Shocking: Libtard SJW Hag Furiously Deleting Leftard Dribble from Her Social Media!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine
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Kavanaugh may have done this.

But sure as shit, the timing and the messenger couldn't have been much worse.
There is no way he did this. This is the last play in every Libtard playbook.

The Foaming at the mouth Libtard Professor, cannot name date, place and time. She cannot even remember who's house the party was at. Someone going through a traumatic experience has every detail imprinted on their mind. She's flat out lying.

From Clarence Thomas, to Donald Trump, to Judge Moore, to Kavanaugh. The degree to which foaming at the mouth Libtards resort to this tactic is equivalent to how desperate they are at the time.
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Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!
Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

Two things they want which they should not be granted:

A Public Hearing with Public Testimony Televised:

This btw should have never been allowed with Clarence Thomas. This is just as much as a High Tech Lynching as that, and The Left knew those accusations were false at the time. The current accusations are definitely false. And anyone with a brain should smell a rat. A Demorat.

Indefinite Delays and repeated requests for documents, interviews, more questions:

If the FBI won't even look at this, then it has no merit. It was nothing but a Hail Mary from a desperate party.
Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

I dunno. Republicans traditionally are not political street-fighters. It is one of their greatest failings.
Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

I dunno. Republicans traditionally are not political street-fighters. It is one of their greatest failings.
Two many RINOs in the GOP who would gladly take a bribe, a free lunch, to go back to enjoying the days of leisure fraud and abuse and graft.
Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

I dunno. Republicans traditionally are not political street-fighters. It is one of their greatest failings.
Two many RINOs in the GOP who would gladly take a bribe, a free lunch, to go back to enjoying the days of leisure fraud and abuse and graft.

That too.
She needs to show up! And, we need to see her!

50-50 chance she won't show.
She'll show and commit perjury just like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk, Paige, Ohr, and Obama Bin Lying.

She may not show however if she doesn't get to have a televised High Tech Lynching of Kavanaugh.

Remember Kids, Libtards are full of hate and lies, so they are not embarrassed to lie to anyone about anything.
It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine

I read somewhere that when it became obvious that Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed and the letter had to be dusted off and released she was given a week to scrub her accounts.
It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine

I read somewhere that when it became obvious that Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed and the letter had to be dusted off and released she was given a week to scrub her accounts.

It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine

I read somewhere that when it became obvious that Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed and the letter had to be dusted off and released she was given a week to scrub her accounts.

Kinda like James Comey gave Clinton a month to scrub her server despite the fact that was in violation of two Federal Preservation of Data Court Orders.
Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

I dunno. Republicans traditionally are not political street-fighters. It is one of their greatest failings.

You got that right. But we now have a leader who *is* a street fighter. He can keep their backbones stiff. And if not they can join the rest of the swamp in the sewer.
She needs to show up! And, we need to see her!
She needs to show up! And, we need to see her!

Sorry to upset this little circle jerk, but FYI:

"Brett Kavanaugh's accuser now has a name, and the Republican Party's bid to swiftly lift him onto the Supreme Court seems to be spinning out of control.

"The emergence of California professor Christine Blasey Ford, and her willingness to testify to Congress about the allegations, unleashed a frenetic sequence of events Monday that threatened to unravel the confirmation process of President Donald Trump's nominee, who had seemed on a smooth glide path to becoming the man to enshrine a conservative majority for a generation"

Brett Kavanaugh: The power of a named accuser has his Supreme Court future in the balance - CNNPolitics

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