'Shell-shocked Bannon' claims Trump would 'lie about anything to win': new book


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Think about how bankrupt of ideas and morally corrupt a political party must be to allow Steve Bannon, a creepy drunk in a basement, to become its most influential advisor. Yes, it was all a lie.

If True, that would make Trump like most everyone else running for president. How can you tell if a politician is lying?... You know the answer!
I'm fine with defeating Democrats by any means. Dems dragged politics into the gutter, fine we'll play by those rules and obliterate the Dem filth.
Think about how bankrupt of ideas and morally corrupt a political party must be to allow Steve Bannon, a creepy drunk in a basement, to become its most influential advisor. Yes, it was all a lie.

Now you know why Trump fired his worthless ass.
Trump admitted that when it came to Washington...he was new at it.
He said that he made the mistake relying on the advice from people who wanted to screw him over.
Once he discovered who his friends and his enemies were....he got rid of the people that were just there to f**k him over.
James Comey bragged about sending agents over to "interview" Michael Flynn.....because he felt they wouldn't see it coming early in the Trump Adm.
Now you know why Trump fired his worthless ass.
Trump admitted that when it came to Washington...he was new at it.
He said that he made the mistake relying on the advice from people who wanted to screw him over.
Once he discovered who his friends and his enemies were....he got rid of the people that were just there to f**k him over.
James Comey bragged about sending agents over to "interview" Michael Flynn.....because he felt they wouldn't see it coming early in the Trump Adm.
None of what these Trumpers are saying is making Trump look any better
Trump is down to having a few friends of the ilk of MTG now. There's no possibility of him making a comeback.
But the damage is done and will be longlasting as some other mad extremist takes over on the road to fascism.
But Trump & his voters claim he is not a lying ass politician. LOL!
Some do...While some hold their nose and vote for him because...well..he was better than Hillary Clinton and/or Joe Biden.
In yet another book on the Donald Trump years, Politico White House bureau chief Jonathan Lemire reports that former Trump advisor Steve Bannon claimed he was taken aback at the ease with which the former president would lie, or order others to do so, just so he could briefly look good in the press.

read that carefully again. it's called hearsay...and we know beyond a doubt that the left will lie with no qualm.
Think about how bankrupt of ideas and morally corrupt a political party must be to allow Steve Bannon, a creepy drunk in a basement, to become its most influential advisor. Yes, it was all a lie.


NEWSFLASH! : Disgruntled former employee says lies and mean things about the boss who shit-canned him.
wI'm fine with defeating Democrats by any means. Dems dragged politics into the gutter, fine we'll play by those rules and obliterate the Dem f

I'm fine with defeating Democrats by any means. Dems dragged politics into the gutter, fine we'll play by those rules and obliterate the Dem filth.
So the solution for those who believe that EVERYTHING is the fault of the Democratic political party
is to get down in the gutter & ACT just like those you blame for Everything?
Both notions defy reality.
Think about how bankrupt of ideas and morally corrupt a political party must be to allow Steve Bannon, a creepy drunk in a basement, to become its most influential advisor. Yes, it was all a lie.

Steve Bannon will now be inducted into the D33P STAIT RINO club.

He gets a complimentary smoking jacket, two coupons for Comet Pizza, a copy of Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, and a time share of the Jewish Space Laser.

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