Shortest recession in HISTORY.

Wow! 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party (and I believe this was before the “GREAT” Jobs Numbers yesterday). Thank you!
Once that $600.00 sugar on top of the unemployment runs out people will be rushing to go to work. At the moment they look at what they are getting for being lazy and think they aren't losing that much.

Pretty sure millions of those jobs aren't gonna be there because trump the weak kneed son of a bitch he is was cowed by the fake news
Lol. Yeah we needed the looters to burn down the bussinesses and loot them. But you keep pretending.

If you think the looting is bad

Think about the GDP loss we incurred from Trump's inability to stand up and tell the truth, which he clearly believed?

Do you not understand or are you unable to write coherent sentences?
Yesterday, the Washington post actually tweeted that we had 20% unemployment, then had to delete it and report it was actually 13.3%.

They only missed by 6.7% within the span of an hour. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It’s like the idiots thought they could WILL the unemployment to 20%.

Thank God for the riots, eh, libs?
Once that $600.00 sugar on top of the unemployment runs out people will be rushing to go to work. At the moment they look at what they are getting for being lazy and think they aren't losing that much.

Pretty sure millions of those jobs aren't gonna be there because trump the weak kneed son of a bitch he is was cowed by the fake news
Lol. Yeah we needed the looters to burn down the bussinesses and loot them. But you keep pretending.

If you think the looting is bad

Think about the GDP loss we incurred from Trump's inability to stand up and tell the truth, which he clearly believed?

Do you not understand or are you unable to write coherent sentences?

That poster is special.
Once that $600.00 sugar on top of the unemployment runs out people will be rushing to go to work. At the moment they look at what they are getting for being lazy and think they aren't losing that much.

Pretty sure millions of those jobs aren't gonna be there because trump the weak kneed son of a bitch he is was cowed by the fake news
Lol. Yeah we needed the looters to burn down the bussinesses and loot them. But you keep pretending.

If you think the looting is bad

Think about the GDP loss we incurred from Trump's inability to stand up and tell the truth, which he clearly believed?

Do you not understand or are you unable to write coherent sentences?

That poster is special.
Years ago we called them retarded or burnouts depending if it was a mental condition or caused by too many drugs.
V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?

Yea spin it even tho you don't think we should have shut down at all, lol


He's sackless

Hides in his bunker for corona and for protests
I think you have that wrong there Spanky. Dementia Biden has been hiding in his basement. Trump has been busy almost everyday.
But then again Biden has to be kept out of the public eye so no one notices how bad his mental state is.

Don't obfuscate biden ain't the president.

Trump is a fucking coward CNN scares him and a few protestors hahahaha

V shaped recovery from a self induced depression over a devastating cold. Swedish politicians had more balls.

These people leave rainbow unicorns to ward off russian submarine patrols
Roflol. Damn little one too much dope?
You run off like you can't even stay on one subject.
We were saved from 2 million deaths according to the experts by Trump.
I hate to tell you this but you keep saying Trump was hiding while he was out in front of the public almost daily. You must be thinking of Biden who has been in his basement for months.

oh the experts say so

V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?
The sad this is they were hoping for the worst.

In this day and age, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis
Oh man the self delusion in this thread

2 million deaths, hahahaha

Trump has no stones, Israel first, not America

CNN sets policy

He has really fucked up these past few months. His moments to shine he's fumbled. Miserable
V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?
13 percent unemployment is no end of a recession.
V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?

Yea spin it even tho you don't think we should have shut down at all, lol


He's sackless

Hides in his bunker for corona and for protests
I think you have that wrong there Spanky. Dementia Biden has been hiding in his basement. Trump has been busy almost everyday.
But then again Biden has to be kept out of the public eye so no one notices how bad his mental state is.

Don't obfuscate biden ain't the president.

Trump is a fucking coward CNN scares him and a few protestors hahahaha

V shaped recovery from a self induced depression over a devastating cold. Swedish politicians had more balls.

These people leave rainbow unicorns to ward off russian submarine patrols
Roflol. Damn little one too much dope?
You run off like you can't even stay on one subject.
We were saved from 2 million deaths according to the experts by Trump.
I hate to tell you this but you keep saying Trump was hiding while he was out in front of the public almost daily. You must be thinking of Biden who has been in his basement for months.

oh the experts say so

Damn you really should stop using so much heroine. It has scrambled what little brains you had.
V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?
13 percent unemployment is no end of a recession.
You really have to feel sorry when people are celebrating unemployment.
Yesterday, the Washington post actually tweeted that we had 20% unemployment, then had to delete it and report it was actually 13.3%.

They only missed by 6.7% within the span of an hour. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It’s like the idiots thought they could WILL the unemployment to 20%.

Thank God for the riots, eh, libs?

Did you just wake up or pull your head out of someone's ass? That jobs report was a mistake but although it came down just a little over 3%. Stay up with the news.
V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?
Lots of people got creative. People that could sew started selling masks online. People knew folks were at home and started to do landscaping. Restaurants that couldn’t open sold their cleaning supplies,TP,produce and meat stock to the public. Others offered childcare services. People are resourceful.
Funny that the left feels a need to point out that there may have been a mastake by the government on the unemployment numbers yet somehow can't get it through their little minds that the same government that can't get simple numbers right can somehow do healthcare right.
V recovery, just like we said, liberals.

So so so sorry about the bad news.

No 20% unemployment, no decade to recover.

Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy for the country, Democrats, liberals, and left wing lunatics?

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