Shadow People and Shadow Entities


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
So, have you ever encountered either of them? Do you believe in them? How do you define them? Where do they come from? How do you get rid of them?

I am asking because I have heard different explanations depending on region and background. I'm genuinely curious how many different explanations would be on this forum.

I have heard of them but there's nothing magical about them.

They are people who have chosen to live in solitude. Typically in rural areas where one can "live off the land". They want nothing to do with others and go to extremes to avoid contact - even to avoid being seen. Some become nocturnal. No, they're not "feral". Just opting out.

Now and then one encounters such a person - or rather I should say comes upon evidence of them. Typically an actual encounter occurs when one happens on an extremely remote habitation and finds a rotted corpse. Lived alone; died alone. Kindest thing would be to burn the whole thing down - safely, of course, to prevent wildfire. But that typically doesn't happen. "Authorities" get involved; there are investigations and the body gets hauled around and desecrated.

I ran into this once in the 1970s. It was a long-abandoned World War II very remote military installation where the occasional passer-by claimed to have seen someone keeping to the shadows. Evidence suggested the individual, knowing it was time, fired up the barrel stove and left the door open then then went to bed. Someone saw the light and, the next day, investigated. "Authorities" packed up the ashes from what seemed to have been the bed and sent them to the nearest coroner who sent them to The FBI where it was confirmed the ashes were human and dental records identified an former serviceman who had opted out.

Sadly the ashes were not returned to the shelter and his solitude was ruined. No, no ghost stories. Maybe the solitude wasn't totally ruined.

Only the coroner, to whom the ashes were returned, knows where they were deposited. And he, too, is dead.
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So, have you ever encountered either of them? Do you believe in them? How do you define them? Where do they come from? How do you get rid of them?

I am asking because I have heard different explanations depending on region and background. I'm genuinely curious how many different explanations would be on this forum.
Yes, I had to deal with them from my late teens when I dabbled in the occult, until my early 20s when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

I actually was physically attacked by them a couple times. As a Christian they finally left me permanently when I physically FOUGHT them.

I have heard of them but there's nothing magical about them.

They are people who have chosen to live in solitude. Typically in rural areas where one can "live off the land". They want nothing to do with others and goi to extremes to avoid contact - even to avoid being seen. Some become nocturnal. No, they're not "feral". Just opting out.

Now and then one encounters such a person - or rather I should say comes upon evidence of them. Typically an actual encounter occurs when one happens on an extremely remote habitation and finds a rotted corpse. Lived alone; died alone. Kindest thing would be to burn the whole thing down - safely, of course, to prevent wildfire. But that typically doesn't happen. "Authorities" get involved; there are investigations and the body gets hauled around and desecrated.

I ran into this once in the 1970s. It was a long-abandoned World War II very remote military installation where the occasional passer-by claimed to have seen someone keeping to the shadows. Evidence sugested the individual, knowing it was time, fired up the barrel stove and left the door open then then went to bed. Someone saw the light and, the next day, investigated. "Authorities" packed up the ashes from what seemed to have been the bed and sent them to the nearest coroner who sent them to The FBI where it was confirmed the ashes were human and dental records identified an former serviceman who had opted out.

Sadly the ashes were not returned to the shelter and his solitude was ruined. No, no ghost stories. Maybe the solitude wasn't totally ruined.

Only the coroner, to whom the ashes were returned, knows where they were deposited. And he, too, is dead.
That's not what she's talking about and not what they are
Yes, I had to deal with them from my late teens when I dabbled in the occult, until my early 20s when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

I actually was physically attacked by them a couple times. As a Christian they finally left me permanently when I physically FOUGHT them.
Can you tell me about your experiences? I understand if you can't.
So, have you ever encountered either of them? Do you believe in them? How do you define them? Where do they come from? How do you get rid of them?

I am asking because I have heard different explanations depending on region and background. I'm genuinely curious how many different explanations would be on this forum.

Yes. They are inter dimensional, they can at times take on a solid mass, I have seen them completely block the light through a doorway.
Can you tell me about your experiences? I understand if you can't.
I will describe them.

They are called "shadowmen" because in a perfectly dark room, you can still see their silhouette. They are DARKER THAN NIGHT. IT'S hard to explain, but you can see them in complete darkness because they are darker than that.

They are man sized, and they always appear to be wearing a black cape and usually a black hat.

When the encounters first started, I was 16. They would appear very late at night and stand over me around the bed. Usually only one, but sometimes 2 or 3.

In the beginning they just stood there and watched me. Later they became more physical.

I was being led to Christ around 20 to 21. I began to understand them (they are demons). They are very powerful. I don't think a human being can actually fight them off except by invoking the Name of Jesus Christ.

My last encounter, I woke up with one on top of me. I couldn't move. I remembered the verse from James: Submit yourselves to God. RESIST THE DEVIL and he will flee from you. When he had me pinned down, and I couldn't move, I pushed against him as hard as I could, and I told it, "in the Name of Jesus Christ, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

It vanished like a puff of smoke. I never saw another one after that. Very soon after that I was baptized. They never bothered me again and I had since renounced all the occult stuff I dabbled in that opened the door to these dark beings.

Why are you asking about them? Have you seen them?
I was monitored and nearly attacked by these hyperdimensional beings, once, when I was a pre-teen. Or at least, that is what I suspect they are.

They watch certain folks on the planet. . . like the butterfly affect, that influence others, thoughts, energy, and emotions.

Later, in my early twenties, one of the sons of Abraham, Ephraim, came to me in a lucid dream to explain, I believe. I had no idea who he was, I had to look him up afterward. I'm not even Jewish. :heehee:


. . . IMO? I don't think what the establishment is telling folks about the moon, or the pyramids, or the first age of mankind's history on Earth, is entirely true.

. . . from what Dark Angel wrote, sounds like I was lucky I was baptized as a babe.
I was monitored and nearly attacked by these hyperdimensional beings, once, when I was a pre-teen. Or at least, that is what I suspect they are.

They watch certain folks on the planet. . . like the butterfly affect, that influence others, thoughts, energy, and emotions.

Later, in my early twenties, one of the sons of Abraham, Ephraim, came to me in a lucid dream to explain, I believe. I had no idea who he was, I had to look him up afterward. I'm not even Jewish. :heehee:


. . . IMO? I don't think what the establishment is telling folks about the moon, or the pyramids, or the first age of mankind's history on Earth, is entirely true.

. . . from what Dark Angel wrote, sounds like I was lucky I was baptized as a babe.

I am an empath. There is so much more out there than they saying.
In my early 20s I began attending a Sabbath keeping church (not 7th Day Adventist). I attended alone. I told this experience to a ther young guy who also attended the church alone (no other family members).

The next Sabbath he came to me and told me that he told my story to his mother.

He said his mother started crying and told him she had the same experiences and she was raped by these beings MORE THAN ONCE. She never told him this before and she never felt like she could talk about it. From what I remember, they were plaguing her right up to that time.

He said he told her how I got them to leave me alone. She never became a member of the church, but I found out after meeting her that she started studying the Bible and praying. They soon left her alone too.
When people debate whether God exists or not, I can only laugh. There are SO MANY PERSONAL experiences where angels and demons have made themselves KNOWN, that it is UNDENIABLE once you've experienced them. There IS a spirit world, and there is a God. For many people, there is NO doubt
I will describe them.

They are called "shadowmen" because in a perfectly dark room, you can still see their silhouette. They are DARKER THAN NIGHT. IT'S hard to explain, but you can see them in complete darkness because they are darker than that.

They are man sized, and they always appear to be wearing a black cape and usually a black hat.

When the encounters first started, I was 16. They would appear very late at night and stand over me around the bed. Usually only one, but sometimes 2 or 3.

In the beginning they just stood there and watched me. Later they became more physical.

I was being led to Christ around 20 to 21. I began to understand them (they are demons). They are very powerful. I don't think a human being can actually fight them off except by invoking the Name of Jesus Christ.

My last encounter, I woke up with one on top of me. I couldn't move. I remembered the verse from James: Submit yourselves to God. RESIST THE DEVIL and he will flee from you. When he had me pinned down, and I couldn't move, I pushed against him as hard as I could, and I told it, "in the Name of Jesus Christ, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

It vanished like a puff of smoke. I never saw another one after that. Very soon after that I was baptized. They never bothered me again and I had since renounced all the occult stuff I dabbled in that opened the door to these dark beings.

Why are you asking about them? Have you seen them?
I've not seen anything that you have described. I have heard and read some people say that they felt that something was on their chest and they couldn't move: sleep paralysis. They also consider them to be demons.

The response is very different depending on the background of the individual talking about it. One person might say to keep on keeping on if you see them. Don't ask 'em. Don't ask about 'em. Stay in your own lane. Another person might say that there is nothing to worry about and they can be anything from good to bad to nothing. Then there are those folks like JustAGuy1 that consider them to be interdimensional.
Just put your tinfoil hat back on and the shadow people will go away
I will describe them.

They are called "shadowmen" because in a perfectly dark room, you can still see their silhouette. They are DARKER THAN NIGHT. IT'S hard to explain, but you can see them in complete darkness because they are darker than that.

They are man sized, and they always appear to be wearing a black cape and usually a black hat.

When the encounters first started, I was 16. They would appear very late at night and stand over me around the bed. Usually only one, but sometimes 2 or 3.

In the beginning they just stood there and watched me. Later they became more physical.

I was being led to Christ around 20 to 21. I began to understand them (they are demons). They are very powerful. I don't think a human being can actually fight them off except by invoking the Name of Jesus Christ.

My last encounter, I woke up with one on top of me. I couldn't move. I remembered the verse from James: Submit yourselves to God. RESIST THE DEVIL and he will flee from you. When he had me pinned down, and I couldn't move, I pushed against him as hard as I could, and I told it, "in the Name of Jesus Christ, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

It vanished like a puff of smoke. I never saw another one after that. Very soon after that I was baptized. They never bothered me again and I had since renounced all the occult stuff I dabbled in that opened the door to these dark beings.

Why are you asking about them? Have you seen them?
Most likely what you experienced is basically hallucinations that occur in hypnogogic state. Some people experience all manner of such occurrences.
I am one of them. I awoke numerous times with the absolute feeling someone was laying on top of me - a common occurrence.
But what it actually is, is during REM sleep your brain paralyzes your arms and legs. Since hypnogogia commonly occurs immediately after a dream - your altered mind interprets this feeling as something/someone laying on top of you.
Most likely what you experienced is basically hallucinations that occur in hypnogogic state. Some people experience all manner of such occurrences.
I am one of them. I awoke numerous times with the absolute feeling someone was laying on top of me - a common occurrence.
But what it actually is, is during REM sleep your brain paralyzes your arms and legs. Since hypnogogia commonly occurs immediately after a dream - your altered mind interprets this feeling as something/someone laying on top of you.
That's not the shadowman, that's a succubus, a female demon that rides you cowgirl style while you are sleeping.
So, have you ever encountered either of them? Do you believe in them? How do you define them? Where do they come from? How do you get rid of them?

I am asking because I have heard different explanations depending on region and background. I'm genuinely curious how many different explanations would be on this forum.
I've seen the shadowman/hatman before.

I was sitting on my recliner in the living room one long night trying to catch up on some paperwork after pouring concrete all day and saw him out of the corner of my eye in the dining room. Pitch black with a wide brimmed hat. As soon as I could look he quickly went to a bedroom.

That scared the hell out of me, so I jumped out of my chair and went after him. But there was nobody in there. He totally disappeared into thin air. WTF?

I looked everywhere. Under the bed, in the closet, everywhere. I just figured that I was hallucinating because of sleep deprivation and a few beers.

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