Should Obama replace Biden with Hillary


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Since the Republicans are busy falling on their swords right now, should Obama improve his position by taking Hillary Clinton as a running mate.

After Biden's latest rant about rape victims, it's becoming clear the man is more of a liability than a help.

Hillary Clinton has distinguished herself as Secretary of State. It's probably the only area where things haven't gone horribly wrong for this presidency.

She also would help Obama with white women, a consituency he needs to win and has a real shot at if the Republicans nominate Romney.

He might need to hire a food taster and a guy to start his car in the morning, but as a political move, it's pretty sharp.
I read that Hillary was "tired." You can take that to mean she was tired of her job, or tired of Obama. I have my thoughts.
So, they think by replacing Biden that is going to IMPROVE the Obama's approval numbers?

Here's a clue, the people can't stand Obama. fact jack
So, they think by replacing Biden that is going to IMPROVE the Obama's approval numbers?

Here's a clue, the people can't stand Obama. fact jack

I think people are unhappy with his performance, but they like him personally.

Putting aside how they feel about his job performance, 74 percent of voters said they either strongly or somewhat approve of Obama as a person, his highest rating in the past year. His solid personal popularity remains a source of pride — and hope — for top advisers who spent 2008 trying to get voters to identify with Obama, an African-American with roots in Hawaii, Indonesia and Chicago.

Read more: Battleground Poll: Obama approval rating down amid deep economic fears - Carrie Budoff Brown -

This is the flaw I think the GOP is making. It's the same one that the Democrats made in 2004. They think that they can put any name in the slot, as long as it looks credible, and win. But eventually, people will pick apart the guy you put up.

You can't just vote against someone, you have to vote for someone. And frankly, looking at the GOP pack, there's not a lot to vote 'for' there.
And just what has Hillary done that is distinguishable as Sec. of State?

Hillary has never done ANYTHING to DESERVE any of the positions she has received.

She was married to Bill, that is all.
While I like the idea of Hillary and Biden doing a swap (Biden has always wanted that Sec job), I don't think Hillary's up for it. I think H just wants to relax and wait to become a grandma.

Hillary's not going to be the first woman President...Elizabeth Warren is ;)
Hillary quote from July, 2004, while visiting the "Ya Ya sisterhood" in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Loretta Sanchez etc. responding to an intrepid, fledgling female reporter's inquiry as to what Hillary's economic program would look like were she running for President, Ms Clinton responded "We're going to take what you have and put it where it will do some good"
Unfortunately, Ms Clinton is just another wealth confiscator cut from the same cloth as the current Communist wealth grabber squatting in the People's House on 1600 Pennsylvania.
While I like the idea of Hillary and Biden doing a swap (Biden has always wanted that Sec job), I don't think Hillary's up for it. I think H just wants to relax and wait to become a grandma.

Hillary's not going to be the first woman President...Elizabeth Warren is ;)

well fer sure I could see Warren being President in the twilight zone.
Isn't that where she came from?
Biden should stay and the media should treat him the way Quayle and Ford were treated. Such wonderful raw material going to waste . . . . .
Obama could replace Biden with a mentally retarded monkey and it would be an improvement.
While I like the idea of Hillary and Biden doing a swap (Biden has always wanted that Sec job), I don't think Hillary's up for it. I think H just wants to relax and wait to become a grandma.

Hillary's not going to be the first woman President...Elizabeth Warren is ;)

It would take another bush like miracle.

That just isnt going to happen.
And just what has Hillary done that is distinguishable as Sec. of State?

Hillary has never done ANYTHING to DESERVE any of the positions she has received.

She was married to Bill, that is all.

Well she was an active first lady as well as elected to the Senate by the people of New York where she served for 8 years.
And just what has Hillary done that is distinguishable as Sec. of State?

Hillary has never done ANYTHING to DESERVE any of the positions she has received.

She was married to Bill, that is all.

Well she was an active first lady as well as elected to the Senate by the people of New York where she served for 8 years.

And carpetbagger.

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