Should SETI send messages to ET?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Yes. Human race is going to wipe itself out eventually. Our outgoing message should read, "This planet for rent. Current occupants on the way out."
"This is a planetary distress call. Any sentient aide is welcomed. HELP!" :)

Even an alien takeover would be preferred to a continuation of the status quo. Status quo is what's killing us. Either a global revolution replacing most governments is needed, or we're doomed.

Need to remake governments with the intelligent people like scientists, engineers, and chemists in charge instead of professional politicians and lawyers. When everyone knows what the various problems are, but problem-fixing is subject to votes and committee approval, that's a broken system that must be replaced.

And since it's painfully apparent we're not going to fix it so much as try and make money off it while we spin around the drain, might as well call for help. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
Could solve California's drought overnight by simply banning almond growing until the drought abates. Use about 1 gallon of fresh water to grow just 1 almond. We don't need almonds, we need water and want almonds. Without water California's economy will collapse and ALL farmers will be out of business. OR, we can inconvenience just the almond growers.

That's not a difficult decision. And yet with politicians in charge it becomes difficult.

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