt you've ever logged out of here since you probably couldn't find your way back in.
This is not the America I grew up in anymore..........The people have so easily given up all their rights. What happened to the Constitution? This is all bullshit

What this does is give the cops another "probable cause" to pull you over and hassle you. And there are Phoenix cops drooling over that I can assure you......like "open your trunk....I want to see your groceries and where you bought them". These nitwits chiming in have no idea what Ducey's order is about....they just like to argue online because they're too weak to confront anybody in person.
The mind wanders to a Jew fleeing Germany in 1938 suddenly being confronted by an SS officer as the train whistle screams in the background. Yesterday the governor of Arizona put a travel ban in place meaning you better have a good reason for being on the roads if they see you. Since I work in an "essential industry", I was given a PASS to hand to a cop if I get pulled over. WTF? Let's keep something in mind...the is a super FLU and it cannot be used to infringe on our civil liberties. Once they get their foot in the door, the door never closes again. A ban on church services just got a pastor arrested in Texas when he defied the ban. Is there any more sacred right Americans have than freedom to worship God in the manner they choose? How the virus can be passed from car to car they haven't explained. Our governor, Doug Ducey is typical politician feeling he has to "do something" to keep us from becoming NYC. Supposedly if you want to travel to a grocery store across town, they can tell you not to. Hey Doug....I'll shop anywhere I fucking please, comprende? :mad:

You waited too long, awoke too late. Jim Jones also led a group of religiosos who chased some "god" in his own way. "Essential". To what? A rather loose and open term.

But back to you waking too late. Did you not see the police and "law enforcement" being militarized? Did you not see the massive corporate surveillance state not being implemented with your participation? Did you not see the most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind, turned into a for profit "business" venture in which enslaved labor is leased out to corporations? Did you not see the economically cannibalizing militarism of an empire with a military presence in 70% of the nations on the planet supporting 73% of the world's dictatorships? Did you miss the crippling societal wealth disparity, a hallmark of failed authoritarian nation states? Did you miss the public's passive acceptance of the police and free lance vigilantes to murder unarmed black folk in the streets with impunity? Did you miss your for profit internment/concentration camps? You know anyone can be targetted for that shit, right?

Concentrated capital is nervous. Ask yourself what has ever happened to any population or group capital determined to be in the way if its "progress"

You're the new "indian". Think of this as your small pox laden blankets and bibles.

And Obama did a huge chunk of that.
He even tried to implement a "National Police Force", but he couldn't get that, so instead he weaponized gov't agencies and Homeland Security.
Hopefully Trump will arrest Obama for forcing all of this to happen...hopefully when he becomes president, he can do something about it
The mind wanders to a Jew fleeing Germany in 1938 suddenly being confronted by an SS officer as the train whistle screams in the background. Yesterday the governor of Arizona put a travel ban in place meaning you better have a good reason for being on the roads if they see you. Since I work in an "essential industry", I was given a PASS to hand to a cop if I get pulled over. WTF? Let's keep something in mind...the is a super FLU and it cannot be used to infringe on our civil liberties. Once they get their foot in the door, the door never closes again. A ban on church services just got a pastor arrested in Texas when he defied the ban. Is there any more sacred right Americans have than freedom to worship God in the manner they choose? How the virus can be passed from car to car they haven't explained. Our governor, Doug Ducey is typical politician feeling he has to "do something" to keep us from becoming NYC. Supposedly if you want to travel to a grocery store across town, they can tell you not to. Hey Doug....I'll shop anywhere I fucking please, comprende? :mad:

You waited too long, awoke too late. Jim Jones also led a group of religiosos who chased some "god" in his own way. "Essential". To what? A rather loose and open term.

But back to you waking too late. Did you not see the police and "law enforcement" being militarized? Did you not see the massive corporate surveillance state not being implemented with your participation? Did you not see the most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind, turned into a for profit "business" venture in which enslaved labor is leased out to corporations? Did you not see the economically cannibalizing militarism of an empire with a military presence in 70% of the nations on the planet supporting 73% of the world's dictatorships? Did you miss the crippling societal wealth disparity, a hallmark of failed authoritarian nation states? Did you miss the public's passive acceptance of the police and free lance vigilantes to murder unarmed black folk in the streets with impunity? Did you miss your for profit internment/concentration camps? You know anyone can be targetted for that shit, right?

Concentrated capital is nervous. Ask yourself what has ever happened to any population or group capital determined to be in the way if its "progress"

You're the new "indian". Think of this as your small pox laden blankets and bibles.

And Obama did a huge chunk of that.
He even tried to implement a "National Police Force", but he couldn't get that, so instead he weaponized gov't agencies and Homeland Security.
Hopefully Trump will arrest Obama for forcing all of this to happen...hopefully when he becomes president, he can do something about it
Are all your posts like this? Pretty much, huh?

Bloody Red Meat chumming?
We can see from just this one thread how easily those of fragile emotional states (the elderly or otherwise enfeebled) can lose control of rational thought and be reduced to infantile tantrum. Better the hissy fit be thrown here than in the real world. Stressful times.
The mind wanders to a Jew fleeing Germany in 1938 suddenly being confronted by an SS officer as the train whistle screams in the background. Yesterday the governor of Arizona put a travel ban in place meaning you better have a good reason for being on the roads if they see you. Since I work in an "essential industry", I was given a PASS to hand to a cop if I get pulled over. WTF? Let's keep something in mind...the is a super FLU and it cannot be used to infringe on our civil liberties. Once they get their foot in the door, the door never closes again. A ban on church services just got a pastor arrested in Texas when he defied the ban. Is there any more sacred right Americans have than freedom to worship God in the manner they choose? How the virus can be passed from car to car they haven't explained. Our governor, Doug Ducey is typical politician feeling he has to "do something" to keep us from becoming NYC. Supposedly if you want to travel to a grocery store across town, they can tell you not to. Hey Doug....I'll shop anywhere I fucking please, comprende? :mad:

Here's my papers officer.

The mind wanders to a Jew fleeing Germany in 1938 suddenly being confronted by an SS officer as the train whistle screams in the background. Yesterday the governor of Arizona put a travel ban in place meaning you better have a good reason for being on the roads if they see you. Since I work in an "essential industry", I was given a PASS to hand to a cop if I get pulled over. WTF? Let's keep something in mind...the is a super FLU and it cannot be used to infringe on our civil liberties. Once they get their foot in the door, the door never closes again. A ban on church services just got a pastor arrested in Texas when he defied the ban. Is there any more sacred right Americans have than freedom to worship God in the manner they choose? How the virus can be passed from car to car they haven't explained. Our governor, Doug Ducey is typical politician feeling he has to "do something" to keep us from becoming NYC. Supposedly if you want to travel to a grocery store across town, they can tell you not to. Hey Doug....I'll shop anywhere I fucking please, comprende? :mad:

Hmm. Sounds like he is one of the few red state governors taking this seriously. If I were a Republican I'd tell him good job.
Sorry, public health concerns trumps religious gatherings. And no one is preventing you from worshiping God in your own home.
Ducey orders Arizonans to stay home except for 'essential activities' due to coronavirus
No one yet. But it will be pursued.
We can see from just this one thread how easily those of fragile emotional states (the elderly or otherwise enfeebled) can lose control of rational thought and be reduced to infantile tantrum. Better the hissy fit be thrown here than in the real world. Stressful times.
But that is what forums are for, right? The reality of what a person does in the world outside the computer can be much different then when on the computer. Times like this is when power can shift in many ways at all levels. And you see the people who are not good at much anything at those levels when the noose tightens.
Simple fact:

When you wake up and realize you no longer have even the most basic of rights you might, if you're not a liberal Democrat, think you'd might like to get a few of them back.

Good luck unless you're prepared to fight and fight hard and dirty.
Simple fact:

When you wake up and realize you no longer have even the most basic of rights you might, if you're not a liberal Democrat, think you'd might like to get a few of them back.

Good luck unless you're prepared to fight and fight hard and dirty.

Meaning what, specifically?
People are getting themselves all worked up over a temporary inconvenience.

I live in a state that recently told everyone to stay at home. The only changes I’ve had to make was taking the GF out for dinner and attending parties.

I can still do all the other things I would normally do.

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