Should America Intervene In The Syrian/Russian Genocide?

To be honest folks, Obama has just about lost Turkey who is one of our oldest allies in the whole Middle East. Turkey no longer trusts us or the UN and is about to side with Russia. It really does appear that the war spoken of in the Bible is taking shape right before our eyes. I realize most of you folks are atheists and agnostics but were you to force yourself to read about it in the Bible, you would realize who the players are and what is taking place.
You mean the USA/Israeli/Saudi backed attempted regime change in Syria that's set Isis lose and led to Europe being invaded
No, I'm talking about Barry's embarrassing 'Red Line' failure and attempt at redemption by supplying, funding, arming, training, and protecting ISIS - that set them off - in hopes they would help him overthrow Assad, thereby saving face in the end.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but it's been proven Hillary and Barry's failed, terrorist-supporting policies...and him being their 'benefactor' and protector- has helped them.

There's no reason we should be in Syria right now. F* 'em. Let Tussia, Assad, Turkey, whoever take them out.

We have not wiped them out already because of 1 reason and 1 reason only -- Barry is obsessed with getting Assad out of power.

So F* Barry, his obsession with Assad, his puny 'Red Line Failure'-bruised ego, his terrorist-sympathizing, and his personal, unauthorized 'crusades' that end up benefitting terrorists / this nation's enemies!
To be honest folks, Obama has just about lost Turkey who is one of our oldest allies in the whole Middle East. Turkey no longer trusts us or the UN and is about to side with Russia. It really does appear that the war spoken of in the Bible is taking shape right before our eyes. I realize most of you folks are atheists and agnostics but were you to force yourself to read about it in the Bible, you would realize who the players are and what is taking place.
Egypt, Turkey, the Ukraine, Libya in Al Qaeida hands, importing Sharia-law supporting Muslims into the US by the thousands...

When many Americans do wake up and realize...admit what he is doing...I hope it won't be too late.
To be honest folks, Obama has just about lost Turkey who is one of our oldest allies in the whole Middle East. Turkey no longer trusts us or the UN and is about to side with Russia. It really does appear that the war spoken of in the Bible is taking shape right before our eyes. I realize most of you folks are atheists and agnostics but were you to force yourself to read about it in the Bible, you would realize who the players are and what is taking place.
Egypt, Turkey, the Ukraine, Libya in Al Qaeida hands, importing Sharia-law supporting Muslims into the US by the thousands...

When many Americans do wake up and realize...admit what he is doing...I hope it won't be too late.

I do as well but I must admit I have little faith that America will survive. While Libya, Russia, China, etc., are mentioned prominently in the Bible, the Bible is very silent concerning America. I personally don't think we will be there at the end.
You mean the USA/Israeli/Saudi backed attempted regime change in Syria that's set Isis lose and led to Europe being invaded
No, I'm talking about Barry's embarrassing 'Red Line' failure and attempt at redemption by supplying, funding, arming, training, and protecting ISIS - that set them off - in hopes they would help him overthrow Assad, thereby saving face in the end.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but it's been proven Hillary and Barry's failed, terrorist-supporting policies...and him being their 'benefactor' and protector- has helped them.

There's no reason we should be in Syria right now. F* 'em. Let Tussia, Assad, Turkey, whoever take them out.

We have not wiped them out already because of 1 reason and 1 reason only -- Barry is obsessed with getting Assad out of power.

So F* Barry, his obsession with Assad, his puny 'Red Line Failure'-bruised ego, his terrorist-sympathizing, and his personal, unauthorized 'crusades' that end up benefitting terrorists / this nation's enemies!
I agree with you.
There would be no need to consider intervening if the US had a competent president. A competent president would make a deal with Russia supporting their continued use of their military bases in Syria in return for ending Russia's support for Assad and his allies. Assad would quickly fall and this new spirit of trust between Russia and the US would allow both countries to work together to end the fighting among the rebels and build a new Syria.

However the Russians understand Obama is simply not a man who can make such a deal and with good reason they distrust the Clintons so deeply that there is no possibility of an end to this carnage if Hillary is elected.

What do US citizens care what goes on in another sovereign nation? It's none of our business who they select to lead them.


How would you feel if some other nation, say China, was trying to affect who was leading this nation?
Libs scream when a Conservative intervenes...but when it's one of their own there's no problem.
. . . and the same is true when the shoe is on the other foot.

The solution? Just mind our own business.

Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars?
Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars?

No, it was not “isolationists” who failed America. None came near to power. The guilty parties are the CFR crowd and their neocon collaborators, and liberal interventionists who set off to play empire after the Cold War and create a New World Order with themselves as Masters of the Universe.

Consider just a few of the decisions taken in those years that most Americans wish we could take back.

After the Soviet Union withdrew the Red Army from Europe and split into 15 nations, and Russia held out its hand to us, we slapped it away and rolled NATO right up onto her front porch.

Enraged Russians turned to a man who would restore respect for their country. Did we think they would just sit there and take it?

How did bringing Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia into NATO make America stronger, safer and more secure? For it has surely moved us closer to a military clash with a nuclear power.

In 2014, with John McCain and U.S. diplomats cheering them on, mobs in Independence Square overthrew a pro-Russian government in Kiev that had been democratically elected and installed a pro-NATO regime.

Putin’s response: Secure Russia’s naval base at Sevastopol by retaking Crimea, and support pro-Russian Ukrainians in Luhansk and Donetsk who preferred secession to submission to U.S. puppets.

Fortunately, our interventionists failed to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO. Had they succeeded, we almost surely would have been in a shooting war with Russia by now.

Would that have made us stronger, safer, more secure?

After the attack on 9/11, George W. Bush, with the nation and world behind him, took us into Afghanistan to eradicate the nest of al-Qaida killers.

After having annihilated some and scattered the rest, however, Bush decided to stick around and convert this wild land of Pashtuns, Hazaras, Tajiks and Uzbeks into another Iowa.

Fifteen years later, we are still there. . . .
There would be no need to consider intervening if the US had a competent president. A competent president would make a deal with Russia supporting their continued use of their military bases in Syria in return for ending Russia's support for Assad and his allies. Assad would quickly fall and this new spirit of trust between Russia and the US would allow both countries to work together to end the fighting among the rebels and build a new Syria.

However the Russians understand Obama is simply not a man who can make such a deal and with good reason they distrust the Clintons so deeply that there is no possibility of an end to this carnage if Hillary is elected.

What do US citizens care what goes on in another sovereign nation? It's none of our business who they select to lead them.


How would you feel if some other nation, say China, was trying to affect who was leading this nation?
Select? Really? Why should US citizens care about the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives? If the US had deteriorated into a multisided civil war that had already killed a significant percentage of the population and made perhaps half of those living homeless, wouldn't you want some one to step in to stop the carnage?
Why should we care when Muslims are slaughtering Muslims. We should sell light arms to both sides, sit back, eat popcorn and hope they get the body count into the millions.
Absolutely not!!!!
We should pull our men and materials out of the entire Mid-East! It is becaus of our intervention there that things are in the shape they are there!
There would be no need to consider intervening if the US had a competent president. A competent president would make a deal with Russia supporting their continued use of their military bases in Syria in return for ending Russia's support for Assad and his allies. Assad would quickly fall and this new spirit of trust between Russia and the US would allow both countries to work together to end the fighting among the rebels and build a new Syria.

However the Russians understand Obama is simply not a man who can make such a deal and with good reason they distrust the Clintons so deeply that there is no possibility of an end to this carnage if Hillary is elected.

What do US citizens care what goes on in another sovereign nation? It's none of our business who they select to lead them.


How would you feel if some other nation, say China, was trying to affect who was leading this nation?
Select? Really? Why should US citizens care about the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives? If the US had deteriorated into a multisided civil war that had already killed a significant percentage of the population and made perhaps half of those living homeless, wouldn't you want some one to step in to stop the carnage?

No. If someone did, whoever that someone would be, they would have a political agenda.

Let's say the federalists and the nationalists eventual devolved into civil war. Are you saying you would want the UN to intervene on the side of the federalists? Would you want the UN forces to enforce the UN small arms treaty, disarm the American population, nullify the bill of rights, and make international law supreme over the US law? This is, ostensibly the position of the federalists and the globalists.

Apparently this is the position you are taking. Having external forces get involved in a sovereign nations political affairs. . . . that is what you want?

Naturally, Russia and the Chinese would side with the nationalists, as they, like the nationalists are hostile to the Pratt house and international banking cartel. It would be a cluster fuck.

Just like the world should stay out of our business, we should stay out of theirs.

I wouldn't want anyone getting involved. Seriously.
There would be no need to consider intervening if the US had a competent president. A competent president would make a deal with Russia supporting their continued use of their military bases in Syria in return for ending Russia's support for Assad and his allies. Assad would quickly fall and this new spirit of trust between Russia and the US would allow both countries to work together to end the fighting among the rebels and build a new Syria.

However the Russians understand Obama is simply not a man who can make such a deal and with good reason they distrust the Clintons so deeply that there is no possibility of an end to this carnage if Hillary is elected.

What do US citizens care what goes on in another sovereign nation? It's none of our business who they select to lead them.


How would you feel if some other nation, say China, was trying to affect who was leading this nation?
Select? Really? Why should US citizens care about the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives? If the US had deteriorated into a multisided civil war that had already killed a significant percentage of the population and made perhaps half of those living homeless, wouldn't you want some one to step in to stop the carnage?

No. If someone did, whoever that someone would be, they would have a political agenda.

Let's say the federalists and the nationalists eventual devolved into civil war. Are you saying you would want the UN to intervene on the side of the federalists? Would you want the UN forces to enforce the UN small arms treaty, disarm the American population, nullify the bill of rights, and make international law supreme over the US law? This is, ostensibly the position of the federalists and the globalists.

Apparently this is the position you are taking. Having external forces get involved in a sovereign nations political affairs. . . . that is what you want?

Naturally, Russia and the Chinese would side with the nationalists, as they, like the nationalists are hostile to the Pratt house and international banking cartel. It would be a cluster fuck.

Just like the world should stay out of our business, we should stay out of theirs.

I wouldn't want anyone getting involved. Seriously.
I'm saying if the war went on for six years as the war in Syria is with no end in sight and if much of the population in America was either dead or home and most of the infrastructure destroyed, as it is in Syria that even the UN would be preferable, perhaps even the Russians or Chinese. As things stand now, there is no hope for the people of Syria, so it amounts to a crime against humanity to not intervene in some way.

That doesn't mean we send US troops in or add to the carnage with more bombing, it means we recognize there can be no resolution of the conflict in Syria at this point unless the US government is willing to accommodate Russian interest in maintaining a long term presence in Syria, which it will do anyway, in exchange for ending its support of the Assad regime. The Russians have not forgiven the Clintons for betraying their truest, when last they were in the WH, for humiliating them by breaking the promise Bush41 had made to not allow the satellite states to join NATO if Gorbachev liberated and for pushing the Russian economy in a chaotic downward tailspin from which Putin rescued it,and they clearly heard Hillary designate Russia as an adversary in her convention speech, so if Hillary is elected, there will be no resolution of the conflict in Syria or Ukraine or of the refugee crisis in Europe. Trump doesn't bring Hillary's baggage to the table, and unlike Hillary, is not looking to pick a fight with Russia, so if Trump is elected there is a real possibility all this death and destruction in the ME and eastern Europe can be ended in negotiations between President Trump and President Putin.

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