Should Farmers Be Awarded Medals?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Giant agribusiness is below consideration, but farming is essential to our survival. Farmers negotiate with nature to feed society. Should they be rewarded by ceremony and medals?

I think their huge personal commitment to their crops and/or livestock should receive honor like military personnel are awarded. They're astute businessmen (and women) under pressure to deal with anything that threatens their harvest and herds. It's a lifestyle, too. The work is wearing and the hours are long. They're more concerned with weather patterns, stock movements and crop cycles than whether or not Obama's a muslim. It's an overwhelming profession. Examples of successful or innovated farming enterprises and individuals connected to them should receive ostensible praise from whoever's in power. In spite of mocking stereotypes, farmer's have a huge stake in our future.
All this recent honoring of military personnel is just right wing hype to promote their wars in the ME.

The made in china magnetic ribbions and such...
Sure. I kinda thought I made one.
Farmers are just doing their jobs making a living like everyone else.
But there is a difference between real farmers and the mega ag corps.
The mega ag corps are making a killing off the backs of the rest of americans, including real farmers.

I am a small time farmer. Cows, corn and hay.
I make enough to cover the expenses of my farm and that is about it.
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Soldiers are awarded medals and attention as a result of bravery or sacrifice on the battlefield, and the public often thanks them personally for their service. Should we be inclined to thank farmers for their harvest when we learn about what they do for a living?
Why should farmers be above sewer workers or road workers or teachers or on and on in recognition for their contribution to US society?
And remember I AM a farmer.
Giant agribusiness is below consideration, but farming is essential to our survival. Farmers negotiate with nature to feed society. Should they be rewarded by ceremony and medals?

I think their huge personal commitment to their crops and/or livestock should receive honor like military personnel are awarded. They're astute businessmen (and women) under pressure to deal with anything that threatens their harvest and herds. It's a lifestyle, too. The work is wearing and the hours are long. They're more concerned with weather patterns, stock movements and crop cycles than whether or not Obama's a muslim. It's an overwhelming profession. Examples of successful or innovated farming enterprises and individuals connected to them should receive ostensible praise from whoever's in power. In spite of mocking stereotypes, farmer's have a huge stake in our future.

They are. All the time. Go to a farm one day and count the awards and ribbons.
Sure. I kinda thought I made one.
Farmers are just doing their jobs making a living like everyone else.
But there is a difference between real farmers and the mega ag corps.
The mega ag corps are making a killing off the backs of the rest of americans, including real farmers.

I am a small time farmer. Cows, corn and hay.
I make enough to cover the expenses of my farm and that is about it.

People in Hollywood give themselves awards. They spend most of the year congratulating themselves.

Guess farmers would think it's strange to get a trophy just for doing your job.
Giant agribusiness is below consideration, but farming is essential to our survival. Farmers negotiate with nature to feed society. Should they be rewarded by ceremony and medals?

I think their huge personal commitment to their crops and/or livestock should receive honor like military personnel are awarded. They're astute businessmen (and women) under pressure to deal with anything that threatens their harvest and herds. It's a lifestyle, too. The work is wearing and the hours are long. They're more concerned with weather patterns, stock movements and crop cycles than whether or not Obama's a muslim. It's an overwhelming profession. Examples of successful or innovated farming enterprises and individuals connected to them should receive ostensible praise from whoever's in power. In spite of mocking stereotypes, farmer's have a huge stake in our future.

They are. All the time. Go to a farm one day and count the awards and ribbons.

Farming is what settled people, yet they don't command anywhere near the level of national recognition for their services. Successful and innovative examples of farming should be lauded. Ribbons and iron bought on eBay or elsewhere doesn't quite return the gratitude farming deserves. Architects get medals and respect for the buildings they design. Farmers should, too.
feeding the populace IS a national security issue. Farmers "git 'er done" :cool:

***edit: hey Swagger- what if the farmer is a pikie?
Look it up, there are too many farm awards to list, but look it up yourself. There are awards for every kind of farming there is.
Farming is the antithesis of living in a transient culture. Farming requires settlement. Irish pikeys live on camp sites, mostly in conflict with everyone and the rules. But British and European farmers have ample experience in dettering tinkers. They know that in the event of pikeys trespassing on your land, you have to fight fire with fire. A farmer I know through a friend had some of his land invaded by these malignant scum and he poisoned their water by dropping a dead fox in the well they were drawing water from.
Farming is the antithesis of living in a transient culture. Farming requires settlement. Irish pikeys live on camp sites, mostly in conflict with everyone and the rules. But British and European farmers have ample experience in dettering tinkers. They know that in the event of pikeys trespassing on your land, you have to fight fire with fire. A farmer I know through a friend had some of his land invaded by these malignant scum and he poisoned their water by dropping a dead fox in the well they were drawing water from.

You have pikeys, we have mexicans. You have a dead fox, we got Juan Corona.
Small family farmers are an endangered species. They are almost universally in deep debt just to keep going from year to year.

Remember when Mittens said we should just let people lost their homes so the wealthy could buy them (cheap) and then rent them to the ousted owners?

Same thing is happening with small family farms. As they go under, big corporations are buying the land and turning them into Monsanto horror farms.

There's really nothing new about this. I can remember driving across Kansas in the 70s and seeing small signs hanging from the fences with names like Amoco on them.
Farming is the antithesis of living in a transient culture. Farming requires settlement. Irish pikeys live on camp sites, mostly in conflict with everyone and the rules. But British and European farmers have ample experience in dettering tinkers. They know that in the event of pikeys trespassing on your land, you have to fight fire with fire. A farmer I know through a friend had some of his land invaded by these malignant scum and he poisoned their water by dropping a dead fox in the well they were drawing water from.

You have pikeys, we have mexicans. You have a dead fox, we got Juan Corona.

People who hare invited her to work can hardly be called "trespassers" and whether or not we like it or agree with it, we DO invite Mexicans here to work our farms.
Hold off on the Medals until 2 years post farm subsidy programs are eliminated. Brace yourself for a taste of reality and true cost of producing food. I have never known a lazy farmer.

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