Should Israel bomb Iran???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Israel 'Ready to Attack Iran' as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action'​

So who's side will Biden be on?
Remember Biden wants to re-instate the deal that Trump tattered!

The Biden administration wants to finalize a deal with Iran to reenter the tattered 2015 nuclear deal within the next six weeks, all before the new Iranian new president-elect, Conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi is inaugurated, according to a new report from Axios.

All of this while Biden continues to encourage the southern border illegal Covid immigrants!
Sure, just as soon as it is ok for Iran to launch missiles into Israel
Who determines it is "OK" for Iran to send missiles into Israel? Isn't that like if you and I were pointing guns at
each other would it be OK for me to fire at you first"? Who determines that?

Israel 'Ready to Attack Iran' as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action'​

So who's side will Biden be on?
Remember Biden wants to re-instate the deal that Trump tattered!

The Biden administration wants to finalize a deal with Iran to reenter the tattered 2015 nuclear deal within the next six weeks, all before the new Iranian new president-elect, Conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi is inaugurated, according to a new report from Axios.

All of this while Biden continues to encourage the southern border illegal Covid immigrants!
Whether Israel does or does not is up to Israel. I accept and condone whatever action they take in their own defense, as should you.
Whether Israel does or does not is up to Israel. I accept and condone whatever action they take in their own defense, as should you.

Israel is entirely a creation of the US, by the US creating the UN in 1945, specifically so the UN could then create Israel in 1948.
And Israel entirely uses weapons provided by or paid for by the US.
So the US is responsible for everything Israel does.

Second is that Israel is not the victim.
As far back as 1946, Zionists started massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
Israel was involved in murdering Iranian general near Syria, and Israel has attacked and sunk Iranian shipping frequently.
Israel is the aggressor and guilty party, not Iran.

I should also add that Iran has never attacked Israel even though they have thousands of missiles and could easily obliterate Israel if they wanted to, because 70% of the people in Israel are not Jewish, but captive Arabs that Israel uses as human shields.
Israel is entirely a creation of the US, by the US creating the UN in 1945, specifically so the UN could then create Israel in 1948.
And Israel entirely uses weapons provided by or paid for by the US.
So the US is responsible for everything Israel does.

Second is that Israel is not the victim.
As far back as 1946, Zionists started massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
Israel was involved in murdering Iranian general near Syria, and Israel has attacked and sunk Iranian shipping frequently.
Israel is the aggressor and guilty party, not Iran.

I should also add that Iran has never attacked Israel even though they have thousands of missiles and could easily obliterate Israel if they wanted to, because 70% of the people in Israel are not Jewish, but captive Arabs that Israel uses as human shields.
I have heard that argument that we basically stole the land and gave it to Israel, but it was the majority of the League of Nations, that carved it out, so it is not just us and never has been. I pass no judgment on the creation. If you want to say it was stolen, fine. I am of the Frank Burns school of internation diplomacy, "If you steal something, never give it back. It will only cause problem". I therefore support Israel's effort to protect itself against all comers, under whatever action they decide to do, but do not worry about their actions in self-defense as a sovereign nation. So, you Israel haters can just FK off. You guys should not keep expecting the US to help safeguard you during your continued attacks of on that Nation, unless you are just damned fools. To me, it is settle internation law. If you jerks would quit attacking, they would quit taking parts of your land to give them the necessary buffer zone you did not recognize when invading.

Israel 'Ready to Attack Iran' as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action'​

So who's side will Biden be on?
Remember Biden wants to re-instate the deal that Trump tattered!

The Biden administration wants to finalize a deal with Iran to reenter the tattered 2015 nuclear deal within the next six weeks, all before the new Iranian new president-elect, Conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi is inaugurated, according to a new report from Axios.

All of this while Biden continues to encourage the southern border illegal Covid immigrants!
Sure, Israel is free to bomb who they wish and reap their rewards for their actions. But, if Israel wants a single penny from the US in war goods, currency or anything else of value, they are welcome to take the Devil's harvest as it may manifest itself!
I have heard that argument that we basically stole the land and gave it to Israel, but it was the majority of the League of Nations, that carved it out, so it is not just us and never has been. I pass no judgment on the creation. If you want to say it was stolen, fine. I am of the Frank Burns school of internation diplomacy, "If you steal something, never give it back. It will only cause problem". I therefore support Israel's effort to protect itself against all comers, under whatever action they decide to do, but do not worry about their actions in self-defense as a sovereign nation. So, you Israel haters can just FK off. You guys should not keep expecting the US to help safeguard you during your continued attacks of on that Nation, unless you are just damned fools. To me, it is settle internation law. If you jerks would quit attacking, they would quit taking parts of your land to give them the necessary buffer zone you did not recognize when invading.

Sorry, but the League of Nations had nothing at all to do with it.
Basically it started with WWI, where the British promised Arab independence in exchange for help against the Ottoman Empire.
The Jews did not help so were owed nothing.
The Balfour Declaration just suggested facilitated Jewish immigration to Palestine, in order to boost is economy.
The International Zionist Congress that met in Carlsbad in 1920 and 1923, (in Hungary I think?), promised to want no part in politics or governing.

The League of Nations is not the source of any action or legal authority. The Treaty of Sevres and Treaty of San Remo are. And they created the British Mandate for Palestine, which meant England was responsible for getting Palestine's independence.
Europe and Congress pretty much all scoffed at the League of Nations idea, and only Wilson pushed it.

And the idea of not giving back something stolen only works if the victim does not know and can move on and forget.
The Palestinians not only are totally aware they have been ripped off, but are still constantly being ripped off, beaten, jailed, murdered, their homes stolen, etc. The whole notion of "Chosen People" and "Promised Land" is just totally and inherently evil, used to justify the worst imaginable crimes, and will continue to do so as long as Israel has weapons of any kind. They must be totally and completely disarmed.

And you need to learn some accurate history.
Zionists are the only aggressors.
If you want to understand who started the 1948 war, look up "massacre, Dier Yassin".
You will find that hundreds of Arab villages disappeared, starting around 1946, with all Arab inhabitants massacred.
Sorry, but the League of Nations had nothing at all to do with it.
Basically it started with WWI, where the British promised Arab independence in exchange for help against the Ottoman Empire.
The Jews did not help so were owed nothing.
The Balfour Declaration just suggested facilitated Jewish immigration to Palestine, in order to boost is economy.
The International Zionist Congress that met in Carlsbad in 1920 and 1923, (in Hungary I think?), promised to want no part in politics or governing.

The League of Nations is not the source of any action or legal authority. The Treaty of Sevres and Treaty of San Remo are. And they created the British Mandate for Palestine, which meant England was responsible for getting Palestine's independence.
Europe and Congress pretty much all scoffed at the League of Nations idea, and only Wilson pushed it.

And the idea of not giving back something stolen only works if the victim does not know and can move on and forget.
The Palestinians not only are totally aware they have been ripped off, but are still constantly being ripped off, beaten, jailed, murdered, their homes stolen, etc. The whole notion of "Chosen People" and "Promised Land" is just totally and inherently evil, used to justify the worst imaginable crimes, and will continue to do so as long as Israel has weapons of any kind. They must be totally and completely disarmed.

And you need to learn some accurate history.
Zionists are the only aggressors.
If you want to understand who started the 1948 war, look up "massacre, Dier Yassin".
You will find that hundreds of Arab villages disappeared, starting around 1946, with all Arab inhabitants massacred.
You evidently were unaware of WHAT happened before Dier Yassin right or did you conveniently forget it?

In the months leading up to the end of British rule, in a phase of the civil war known as "The Battle of [the] Roads", the Arab League-sponsored Arab Liberation Army (ALA)—composed of Palestinians and other Arabs—attacked Jewish traffic on major roads in an effort to isolate the Jewish communities from each other.[14] The ALA managed to seize several strategic vantage points along the highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv—Jerusalem's sole supply route and link to the western side of the city (where 16 percent of all Jews in Palestine lived)—and began firing on convoys traveling to the city. By March 1948, the road was cut off and Jerusalem was under siege. In response, the Haganah launched Operation Nachshon to break the siege. On April 6, in an effort to secure strategic positions, the Haganah and its strike force, the Palmach, attacked al-Qastal, a village two kilometers north of Deir Yassin overlooking the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway.

So maybe you should look up "massacre, Dier Yassin" and get the WHOLE Truth!
You evidently were unaware of WHAT happened before Dier Yassin right or did you conveniently forget it?

In the months leading up to the end of British rule, in a phase of the civil war known as "The Battle of [the] Roads", the Arab League-sponsored Arab Liberation Army (ALA)—composed of Palestinians and other Arabs—attacked Jewish traffic on major roads in an effort to isolate the Jewish communities from each other.[14] The ALA managed to seize several strategic vantage points along the highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv—Jerusalem's sole supply route and link to the western side of the city (where 16 percent of all Jews in Palestine lived)—and began firing on convoys traveling to the city. By March 1948, the road was cut off and Jerusalem was under siege. In response, the Haganah launched Operation Nachshon to break the siege. On April 6, in an effort to secure strategic positions, the Haganah and its strike force, the Palmach, attacked al-Qastal, a village two kilometers north of Deir Yassin overlooking the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway.

So maybe you should look up "massacre, Dier Yassin" and get the WHOLE Truth!

Al these Arab villages had nothing to do with the conflict at all, and the isolation of the Jewish old town community was done by the Jordanian army, after Zionist rebels started attacking Jordanian outposts.
The Haganah did not even exist yet, as the murder of these Arab villages started in 1946 or even earlier.
When you pull up to undefended villages and start genocide by throwing hand grenades into each home, that can never be called "defensive".
It was a brutal massacre, duplicated all over Israel, and not just on the road to Jerusalem.
Nor did any one attack Jews in Jerusalem first.
They were only attacked after they started the fighting.
And when they were beaten and surrendered, they were not harmed.
They were allowed to leave and travel to the Israeli side of the partition.
Jerusalem was never in the Israeli side of the partition, and never had more than 30,000 or so Jews.
Al these Arab villages had nothing to do with the conflict at all, and the isolation of the Jewish old town community was done by the Jordanian army, after Zionist rebels started attacking Jordanian outposts.
The Haganah did not even exist yet, as the murder of these Arab villages started in 1946 or even earlier.
When you pull up to undefended villages and start genocide by throwing hand grenades into each home, that can never be called "defensive".
It was a brutal massacre, duplicated all over Israel, and not just on the road to Jerusalem.
Nor did any one attack Jews in Jerusalem first.
They were only attacked after they started the fighting.
And when they were beaten and surrendered, they were not harmed.
They were allowed to leave and travel to the Israeli side of the partition.
Jerusalem was never in the Israeli side of the partition, and never had more than 30,000 or so Jews.
Well who in the hell are you to say? Were you there? I provided a link! YOU nothing!
I don't believe a word you wrote because YOU wrote it! Who the hell are YOU????
It is frustrating to deal with the FACTS, Links, Substantiations while dummies like Rigby5 put their unsubstantiated, unlinked, and most likely totally erroneous comments!
Why are idiots like Rigby5 think they can write pure opinion, subjective, non-factual and most importantly NO LINKS?
Do you think the rest of us are as dumb as Rigby5 and we just believe what Rigby5 wrote?
WAKE up dummies. This is the Internet where in 5 minutes or less I can find almost all answers and link them!
How stupid are people like Rigby5 to enter pure subjective info!
Al these Arab villages had nothing to do with the conflict at all, and the isolation of the Jewish old town community was done by the Jordanian army, after Zionist rebels started attacking Jordanian outposts.
The Haganah did not even exist yet, as the murder of these Arab villages started in 1946 or even earlier.
When you pull up to undefended villages and start genocide by throwing hand grenades into each home, that can never be called "defensive".
It was a brutal massacre, duplicated all over Israel, and not just on the road to Jerusalem.
Nor did any one attack Jews in Jerusalem first.
They were only attacked after they started the fighting.
And when they were beaten and surrendered, they were not harmed.
They were allowed to leave and travel to the Israeli side of the partition.
Jerusalem was never in the Israeli side of the partition, and never had more than 30,000 or so Jews.
With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Jerusalem became once more the capital of a sovereign Jewish state. Throughout the millennia of its existence, Jerusalem has never been the capital of any other sovereign nation.
If Israel has proof that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israeli ships, then of course Israel should teach Iran a lesson that it will never forget.

Force is the ONLY thing that Iran respects.
Well who in the hell are you to say? Were you there? I provided a link! YOU nothing!
I don't believe a word you wrote because YOU wrote it! Who the hell are YOU????

Wrong, your link verifies what I said, not what you said.
Your link does not you said.

For example, you claimed it was the Haganah fighting defensively against attacks on highway convoys.
But your link says it was not Haganah regulars, but vigilantes massacring innocent villages not directly on the road, but everywhere.

{... The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130[1] fighters from the Far-right wing Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arabs, including women and children, ...}

Irgun and Lehi are the same criminals who bombed the King David Hotel, murdering the British peacekeepers, forcing them to leave.

Your link shows a number of war crimes.
{... Some of the Palestinian Arabs were killed in the course of the battle, others while trying to flee or surrender. A number of prisoners were executed, some after being paraded in West Jerusalem.[1][5][6] In addition to the killing and widespread looting, there may have been cases of mutilation and rape.[7] ...}

Anyone defending it is a criminal:
{... The massacre was condemned by the leadership of the Haganah—the Jewish community's main paramilitary force— by the area's two chief rabbis and famous Jews abroad like Albert Einstein, Jessurun Cardozo, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook and others. The Jewish Agency for Israel sent Jordan's King Abdullah a letter of apology, ...}

It was a deliberate massacre. You can't use explosives and claim otherwise.

Use of explosives​

The doors of the houses in Deir Yassin were made of iron and not wood, as the attackers had thought, and they had difficulty breaking into the houses.[48] Lapidot sent word to Raanan, who was watching the progress from Givat Shaul, to send explosives. Soon afterward, Raanan and his aides appeared with knapsacks filled with TNT. The Irgun fighters were instructed to dynamite houses as they advanced. Under covering fire, the dynamite teams advanced and set charges to houses. In certain instances, the force of the explosions destroyed entire parts of houses, burying the Arabs inside them. A total of 15 houses were blown up.[38]

Zeidan recalled hiding with her family and another when the door was blasted open. The attackers took them outside where they executed an already wounded man and one of his daughters. Two of her own family members were then killed: "Then they called my brother Mahmoud and shot him in our presence, and when my mother screamed and bent over my brother (she was carrying my little sister Khadra who was still being breastfed) they shot my mother too."[2]

Whether houses were blown up or not is disputed. American historian Matthew Hogan claims that they weren't. He cites Pa'il who in his testimony said he was sure that "[n]o house in Deir Yassin was bombed" and independent visitors to the village, following its fall, who didn't mention structural damage. Among them Eliyahu Arbel, a Haganah operations officer, who recalled finding dead inside the houses but "with no signs of battle and not as a result of blowing up houses" and Irgunist Menachem Adler, who didn't participate in the attack, but visited the village a few days later, who said "I didn't see the destruction that is always recounted." Hogan believes that "it is unlikely that the inexperienced and undersupplied fighters under fire efficiently maneuvered explosives around defended houses."[2] He further argues that if explosives were used, the number of wounded and dismembered bodies would have been much higher.[49] Instead, Hogan claims that the explosives story were used by the perpetrators to explain the high number of deaths as the result of combat rather than as a deliberate massacre.[2] ...}

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