Sheila Jackson Lee - Sexual Assault


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! The thought makes me shudder!

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas is stepping down from two leadership positions following a lawsuit from a former employee who says her sexual assault complaint was mishandled.

Jackson Lee will no longer serve as leader of one of the House Judiciary Committee's key subcommittees or as head of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, the fundraising arm of the Congressional Black Caucus.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said it was Jackson Lee's decision to step aside as chairwoman of the House Judiciary Crime Subcommittee.

Nadler said Jackson Lee's decision "does not suggest any culpability" but "was to ensure the subcommittee's important work continues."

Jackson Lee steps down from 2 leadership posts after sex assault lawsuit
Is this why they haven't handled the faux "impeachment" in the Judiciary (which clearly has jurisdiction)???
Is this why they haven't handled the faux "impeachment" in the Judiciary (which clearly has jurisdiction)???

The Impeachment Enquiry is being handled by the Intelligence Committee because that is where the Whistleblower Complaint was initiated and because there are intelligence aspects to this case.

Once again, there are no rules for the impeachment process. Each Congress is free to do impeachment in whatever manner the Speaker decides, so just stop with the White House talking points.

Take note that the President lost ALL of his stonewalling legal cases this week, and the judges excoriated him for his behaviour and his arguments that he is above the law and should not be subject to oversight or investigation. Trump’s positions were not supported by law or the Constitution and went far beyond “executive privilege”. One judge said he was try to claim the powers of a “monarchy”.

Even Trump’s claim that “God chose me”, harks back to the Medieval “Divine Right of Kings”. Everything that the Founders opposed and why they wanted religion kept out of politics.

This idea that God wants his flock to follow one politician over another is why the Founders wanted a separation of church and state.
I think we're all going to have to get to the place, a place beyond all the imprinting and institutionalized mindfuckery whereby we come to understand that the system is corrupt through and through, which is why we have come to accept "the lessor of 'two' evils, which always leaves us with evil.
Is this why they haven't handled the faux "impeachment" in the Judiciary (which clearly has jurisdiction)???

The Impeachment Enquiry is being handled by the Intelligence Committee because that is where the Whistleblower Complaint was initiated and because there are intelligence aspects to this case.

Once again, there are no rules for the impeachment process. Each Congress is free to do impeachment in whatever manner the Speaker decides, so just stop with the White House talking points.

Take note that the President lost ALL of his stonewalling legal cases this week, and the judges excoriated him for his behaviour and his arguments that he is above the law and should not be subject to oversight or investigation. Trump’s positions were not supported by law or the Constitution and went far beyond “executive privilege”. One judge said he was try to claim the powers of a “monarchy”.

Even Trump’s claim that “God chose me”, harks back to the Medieval “Divine Right of Kings”. Everything that the Founders opposed and why they wanted religion kept out of politics.

This idea that God wants his flock to follow one politician over another is why the Founders wanted a separation of church and state.
Conservatives used to know that, some of us will recall a time when "conservatives" were, well, conservative.

When you say "radical right" today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye.
Barry Goldwater

A woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right.
Barry Goldwater

The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy.
They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. The great decisions of Government cannot be dictated by the concerns of religious factions. This was true in the days of Madison, and it is just as true today.

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now.
To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic.

Barry Goldwater
Address on religious factions (1981)
Is this why they haven't handled the faux "impeachment" in the Judiciary (which clearly has jurisdiction)???

The Impeachment Enquiry is being handled by the Intelligence Committee because that is where the Whistleblower Complaint was initiated and because there are intelligence aspects to this case.

Once again, there are no rules for the impeachment process. Each Congress is free to do impeachment in whatever manner the Speaker decides, so just stop with the White House talking points.

Take note that the President lost ALL of his stonewalling legal cases this week, and the judges excoriated him for his behaviour and his arguments that he is above the law and should not be subject to oversight or investigation. Trump’s positions were not supported by law or the Constitution and went far beyond “executive privilege”. One judge said he was try to claim the powers of a “monarchy”.

Even Trump’s claim that “God chose me”, harks back to the Medieval “Divine Right of Kings”. Everything that the Founders opposed and why they wanted religion kept out of politics.

This idea that God wants his flock to follow one politician over another is why the Founders wanted a separation of church and state.
There is nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of rights where the words "separation of church and state" occur.
Can you imagine Sheila Jackson Lee trying to force herself on you?

I'd rather wake up in a friday the 13th movie!
Once again, there are no rules for the impeachment process.

You can say THAT again!

ESPECIALLY when democrat filth is in charge of it!
Recall when the reps went for Clinton for an affair when Newt was having an affair at the same time and Henry Hyde was a known serial affairist? How righteous was that, man, good times. America was founded upon hypocrisy, let's just face it.
Recall when the reps went for Clinton for an affair


But I remember when they went after clinton for PERJURY!

Rem,ember he had his law license revoked for PERJURY?
Your corrupt system is populated by corrupt folk isn't it. "But your guys are shittier than my guys" is a hell of a political system. Perhaps this is why we have to "export our way of life" via endless war and state violence.
It don’t matter democrats can do what they want.
Actually "both" of your precious sides do that stuff. That's why all you folks can do is blame each other for the same stuff leaving you "both" correct.
If it was a republican they would have stepped down by now with democrats with pitch forks outside there door
Well hey, lock her up.
Have the media report it lol
It don’t matter democrats can do what they want.
Actually "both" of your precious sides do that stuff. That's why all you folks can do is blame each other for the same stuff leaving you "both" correct.
If it was a republican they would have stepped down by now with democrats with pitch forks outside there door
Well hey, lock her up.
Have the media report it lol
Well that's what happens when ya deregulate the FCC pard; monopolization.

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