Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

Cronyism is perhaps the most egregious consequence of having a socioeconomic class of rich ruling elites. They skew the law to serve their vested interests at the public's expense. They undermine our democracy. It's not envy, it's actually ethical to protect society against a wealthy and powerful socioeconomic class of exploiters and vampires. These leeches that rely on the sweat, tears, and blood of their human labor, shouldn't have too much power.

I would cap income at 1.2 million yearly, with cash savings at 10 million. If a person feels persecuted and violated when they're bringing home upper five figures monthly, and have ten million dollars in the bank, they should see a psychiatrist. They're suffering from a bad case of financial gluttony.

In the not-too-distant future, we're going to have to re-organize our economic system anyways to prevent the working-class from being consigned to serfdom. The techno-lords are going to replace all of their employees with robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles..etc, hence creating a mass unemployment crisis. That's why these billionaires are offering to give everyone a government check, called a "UBI", i.e. Universal Basic Income. That's nothing more than another government bailout. Capitalism needs to get bailout again, by the public.

It's not the working class that's in trouble, it's the capitalist, employer class that is up the creek without a paddle, due to technology. Eventually the working-class, even Bubba, will wake up and say "wait a second, why the hell are we allowing these rich folks to own all of the robots and technology, rendering us worthless/unemployed? We don't need to allow this crap. Let's own all of the robots together and produce everything that we consume ourselves". America will eventually, due to technology, adopt a non-profit mode of production. Advanced, 21st-century automation technology will demand it. Our choice is slavery or owning the means of production, together.

Wonder why people seem so limited?
That there are only two choices on how to do things.
Makes zero sense.
You are free to do as you please. No one is forcing you to work with or for anyone else. You are free.
Under capitalism, if you don't have capital i.e. money, you have to sell your labor-power (your life) to a capitalist employer for eight, twelve, or sixteen hours daily to survive. You, nor I, or anyone else is free from needing to eat or have shelter. So this idea that you have that we can do whatever we want, including not working for a capitalist dictator, is silly. It's either sell yourself to a capitalist or starve. How is that a free choice? That's like a gun to the head for most people who live under this capitalist system. Work for a capitalist lord or starve and become homeless (with your spouse and kids as well suffering the same fate). That's a "free choice"? You're quite confused.
Under capitalism, if you don't have capital i.e. money, you have to sell your labor-power (your life) to a capitalist employer for eight, twelve, or sixteen hours daily to survive. You, nor I, or anyone else is free from needing to eat or have shelter. So this idea that you have that we can do whatever we want, including not working for a capitalist dictator, is silly. It's either sell yourself to a capitalist or starve. How is that a free choice? That's like a gun to the head for most people who live under this capitalist system. Work for a capitalist lord or starve and become homeless. That's a "free choice"? You're quite confused.
Did you sell yourself to a capitalist?
Did you sell yourself to a capitalist?

I've never had to do that because I'm very fortunate. Most people aren't in my situation financially and otherwise. However, most people do have to sell themselves to a capitalist dictator.
If you can't figure it out from this exchange starting at post #545 nothing I say will make you see it.

You have no argument. Everything you say is irrational and stupid. As I mentioned earlier, your profile picture fits you well. You think like a donkey ding.
Start at post #545. :)

I'm not referring to myself, but rather to the vast majority of people. So you continue not to make any sense. You're not capable of making a coherent, rational point.
Make your point, and express it in words. In your next post, tell me what your point is in words. Can you do that? Do you have the capacity, and intelligence to do that? Express your opinion and point in words, in the next post. That's what I always do, so you show me the same courtesy, alright? Go ahead.
Make your point, and express it in words. In your next post, tell me what your point is in words. Can you do that? Do you have the capacity, and intelligence to do that? Express your opinion and point in words, in the next post. That's what I always do, so you show me the same courtesy, alright? Go ahead.

He made his point and your argument is to tell him to make his point, then follow up with multiple snide and passive aggressive back handed comments. You're trying to win through attrition.

Honestly I'm surprised he has bothered to respond to you as much as he has because you seem to have no interest in anything except being right by any means necessary.

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