Should a aging gentleman dye his hair?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
As a 37 year old I started greying. Now I wonder if a aging gentleman should dye his hair (his natural color though not some funky colours just to cover the grey) or a man looks better with grey hair?

In this picture you see my greying hair... it is not visible in every picture that I strated greying...

Yanno, at age 25, my temples turned grey. And, over the years, my hair has turned even more. Some people I've known have been jealous of my grey (although they called it chrome) hair. Wear it proudly, knowing that it means you have managed to get some wisdom.
The grey makes you look smarter ... confident ... a man of the world ... babe-magnet ... if that's your house in the background, I'd say you need not worry about a little grey ...

My beard's complete grey, though just a slight speckling in my hair ... but with pick-up lines like "that make-up really cuts your ugliness", grey hair ain't a problem for me ... at 37, you're over the hill, one foot in the grave, don't bother, it won't work ... focus on treachery ... that's all that's left to you in your dodderhood ...
The grey makes you look smarter ... confident ... a man of the world ... babe-magnet ... if that's your house in the background, I'd say you need not worry about a little grey ...

My beard's complete grey, though just a slight speckling in my hair ... but with pick-up lines like "that make-up really cuts your ugliness", grey hair ain't a problem for me ... at 37, you're over the hill, one foot in the grave, don't bother, it won't work ... focus on treachery ... that's all that's left to you in your dodderhood ...

That is the Maria Empfägnis Dom in Linz. Mary Cathedral in Linz Upper Austria. Google it.
Im in the total salt n pepper stage
Beard even has streaks of grey
If I did a 90s goatee I could be an evil Villan.....

Although BEING a straight White right wing male already makes me one to the empty head morons of the left i gots that going for me :auiqs.jpg:
As a 37 year old I started greying. Now I wonder if a aging gentleman should dye his hair (his natural color though not some funky colours just to cover the grey) or a man looks better with grey hair?

In this picture you see my greying hair... it is not visible in every picture that I strated greying...

ONLY if he's a WEENIE, with a BIG ego. Thank you.:)
As a 37 year old I started greying. Now I wonder if a aging gentleman should dye his hair (his natural color though not some funky colours just to cover the grey) or a man looks better with grey hair?

In this picture you see my greying hair... it is not visible in every picture that I strated greying...

You should do what you like Morti. I think men who dye their hair look really good. What kind of look do you want?
You know, in my late 30's, I started to turn grey, and I didn't really like it, so I decided to dye my hair. Well, the very first day I went to work after dying it, my co-workers all laughed at me and told me I was being stupid and vain.

Never dyed my hair again, and decided at that point to just accept it and grow old gracefully. Now? I'm in my mid 50's, and my hair is mostly silver (including my beard), and I'm perfectly fine with it.

Besides, all those wrinkles and grey hairs are a badge of honor, and it signals to others that I've been around for a while and probably have some good experience that I can share with younger folks.

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