Should we avoid killing their families?

ISIS signed the Geneva convention?... unless both side are signers it's UNENFORCEABLE!

Both you and BitchyIrishAss need to read up on the Conventions and why they are there, and that yeah, even though the terrorists didn't sign (they're not a country, just a loose coalition of individuals and groups), the US still has to abide by them.

It's not negotiable. EVERY president since they were enacted has had to follow them, even in Viet Nam when the North Vietnamese didn't abide by them.
Oh, really???

Then why did FDR bomb German cities???

Or why did Truman NUKE two Japanese cities???

Seems you Democrats have short memories!!!

Why did FDR bomb German cities? Why did Truman nuke 2 Japanese cities? Simple, those acts happened BEFORE the Geneva Conventions. The first ones weren't enacted until after WWII in 1949, with modifications that happened in 1959.

Seems that you Republicans have no grasp of history, otherwise you wouldn't have brought up those 2 woefully inept (and wrong) examples. It was because of things like that happening in WWII that the countries got together and signed them. Might wanna read up on them sometime. Almost every military man understands them and why they are there.

BOMBED HANOI...wasn't that AFTER Geneva...dumbass!

You're talking about Operation Linebacker, an operation ordered by Nixon (a Republican), to take out strategic targets like railroads and enemy positions. And, there are those that say it was because of Operation Linebacker that the Viet Nam war ended a month later. Did it kill some civilians? Yes. Was it against the Geneva Conventions? No. Otherwise lots of people would have rose up against Nixon because of it.


BUT YOU state as the Geneva convention states....NO CIVILIANS.... so YOU simply lied!
Kill them, kill their families and if anyone objects? Kill them

Yeah, just like whitey did with Injuns - kill 'em all including babies.

Apples and oranges, fake injun. You sort of outed yourself badly the other day, your credibility is shot to hell

Yeah, sure I did...

Yeah you did, badly. Go back through your comments, I caught it right away. Now run along, I'm done with you

Yeah, you're so smart - about making shit up.

Don't try and turn your phuck up back on me. Now scram fake
Kill them, kill their families and if anyone objects? Kill them

Yeah, just like whitey did with Injuns - kill 'em all including babies.

Apples and oranges, fake injun. You sort of outed yourself badly the other day, your credibility is shot to hell

Yeah, sure I did...

Yeah you did, badly. Go back through your comments, I caught it right away. Now run along, I'm done with you

Lakhota self assigned?
ISIS signed the Geneva convention?... unless both side are signers it's UNENFORCEABLE!

Both you and BitchyIrishAss need to read up on the Conventions and why they are there, and that yeah, even though the terrorists didn't sign (they're not a country, just a loose coalition of individuals and groups), the US still has to abide by them.

It's not negotiable. EVERY president since they were enacted has had to follow them, even in Viet Nam when the North Vietnamese didn't abide by them.
Oh, really???

Then why did FDR bomb German cities???

Or why did Truman NUKE two Japanese cities???

Seems you Democrats have short memories!!!

Why did FDR bomb German cities? Why did Truman nuke 2 Japanese cities? Simple, those acts happened BEFORE the Geneva Conventions. The first ones weren't enacted until after WWII in 1949, with modifications that happened in 1959.

Seems that you Republicans have no grasp of history, otherwise you wouldn't have brought up those 2 woefully inept (and wrong) examples. It was because of things like that happening in WWII that the countries got together and signed them. Might wanna read up on them sometime. Almost every military man understands them and why they are there.

BOMBED HANOI...wasn't that AFTER Geneva...dumbass!

You're talking about Operation Linebacker, an operation ordered by Nixon (a Republican), to take out strategic targets like railroads and enemy positions. And, there are those that say it was because of Operation Linebacker that the Viet Nam war ended a month later. Did it kill some civilians? Yes. Was it against the Geneva Conventions? No. Otherwise lots of people would have rose up against Nixon because of it.

So you will admit that collateral damage is sometimes unavoidable, and is allowed under the Geneva Conventions...

You had me wondering there for a while, since it looked like you were making a strong case for putting Obozo on trial for war crimes, because of his drone strikes...
War is hell, unless you are willing to accept collateral damage don't wage war! Do you really believe that ISIS gives a shit about collateral damage? How does one reconcile between the feudalistic and modern day form of combat when one side hides behind woman, children, place of worship, healing, and wears a mask?

It's about killing people and breaking things.

They declared war on us, so let's get to what THEY WANT.
War is hell, unless you are willing to accept collateral damage don't wage war! Do you really believe that ISIS gives a shit about collateral damage? How does one reconcile between the feudalistic and modern day form of combat when one side hides behind woman, children, place of worship, healing, and wears a mask?

It's about killing people and breaking things.

They declared war on us, so let's get to what THEY WANT.

Thank Bush for the ISIS clusterfuck.
War is hell, unless you are willing to accept collateral damage don't wage war! Do you really believe that ISIS gives a shit about collateral damage? How does one reconcile between the feudalistic and modern day form of combat when one side hides behind woman, children, place of worship, healing, and wears a mask?

It's about killing people and breaking things.

They declared war on us, so let's get to what THEY WANT.

Thank Bush for the ISIS clusterfuck.

Squaw Puss just continues to LIE...It's an Leftist Injun thing!

Leon Panetta: Obama Policies Created ISIS | Truth Revolt
Oct 6, 2014 - Panetta reiterated the charges he made on "60 Minutes" one week ago that the Obama-caused lack of American action created a vacuum ...
War is hell, unless you are willing to accept collateral damage don't wage war! Do you really believe that ISIS gives a shit about collateral damage? How does one reconcile between the feudalistic and modern day form of combat when one side hides behind woman, children, place of worship, healing, and wears a mask?

It's about killing people and breaking things.

They declared war on us, so let's get to what THEY WANT.

Thank Bush for the ISIS clusterfuck.

Squaw Puss just continues to LIE...It's an Leftist Injun thing!

Leon Panetta: Obama Policies Created ISIS | Truth Revolt
Oct 6, 2014 - Panetta reiterated the charges he made on "60 Minutes" one week ago that the Obama-caused lack of American action created a vacuum ...

All that Panetta shit has been debunked.
War is hell, unless you are willing to accept collateral damage don't wage war! Do you really believe that ISIS gives a shit about collateral damage? How does one reconcile between the feudalistic and modern day form of combat when one side hides behind woman, children, place of worship, healing, and wears a mask?

It's about killing people and breaking things.

They declared war on us, so let's get to what THEY WANT.

Thank Bush for the ISIS clusterfuck.

Squaw Puss just continues to LIE...It's an Leftist Injun thing!

Leon Panetta: Obama Policies Created ISIS | Truth Revolt
Oct 6, 2014 - Panetta reiterated the charges he made on "60 Minutes" one week ago that the Obama-caused lack of American action created a vacuum ...

All that Panetta shit has been debunked.

How? He was Sec of Defense, and now HE LIED?.... You really are a douche bag! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
War is hell, unless you are willing to accept collateral damage don't wage war! Do you really believe that ISIS gives a shit about collateral damage? How does one reconcile between the feudalistic and modern day form of combat when one side hides behind woman, children, place of worship, healing, and wears a mask?

It's about killing people and breaking things.

They declared war on us, so let's get to what THEY WANT.

Thank Bush for the ISIS clusterfuck.

Squaw Puss just continues to LIE...It's an Leftist Injun thing!

Leon Panetta: Obama Policies Created ISIS | Truth Revolt
Oct 6, 2014 - Panetta reiterated the charges he made on "60 Minutes" one week ago that the Obama-caused lack of American action created a vacuum ...

All that Panetta shit has been debunked.
Yeah, and Chief "debunkum" you and give you to us...

Me givum wampum if he takum you back!!!

We have a few Nazis in this topic promoting war crimes. Nice...

no comment........

At times that is best...this is one of those times

You're a pro-lifer. Would it be an appropriate response to the PP attack for the government to kill your family?

Two different issues ya freaking loon

NO. You're on the anti-abortion 'team' right? Those anti-abortion terrorists are your people. Why should you and your family be spared?

Go bother someone else ya damn dope, you're building a straw man and we see right through it.

If innocent Muslims should die for the crimes of the Muslim terrorists, why shouldn't you die for the crimes of the anti-abortion terrorists?
We have a few Nazis in this topic promoting war crimes. Nice...

At times that is best...this is one of those times

You're a pro-lifer. Would it be an appropriate response to the PP attack for the government to kill your family?

Two different issues ya freaking loon

NO. You're on the anti-abortion 'team' right? Those anti-abortion terrorists are your people. Why should you and your family be spared?

Go bother someone else ya damn dope, you're building a straw man and we see right through it.

If innocent Muslims should die for the crimes of the Muslim terrorists, why shouldn't you die for the crimes of the anti-abortion terrorists?
Then why shouldn't YOU die for the lynchings that great Democrat organization (the KKK) committed???

Keep in in perspective, in terms of support...

Oh,wait... The racist Democrats LIKE the KKK, don't they???
We have a few Nazis in this topic promoting war crimes. Nice...

At times that is best...this is one of those times

You're a pro-lifer. Would it be an appropriate response to the PP attack for the government to kill your family?

Two different issues ya freaking loon

NO. You're on the anti-abortion 'team' right? Those anti-abortion terrorists are your people. Why should you and your family be spared?

Go bother someone else ya damn dope, you're building a straw man and we see right through it.

If innocent Muslims should die for the crimes of the Muslim terrorists, why shouldn't you die for the crimes of the anti-abortion terrorists?

You're still babbling about your straw man, are you bored or just seeking attention? Good grief
or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members
I guess all those guys being armed didn't stop the killer, eh?
You were trying to say something?
I did say something, and it looks like you have no response.
You said nothing....ergo....
So much for the idea that being armed stops terrorists!
Who ever floated the idea that guns stop SUICIDE BOMBERS.

That was a rather inane remark from you G.
or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members
Trump doesn't just want to kill the families of terrorists. He wants to bomb anyone who is held captive by ISISBOOMBAH.

And so does Cruz. He wants to deliberately carpet bomb innocents.

They are clueless dumbasses.

The world is a HARD PLACE...someone has to do the HARD WORK to finish the job, not just kick the can down the road.... Collateral Damage.... What was it 184,000 civilians when the bomb dropped on Japan, and how long did it take them to surrender after the second bomb?....Muslim's are MUCH dumber than Japs, it will take half a billion of them......Mecca first....GO The Donald and/or Ted Cruz!!!!


And it didn't cost us a single American life to do this!

calm yourself VIGI.......

Rosie, I'm very just takes BALLS to do what has to be done! with over 25% of muslim's the world wide agreeing with ISIS's ways, I have NO QUALMS of taking out a few hundred million supposed innocents!

oh----ok I got some minor qualms
You're a pro-lifer. Would it be an appropriate response to the PP attack for the government to kill your family?

Two different issues ya freaking loon

NO. You're on the anti-abortion 'team' right? Those anti-abortion terrorists are your people. Why should you and your family be spared?

Go bother someone else ya damn dope, you're building a straw man and we see right through it.

If innocent Muslims should die for the crimes of the Muslim terrorists, why shouldn't you die for the crimes of the anti-abortion terrorists?

You're still babbling about your straw man, are you bored or just seeking attention? Good grief

Are you denying you're a pro-lifer?

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