Should the Dimocrat party disband or at least change it's name ?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Now that we've found ourselves in a time where the American left is more and more demanding we judge everyone and everything of the past using today's standards.

We must ban books like Huckleberry Finn.
We must ban entertainers of the past like Kate Smith.
We must destroy and shun anyone alive today that have used the "wrong" words or terms in the past.
I could go on and on, but you get the idea, today's left have been on a seek and destroy mission for quite some time now.

So shouldn't they then put their money where their mouths are, and disband or at least rename the political party with slavery and racism all through it's history and roots ?

Isn't it time for the Dimocrat party to receive the same treatment that it's members are unleashing on all of the rest of us ?

I'm hoping they get trounced so completely in 2020 that they dissolve and that their most significant financiers use the CPUSA to contain the hardcore bed wetters. I'd like to see the republicrats be the "moderate" third party and the Libertarians become a lot more influential. The DNC needs to be wiped out first, it's a criminal enterprise and a malignancy.

The corporate CFR brainwashing media that divides the public along stupid inter-sectional issues that don't amount to a hill of beans, that actually convinces the small-folk there is a significant difference between the two parties? :auiqs.jpg:

We OUGHT to have some honestly, roll them both back up into what they REALLY are once more;

Federalist Party
Democrats are pro livable wages for Americans Workers

Republicans are against livable wages for American Workers

End of story.....
The corporate CFR brainwashing media that divides the public along stupid inter-sectional issues that don't amount to a hill of beans, that actually convinces the small-folk there is a significant difference between the two parties? :auiqs.jpg:

We OUGHT to have some honestly, roll them both back up into what they REALLY are once more;

Federalist Party
Since the demise of a once-great store, may I proffer, Scumbags ''R'' Us

It is very fitting

To the knucklehead above...... $15 an hour is a 'liveable wage'??

Are you really that stupid?

I fear so

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