Shame on Trump. Standing in front of all those 22 year olds and crying and whining "It's not FAIR!"


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

"Now, I want to take this opportunity to give you some advice," Trump told the Coast Guard cadets in Connecticut. "Over the course of your life, you will find that things are not always fair. You will find that things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted, but you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight.

"Look at the way I've been treated lately," he continued. "Especially by the media. No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly.

Look at how Republicans treated Obama. And look at what they did to the Clintons. 30 years of harassment.

What a whiny tiny handed pu$$y b!tch to go in front of all those kids and whine "It's not FAIR!". It's like Bush: Being president is really, really hard.

Trump's second country he is visiting in the Middle East is Israel. You know, the country whose intelligence he revealed to the Russians without asking. Gee, I wonder what he will say when he get's there? Sorry? Oops? What? Shut up, I'll do what I want? You're Jews, you can't tell me what to do?
He was using himself as an example that life is a struggle and that you must be determined to fight through whatever is in front of you. That is a great message. I'm sure you had no problem with dick weed Obama wagging his finger at a graduating class booming "You didn't earn that degree, you were lucky! This a pet peeve of mine (breaking into his oh so Black dialect) that successful people don't realize they've been lucky". Hey Obama, kiss my successful ASS

obama pet peeve of mine - Bing video
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He was using himself as an example that life is a struggle and that you must be determined to fight through whatever is in front of you. That is a great message. I'm sure you had no problem with dick weed Obama wagging his finger at a graduating class booming "You didn't earn that degree, you were lucky! This a pet peeve of mine (breaking into his oh so Black dialect) that successful people don't realize they've been lucky". Hey Obama, kiss my successful ASS

obama pet peeve of mine - Bing video
Obama went from food stamps to president. And you show that disrespect? And you defend the pu$$y grabber? Who inherited his money and stiffed his workers?

You are an A$$ WHOLE.
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Just watched TV where they talked about Trump speaking in front of all those kids and for once making it about them. Then they played this clip:

"Look at the way I've been treated lately," he continued. "Especially by the media. No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly.

And then couldn't stop laughing.
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Trump is crying, "this is the greatest witch hunt in American History".

Remember, "I have investigators in Hawaii and they can't believe what they are finding"? Remember that?

Republican Witch Hunts:

Obama's birth certificate
Obama's college records
Hillary's emails
Travel Gate
Fast and Furious

Those are "witch hunts".

Trump involved with the Russians is a FACT. A f*cking FACT. So that obese Russian Poodle, Agent Orange better get used to it. When little piggy Flynn starts to squeal, they all will.
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What's funny is that Trump is an enormously successful con man and scam artist. But it looks more and more like he got scammed by Flynn. A man he knew for only a little more than a year.
If "fight, fight, fight" sounds like like crying and whining to the left it proves that the world is upside down and ass backwards in the liberal mind.
If "fight, fight, fight" sounds like like crying and whining to the left it proves that the world is upside down and ass backwards in the liberal mind.
What about this part:

"Look at the way I've been treated lately," he continued. "Especially by the media. No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly.
As bad as Trump was in front of 22 year old cadets, he was even worse in front of 10 year old boy scouts.

Worse, there were black scouts in that crowd of 40,000. How do you think they felt after Trump smeared Obama? How do you think other boy scouts treated them after that speech. I know Republicans don't care. They're racist. Stuff like that doesn't bother them. They love it. But for real Americans, it's shameful.
Trump involved with the Russians is a FACT. A f*cking FACT. So that obese Russian Poodle, Agent Orange better get used to it. When little piggy Flynn starts to squeal, they all will.

And still not a shred of proof. You are proving Trump right every time you open your LWNJ mouth.
Worse, there were black scouts in that crowd of 40,000. How do you think they felt after Trump smeared Obama?

Most scouts at a jamboree are the best and brightest. They probably agreed with him since they are trying to make something of themselves, not live on what you want to give them.

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