Should able people work for what they want?

Should able people work for what they want?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
TM seems to think the answer is no. So I figured I'd start a poll.

What would be the political rammifications if we all voted no? Anyone want to instruct her?
it would be nice. But the reality is the value you put on your labor is undercut by the shear numbers willing to do the same job for less.
I rarely get into threads started by TM. but by reading the thread title, I presume she thinks people who refuse to work should be fed by tax payers. Sorry nope! Anyone who needs a temporary hand should do something of value in return, even if it's picking up trash in a park or mowing the lawn at City Hall.

It means little in the short term how we all vote. But, when we vote out the congresscritters that use social programs to buy votes, we'll get some action.
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Yep.. It never occurred to TM that whilst they aren't working they could grow some food. go fishing, bla bla bla..She wants us to spoon feed em.
Not sure I understand the question.
"...for what they want"? In terms of wages/benefits?

If so, then the answer is pretty simple:
They can certainly try to do so, but if the labor market won't support it then they are SOL.

I am -sure- that someone thinks you have a right to be paid whatever you think you should be paid. I wonder what these people think of high-priced CEOs.
TM seems to think the answer is no. So I figured I'd start a poll.

What would be the political rammifications if we all voted no? Anyone want to instruct her?

What a novel concept in today's world!

And now, for the enjoyment and edification of those on the wrong side of this debate....

The ant works hard every day during the summer, building his house and storing food for the winter. The grasshopper, on the other hand, watches the ant with amusement and prefers to sing and dance, putting nothing away for the winter ahead.

When the winter comes, the grasshopper has nothing to eat and becomes desperate. He elects a president who promises that spreading the food around is good for everyone. The president demonizes the ant for being greedy and asks how he can live with himself when so many others have so little. An executive order is signed demanding the ant turn over 50 percent of his food supply to the government. The grasshopper laughs and plays the rest of the winter, getting fat on the ant’s assets. The ant is depressed and resentful.

The next summer the ant stops preparing his home and storing his food and instead joi9ns the grasshopper, singing and dancing all day. Unfortunately, all of the other ants make the same decision. The next winter, with no one left to exploit, the grasshoppers and ants all die of cold and hunger. The end. Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 17.
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I didn't think the question was difficult.

Should people who can work, be given freebies, or work for what they want?
People should be able to bargain with employers, lobby the government and seek redress in the courts.

Sure you can bargain with your employer.....and if you cant reach an ageement your free to go find another job.
And if you are saying you should be able to take your employer to court because you dont think your getting paid enough ........well that makes you a nutjob.
it would be nice. But the reality is the value you put on your labor is undercut by the shear numbers willing to do the same job for less.

Then it behooves one to do two things:

- Gain skills and knowledge which differentiates one in the labor market
- Adjust one's "wants" to one's earning power
I didn't think the question was difficult.

Should people who can work, be given freebies, or work for what they want?

If your saying .....I only want to pick up trash on the side of the road for two hours because thats all I need for cheap bottle of vodka and a slim jim.
I guess that would be OK. But dont expect to get free housing or medical.
I sure as hell dont want my tax dollars to pay for his troubles later in life because he chose to be a lazy fuck.
The ant and the grasshopper comes to mind.
TM seems to think the answer is no. So I figured I'd start a poll.

What would be the political rammifications if we all voted no? Anyone want to instruct her?

If you are able bodied, work your ass off and collect your check on Friday the beer is colder, the steaks juicier, and the toys bring more joy. Dont get me wrong, Christmas and free dinner is cool and all but it is so much better when you bring home the bore on your own to speak metaphorically.
Once your hired your bargaining is pretty much done without leaving for a better offer.
We're all Free Agents.
should people be able to work for what they want? absolutlely

should people get freebies? depends on the situation and the person

People loose their jobs for all sorts of reasons. For example...

where I live there is a nursing home, and this nursing home had over fifty employees and paid on the average $10 - $12 per hour plus benefits. The owners of said nursing home sold out to another company. This company didn't want to pay those wages or benefits so they took everyone who worked during the day and switched them to nights and everyone on nights and moved them to days. When people started to quit because their schedules were changed they were replaced by minimum wage no benefits having employees. Yes they could have made the adjustment but I would like to point out that this is how the attitude of employees VS employers gets started and is fostered. If there was a union that could not have happened. That is another thread though.
People who are able to work but choose to live on welfare and poop out illegitimate babys every 9 months are the same people who voted for Obama.
should people be able to work for what they want? absolutlely

should people get freebies? depends on the situation and the person

People loose their jobs for all sorts of reasons. For example...

where I live there is a nursing home, and this nursing home had over fifty employees and paid on the average $10 - $12 per hour plus benefits. The owners of said nursing home sold out to another company. This company didn't want to pay those wages or benefits so they took everyone who worked during the day and switched them to nights and everyone on nights and moved them to days. When people started to quit because their schedules were changed they were replaced by minimum wage no benefits having employees. Yes they could have made the adjustment but I would like to point out that this is how the attitude of employees VS employers gets started and is fostered. If there was a union that could not have happened. That is another thread though.

Neither would have it have happened if they had skills that couldn't be undercut by people with an even lower skill set.
should people be able to work for what they want? absolutlely

should people get freebies? depends on the situation and the person

People loose their jobs for all sorts of reasons. For example...

where I live there is a nursing home, and this nursing home had over fifty employees and paid on the average $10 - $12 per hour plus benefits. The owners of said nursing home sold out to another company. This company didn't want to pay those wages or benefits so they took everyone who worked during the day and switched them to nights and everyone on nights and moved them to days. When people started to quit because their schedules were changed they were replaced by minimum wage no benefits having employees. Yes they could have made the adjustment but I would like to point out that this is how the attitude of employees VS employers gets started and is fostered. If there was a union that could not have happened. That is another thread though.

Neither would have it have happened if they had skills that couldn't be undercut by people with an even lower skill set.

Can't get any lower than minumum wage and part time (which all new hires were). This seems to be a trend though. Only hiring part time workers. Everyone is part time working 24 - 36 hours a week.

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