Sexual Orientation: What are it's causes?

I never said it was purely biological, but it is idiotic to think it is only a choice as you say.

You are the one making these claims where it is only choice, I want to see your evidence where it is true. Unless you want to admit you were lying when you said that.
right 3 vids, but you claim that it is every person who says they are gay. I could easily find 10 videos of gay people who say that it is biological for every 3 you find.
Both homos and child molesters claim that it's Not a "choice" that they were born that way.

So if being homo is biological and they can't help it.

Then being a pedophile is also biological; because after all, they say it's not a choice. :doubt:
right 3 vids, but you claim that it is every person who says they are gay. I could easily find 10 videos of gay people who say that it is biological for every 3 you find.
Both homos and child molesters claim that it's Not a "choice" that they were born that way.

So if being homo is biological and they can't help it.

Then being a pedophile is also biological; because after all, they say it's not a choice. :doubt:

The difference there is that pedophiles pray on innocent children, molest and torture them when they have no choice in the matter. And many do say that pedophilia is a disease and they should be treated.

But when it comes to being gay, when it is not a choice, it is up to the partners to decide whether or not to engage in sexual activity. That's the difference.
We're hardwired to like sex. That doesn't mean we are obligated to act on every sexual urge. Gayness isn't hardwired, isn't genetic, but it doesn't matter anyway.

In your opinion, "gayness yadda, yadda, yadda"

Most people with two frontal lobes would disagree.

Ad hominem, irrelevant, and untrue.

Truth is not subjective. It doesn't matter what people think.
The difference there is that pedophiles pray on innocent children, molest and torture them when they have no choice in the matter. And many do say that pedophilia is a disease and they should be treated.
The same argument was used against the homos just a few years ago.

Now being a homo is considered normal.

Pedophiles say that it's not a "choice" sames as the homos.

Thus, there is No difference between homosexuality and pedophelia.
The difference there is that pedophiles pray on innocent children, molest and torture them when they have no choice in the matter. And many do say that pedophilia is a disease and they should be treated.
The same argument was used against the homos just a few years ago.

Now being a homo is considered normal.

Pedophiles say that it's not a "choice" sames as the homos.

Thus, there is No difference between homosexuality and pedophelia.

Interesting how you cut out the second half of my post.....

But also, when anyone, I don't care who you are, rapes another human, then they should be thrown into jail.

Pedophiles are capable of having normal sexual relations, but we don't punish them because of that. We punish them because they rape young kids.

If a homosexual were to do the same, I say by all means throw their ass in jail. But it's utterly ridiculous to think that gay people are incapable of having consensual sex.
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The difference there is that pedophiles pray on innocent children, molest and torture them when they have no choice in the matter. And many do say that pedophilia is a disease and they should be treated.
The same argument was used against the homos just a few years ago.

Now being a homo is considered normal.

Pedophiles say that it's not a "choice" sames as the homos.

Thus, there is No difference between homosexuality and pedophelia.

Interesting how you cut out the second half of my post.....
People who have sex with animals say that it's not a "choice" either.

Just saying :cool:
The same argument was used against the homos just a few years ago.

Now being a homo is considered normal.

Pedophiles say that it's not a "choice" sames as the homos.

Thus, there is No difference between homosexuality and pedophelia.

Interesting how you cut out the second half of my post.....
People who have sex with animals say that it's not a "choice" either.

Just saying :cool:

But also, when anyone, I don't care who you are, rapes another human, then they should be thrown into jail.

Pedophiles are capable of having normal sexual relations, but we don't punish them because of that. We punish them because they rape young kids.

If a homosexual were to do the same, I say by all means throw their ass in jail. But it's utterly ridiculous to think that gay people are incapable of having consensual sex.

And that animal has a choice in the matter????
Interesting how you cut out the second half of my post.....
People who have sex with animals say that it's not a "choice" either.

Just saying :cool:

But also, when anyone, I don't care who you are, rapes another human, then they should be thrown into jail.

Pedophiles are capable of having normal sexual relations, but we don't punish them because of that. We punish them because they rape young kids.

If a homosexual were to do the same, I say by all means throw their ass in jail. But it's utterly ridiculous to think that gay people are incapable of having consensual sex.

And that animal has a choice in the matter????
What if the animal likes it?

Why should they be prevented for expressing their love or getting married??

After all, it's Not a "choice" but biological. :doubt:
Based on personal observation I think for some it is a choice and for others it's biological.

Case 1:
Someone I know was brought up by a gay couple. He dated girls for a while, but decided he dug boys. From what I could tell this was his choice. I think he liked girls, but just decided he wanted to give guys a try. Now I haven't talked to him in several years so I have no idea whether or not he still is into guys or not. But that, to me, is a choice.

Case 2:
One of my friends was brought up in a Catholic household. He went to church every Sunday and his family was very religious. I was one of the first people he came out to. He told me he was very worried about telling his family because they saw it as a sin. He didn't tell them for a long time out of that fear. Now, if he was really that afraid it being a sin, as his family and church so firmly believed, how could anyone make that choice to be gay?

Now these are just my observations, and not my only two gay friends. But the ones I think most demonstrate the "issue" at hand.
Being gay is not a choice. Living a gay life style is. A person can no more chose their sexual orientation than they can chose their skin color.

Society has always shunned or punished those that are different, be it sexual orientation, race, religion, or physical appearance because we fear the abnormal and embrace the normal. So for centuries, people have hidden who they are in order to fit into society. Now with the acceptance of individual freedoms, people feel they don't have to hide who they are just fit into society.

Does that mean that everyone who says they made a choice about being gay or straight are lying? Or does it actually mean you are trying to dominate the discussion and impose your views on others?
Being a homo is a choice; a pathetic choice, but a choice none the less. :doubt:

Do you have any scientific evidence to support this claim?

In fairness, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that it is genetic.

Though I suspect that one day we will discover that it is. Complex polygenic pathway.

When that happens, bigots will no longer be able to hide behind the guise of their hatred being acceptable because it's a "choice".

That is the most idiotic thing that has been said in this entire thread, and I am actually aware of the comments about demonic possession. No one is hiding behind the belief it is a choice to hide anything, the people that hate will continue to hate even if you give them proof that they are wrong because hate is not based on information and is only subject to logic if the person who hates chooses to learn. Maybe you should try thinking instead of spouting talking points like an idiot.
We're hardwired to like sex. That doesn't mean we are obligated to act on every sexual urge. Gayness isn't hardwired, isn't genetic, but it doesn't matter anyway.

In your opinion, "gayness yadda, yadda, yadda"

Most people with two frontal lobes would disagree.

Being that you don't even have one that works how would you know what people with two think?
Do you have any scientific evidence to support this claim?

In fairness, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that it is genetic.

Though I suspect that one day we will discover that it is. Complex polygenic pathway.

When that happens, bigots will no longer be able to hide behind the guise of their hatred being acceptable because it's a "choice".

That is the most idiotic thing that has been said in this entire thread, and I am actually aware of the comments about demonic possession. No one is hiding behind the belief it is a choice to hide anything, the people that hate will continue to hate even if you give them proof that they are wrong because hate is not based on information and is only subject to logic if the person who hates chooses to learn. Maybe you should try thinking instead of spouting talking points like an idiot.

Gracious, Mr. Crabby Pants. I didn't know you could step out of Spock-mode.
right 3 vids, but you claim that it is every person who says they are gay. I could easily find 10 videos of gay people who say that it is biological for every 3 you find.
Both homos and child molesters claim that it's Not a "choice" that they were born that way.

So if being homo is biological and they can't help it.

Then being a pedophile is also biological; because after all, they say it's not a choice. :doubt:

The difference there is that pedophiles pray on innocent children, molest and torture them when they have no choice in the matter. And many do say that pedophilia is a disease and they should be treated.

But when it comes to being gay, when it is not a choice, it is up to the partners to decide whether or not to engage in sexual activity. That's the difference.

The difference is that you have arbitrarily decided that one is acceptable and one isn't, so you choose to pretend that your morality is better than theirs.
In fairness, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that it is genetic.

Though I suspect that one day we will discover that it is. Complex polygenic pathway.

When that happens, bigots will no longer be able to hide behind the guise of their hatred being acceptable because it's a "choice".

That is the most idiotic thing that has been said in this entire thread, and I am actually aware of the comments about demonic possession. No one is hiding behind the belief it is a choice to hide anything, the people that hate will continue to hate even if you give them proof that they are wrong because hate is not based on information and is only subject to logic if the person who hates chooses to learn. Maybe you should try thinking instead of spouting talking points like an idiot.

Gracious, Mr. Crabby Pants. I didn't know you could step out of Spock-mode.

Sorry I'm late to this party but here's my $0.02:

In the question of Nature vs Nurture, I believe it is a little of both. I believe that there are people who are genetically susceptable to being homosexual, and it takes a stressor in the environment to shift them in that direction. I base my theory on the many friends I have who are gay.

Chip, who is 32 years old and gay has a total shit bag for a mother. his older sister could do no wrong and Chip can do no right. Chip is a very talented artist, designer, and is highly sought after in his job. He and I have collaborated on some really fine projects. he's a generally nice guy. His mom is a beast from hell.

Jamie who I think is about 30, is a lesbian friend who I met via my daughter. She's funny, vibrant and being in her company is always good for one's soul. Her brother, whom she grew up admiring was tragically killed while she watched. I don't know the details, because she can't speak of it still after all these years.

Jon, a gay friend who only recently came out, has always been a troubled soul. i have known him for many years. We were among a group of good friends who drank a whole lot of alchohol in our days. he's adopted and his rich parents are psycho. I never liked them.

Phil, another Gay friend who recently came out, though it was no surprise to anyone, has a past he won't talk about at all. Since he came out he's been likethe phoenix rising from the ashes. The change in him is astounding. He is now on to greater things.

I vote both nature and nurture.
Sorry I'm late to this party but here's my $0.02:

In the question of Nature vs Nurture, I believe it is a little of both. I believe that there are people who are genetically susceptable to being homosexual, and it takes a stressor in the environment to shift them in that direction. I base my theory on the many friends I have who are gay.

Chip, who is 32 years old and gay has a total shit bag for a mother. his older sister could do no wrong and Chip can do no right. Chip is a very talented artist, designer, and is highly sought after in his job. He and I have collaborated on some really fine projects. he's a generally nice guy. His mom is a beast from hell.

Jamie who I think is about 30, is a lesbian friend who I met via my daughter. She's funny, vibrant and being in her company is always good for one's soul. Her brother, whom she grew up admiring was tragically killed while she watched. I don't know the details, because she can't speak of it still after all these years.

Jon, a gay friend who only recently came out, has always been a troubled soul. i have known him for many years. We were among a group of good friends who drank a whole lot of alchohol in our days. he's adopted and his rich parents are psycho. I never liked them.

Phil, another Gay friend who recently came out, though it was no surprise to anyone, has a past he won't talk about at all. Since he came out he's been likethe phoenix rising from the ashes. The change in him is astounding. He is now on to greater things.

I vote both nature and nurture.

I have given too much rep, but I have a long attention span and will remember.
Being a homo is a choice; a pathetic choice, but a choice none the less. :doubt:

Agreed, a sick pathetic choice, to allow a Homosexual demon from another dimension to take over
your sexual preference.

It may also be of demonic origin.

I'm sure that's what it is. Demons. Republicans believe in Demons. If they didn't, Demons wouldn't exist. They have the Republicans to thank.

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