Shonda Rhimes Is The Devil


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It would be difficult to name any other person - in politics, business, entertainment, sports, or what have you, who has done more to insult, denigrate, and destroy the moral compass of this country. Her television programs are wildly popular and she now officially has more money and influence than God.

The secret to her success? Violate every taboo, moral principle, convention, and expectation, usually via actors who are either beautiful or amazingly handsome. Ridicule people who are moral, religious, monogamous, and/or conventional. Indeed, turn morality on its head.

There are no normal marriages on her program - the idea of a couple that is heterosexual, mono-racial, faithful, and conventionally married is non-existent in her fictional world. The closest thing to a "normal" marriage is the "marriage" of McDreamy with Slut Grey, memorialized by yellow sticky-notes. Inter-racial adoptions are de riguer. Adultery is the norm - even among lesbian couples. Commitments are all written in disappearing ink.

(Light skinned) Black people are superior in every way to their white counterparts. Handsome men fall at the feet of chubby Black women (like Rhimes herself).

When a serious issue comes up - say, abortion - you can bet the farm that the people trying to prevent the abortion from taking place are wild-eyed, religiously-fanatical idiots. Same for euthanasia; the people trying to save the life are the unreasonable cads.

Change the channel, right?

But it is still a cancer. It won't go away; it will only get worse.
I'm jealous of this strong, independent womyn and hyr amazing, limitless stream of successes.

Well OK then. I'm glad you got that off your chest, OP. It's not good to keep such negative feelings bottled up inside; they'll only consume you.
A long, long time ago there used to be a television code of ethics. While non-binding, it required that TV fiction not glamorize crime or depraved behavior. The Code was complied with humorously in a few Alfred Hitchcock crime thrillers when the criminals apparently got off scott free, and Alfred would come on the screen a few moments later and explain that the police actually arrested them when their plane landed in Paris (or wherever).

At that time, "America" realized that it is harmful to the society to glamorize anti-social conduct, whether criminal or not.

The subject of this thread glamorizes adultery, trivializes sex, mocks commitments, and portrays religious and moral people as whack-jobs.

Shonda Rhimes may not be the devil, but she is the devil's agent in TV land.

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