Shock Video : Watch Syrian man illegaly cross from US to Canada seeking asylum


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
SHOCK VIDEO: Watch ‘Syrian’ Man Illegally Cross From US to Canada Seeking Asylum
'Syrian refugee' tells Canadian police he is not safe in US

Stunning raw footage has just been released of a ‘Syrian’ man illegally crossing from New York State into Canada, claiming he is unsafe in the US and seeking asylum from the Canadian government.

Investigative reporter Faith Goldy and her team had stationed themselves on a road popular for illicit passage between the neighboring countries, and within an hour they were able to capture the shocking video.

A taxi stops in the middle of the street, on the New York side of the border, and a well-dressed man exits with his bags and proceeds to walk towards the Quebec when Goldy confronts him.

“Hi there, sir, where are you from?” she asks.

“Syria,” the man replies.

“Why are you fleeing New York State?” she prods. “Why are you going to .........................

Easy is, as easy doe they get in either way, but hey we are the world police so let them bring their disease , crimes and all it is what the trendy liberals want. While none of them ever open the doors to their own homes for them.
I'm a thinkin, nobody really wants to come here anymore. Canada & maybe eventually Mexico could have an immigration crisis of their very own.
Poor guy must not feel wanted. Syrian refugees are the new Jew.

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