She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
How come you will toss some dude with a self harming addiction in the klink for years but this POS is free to destroy ballots and is there again?

Throw her ass in jail with the meanest on the lot. If not I hope Scott goes after her in a Civil Suit and dries her clean. Trying to steal an election from the People!? Treason!

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is angry. He has reason to be.

Counties must report early voting and mail ballot voting within 30 minutes of polls closing, according to Florida state law, Rubio complained on Twitter Thursday. But Broward County has not reported those votes or the number of votes left to be counted, more than 40 hours after the polling station closed on Election Day.

Republicans should be worried, and it isn’t just because Broward County is a Democratic stronghold that could tip the results of the still-contested races for Senate and even perhaps governor. It is because Broward County has a history of destroying ballots and skewing races.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.” The current supervisor’s name? Still Snipes, who won’t say how long it will take to finish counting leftover ballots or how many there are. Unlike two years ago, the races in question for Senate and governor are both extremely competitive.
It is scary how the democrats continue to attack our democracy after each and every election. Connecticut is notorious in that there are always additional ballots from the inner cities to be found if there is a close race. From what I gather Crooked Hillary's associate who helped finance the fake piss "dossier" is also involved in some "recounts" in Florida.
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Same ole Florida. Al Gore was robbed in 2000 when Republicans suppressed voters and votes.

How come you will toss some dude with a self harming addiction in the klink for years but this POS is free to destroy ballots and is there again?

Throw her ass in jail with the meanest on the lot. If not I hope Scott goes after her in a Civil Suit and dries her clean. Trying to steal an election from the People!? Treason!

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is angry. He has reason to be.

Counties must report early voting and mail ballot voting within 30 minutes of polls closing, according to Florida state law, Rubio complained on Twitter Thursday. But Broward County has not reported those votes or the number of votes left to be counted, more than 40 hours after the polling station closed on Election Day.

Republicans should be worried, and it isn’t just because Broward County is a Democratic stronghold that could tip the results of the still-contested races for Senate and even perhaps governor. It is because Broward County has a history of destroying ballots and skewing races.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.” The current supervisor’s name? Still Snipes, who won’t say how long it will take to finish counting leftover ballots or how many there are. Unlike two years ago, the races in question for Senate and governor are both extremely competitive.
Hell you think she is bad they keep sending a guy to Congress who was removed as a Federal Judge for taking bribes and fraud. His name Alee Hastings Broward County Fla just add his name to the names of a very long race list from that area. Hell the Sheriff gets put out of office ever three years. Want some fun read the Syndicate under the Sun. Author don't remember. There are also unsolved murders that are suspicious, Sheriffs involved in fraud and theft, cover ups. County Commis who are involved in land deals with the cities. The list is never ending. It hard for a honest cop to survive down there. I know from personal events.
I'm getting tired of republicans like Rubio screaming on how Broward county and Palm Beach are counting ballots that don't there is nothing he can do...fuck that!...either stop the cheating you swampy Rubio types or we will....
It is like with the mob that attacked Tucker Carlson's house (with Tucker's wife inside) the other night. No fucking arrests so far. Had that been somewhere else, there would be a mob of democrat douchebags in the local hospitals with shot gun wounds, with taxpayers footing the bills.
Same ole Florida. Al Gore was robbed in 2000 when Republicans suppressed voters and votes.

How come you will toss some dude with a self harming addiction in the klink for years but this POS is free to destroy ballots and is there again?

Throw her ass in jail with the meanest on the lot. If not I hope Scott goes after her in a Civil Suit and dries her clean. Trying to steal an election from the People!? Treason!

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is angry. He has reason to be.

Counties must report early voting and mail ballot voting within 30 minutes of polls closing, according to Florida state law, Rubio complained on Twitter Thursday. But Broward County has not reported those votes or the number of votes left to be counted, more than 40 hours after the polling station closed on Election Day.

Republicans should be worried, and it isn’t just because Broward County is a Democratic stronghold that could tip the results of the still-contested races for Senate and even perhaps governor. It is because Broward County has a history of destroying ballots and skewing races.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.” The current supervisor’s name? Still Snipes, who won’t say how long it will take to finish counting leftover ballots or how many there are. Unlike two years ago, the races in question for Senate and governor are both extremely competitive.
Rudio has the proof all he has to do is take it in front of a Grand Jury and present it. They will take it from there. The Jury will have to become a Run away Grand Jury this is a jury who throws the Demo out of the Court Room and call it's own witnesses and indites the suspects for trial. I sounds like she has a PASS and the MO for that type of crime. I should add she is possibly part of the local Black Mafia.
You can't hire a soft lawyer for this, you need a pitbull who's having a bad weak. Some heavy dude who enjoys crushing crooked and powerful people. Some former soldier who did a couple of Tours and is sick of people stealing shyte he is fighting for.

If you send in some clown who wants to just rack up air miles and hours, he's wasting his time. One of the lawyers is a dirty H Clinton lawyer, you know he's bent as hell. Get dirty and let him know he will regret the day he ever brought his ugly global socialist ass into a courtroom.
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I'm getting tired of republicans like Rubio screaming on how Broward county and Palm Beach are counting ballots that don't there is nothing he can do...fuck that!...either stop the cheating you swampy Rubio types or we will....
Hey how much time have you spent in the area I would really like a honest answer....Think you can handle that.
How come you will toss some dude with a self harming addiction in the klink for years but this POS is free to destroy ballots and is there again?

Throw her ass in jail with the meanest on the lot. If not I hope Scott goes after her in a Civil Suit and dries her clean. Trying to steal an election from the People!? Treason!

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is angry. He has reason to be.

Counties must report early voting and mail ballot voting within 30 minutes of polls closing, according to Florida state law, Rubio complained on Twitter Thursday. But Broward County has not reported those votes or the number of votes left to be counted, more than 40 hours after the polling station closed on Election Day.

Republicans should be worried, and it isn’t just because Broward County is a Democratic stronghold that could tip the results of the still-contested races for Senate and even perhaps governor. It is because Broward County has a history of destroying ballots and skewing races.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.” The current supervisor’s name? Still Snipes, who won’t say how long it will take to finish counting leftover ballots or how many there are. Unlike two years ago, the races in question for Senate and governor are both extremely competitive.

There is no evidence of this. So typical of Trump supporters. Paranoid idiots.
I'm getting tired of republicans like Rubio screaming on how Broward county and Palm Beach are counting ballots that don't there is nothing he can do...fuck that!...either stop the cheating you swampy Rubio types or we will....

Half of the Polititions need to be jailed, judging from the Newpapers I have read in the past ten years and before that I live thought so many scandals and illegal dealing that I beleive every thing I read in the Media and they are owned by a Liberal. So how long have you lived there and do you take the Sun Sentinel. Get real and get the truth before you look silly.
How come you will toss some dude with a self harming addiction in the klink for years but this POS is free to destroy ballots and is there again?

Throw her ass in jail with the meanest on the lot. If not I hope Scott goes after her in a Civil Suit and dries her clean. Trying to steal an election from the People!? Treason!

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is angry. He has reason to be.

Counties must report early voting and mail ballot voting within 30 minutes of polls closing, according to Florida state law, Rubio complained on Twitter Thursday. But Broward County has not reported those votes or the number of votes left to be counted, more than 40 hours after the polling station closed on Election Day.

Republicans should be worried, and it isn’t just because Broward County is a Democratic stronghold that could tip the results of the still-contested races for Senate and even perhaps governor. It is because Broward County has a history of destroying ballots and skewing races.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.” The current supervisor’s name? Still Snipes, who won’t say how long it will take to finish counting leftover ballots or how many there are. Unlike two years ago, the races in question for Senate and governor are both extremely competitive.
Fake news.
How come you will toss some dude with a self harming addiction in the klink for years but this POS is free to destroy ballots and is there again?

Throw her ass in jail with the meanest on the lot. If not I hope Scott goes after her in a Civil Suit and dries her clean. Trying to steal an election from the People!? Treason!

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is angry. He has reason to be.

Counties must report early voting and mail ballot voting within 30 minutes of polls closing, according to Florida state law, Rubio complained on Twitter Thursday. But Broward County has not reported those votes or the number of votes left to be counted, more than 40 hours after the polling station closed on Election Day.

Republicans should be worried, and it isn’t just because Broward County is a Democratic stronghold that could tip the results of the still-contested races for Senate and even perhaps governor. It is because Broward County has a history of destroying ballots and skewing races.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.” The current supervisor’s name? Still Snipes, who won’t say how long it will take to finish counting leftover ballots or how many there are. Unlike two years ago, the races in question for Senate and governor are both extremely competitive.
Hell you think she is bad they keep sending a guy to Congress who was removed as a Federal Judge for taking bribes and fraud. His name Alee Hastings Broward County Fla just add his name to the names of a very long race list from that area. Hell the Sheriff gets put out of office ever three years. Want some fun read the Syndicate under the Sun. Author don't remember. There are also unsolved murders that are suspicious, Sheriffs involved in fraud and theft, cover ups. County Commis who are involved in land deals with the cities. The list is never ending. It hard for a honest cop to survive down there. I know from personal events.

Just for the record, his name is Alcee Hastings. He was found not guilty but he was impeached anyway!
Same ole Florida. Al Gore was robbed in 2000 when Republicans suppressed voters and votes.

This time it's the Democrats who are trying to steal the elections (Senate and governor)

Maybe now Republicans will get it that they need to enact voter suppression law, requiring CITIZENSHIP PROOF to vote, to keep illegal aliens out - the only reason why these elections came out close.
Same ole Florida. Al Gore was robbed in 2000 when Republicans suppressed voters and votes.

This time it's the Democrats who are trying to steal the elections (Senate and governor)

Maybe now Republicans will get it that they need to enact voter suppression law, requiring CITIZENSHIP PROOF to vote, to keep illegal aliens out - the only reason why these elections came out close.
This time it's the Democrats who are trying to steal the elections (Senate and governor)

Maybe now Republicans will get it that they need to enact voter suppression law, requiring CITIZENSHIP PROOF to vote, to keep illegal aliens out - the only reason why these elections came out close.

I agree., but just out of curiosity, do you prefer a fingerprint or eye scan?

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