Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon starts petition to abolish ICE


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA
Petition · Department of Homeland Security: Abolish ICE ·

The worst part? People are actually signing it!

Why is it that actors/singers, etc seem to be the most idiotic among us? There are far more liberal celebrities than non-liberal, and this is NOT to say I think liberals are stupid per se bc ACTUAL liberalism, in which different cultures and mindsets are welcome is not something to be shunned, but we all know that kind of liberalism has for the most part died in America and is slowly being taken over by fascist-like ideas of “if you don’t agree with me you’re obviously a Nazi/white supremacist/evil person/mentally insufficient,” and so on.

Trump’s presidency has pushed the left to extremes. Do Democrats really believe abolishing ICE is a reasonable, worthwhile plan? When you’re pushing to end an organization that has the responsibility of deporting criminal illegals (including gang members) but then get pissed when the president accuses you of catering to gang members, you might be losing it.

The left is losing it, period. What’s it going to take to get the ignorant hysteria to stop?
Let's see....what happens when you abolish the enforcement arm of any body of laws? Oh, right, the laws effectively cease to exist.

So does the bubbleheadded idiot actress want complete anarchy? Will she let a couple dozen illegals squat in her living room as proof of her commitment to lawless illegal immigration?
Petition · Department of Homeland Security: Abolish ICE ·

The worst part? People are actually signing it!

Why is it that actors/singers, etc seem to be the most idiotic among us? There are far more liberal celebrities than non-liberal, and this is NOT to say I think liberals are stupid per se bc ACTUAL liberalism, in which different cultures and mindsets are welcome is not something to be shunned, but we all know that kind of liberalism has for the most part died in America and is slowly being taken over by fascist-like ideas of “if you don’t agree with me you’re obviously a Nazi/white supremacist/evil person/mentally insufficient,” and so on.

Trump’s presidency has pushed the left to extremes. Do Democrats really believe abolishing ICE is a reasonable, worthwhile plan? When you’re pushing to end an organization that has the responsibility of deporting criminal illegals (including gang members) but then get pissed when the president accuses you of catering to gang members, you might be losing it.

The left is losing it, period. What’s it going to take to get the ignorant hysteria to stop?
Being popular is important to some.

I just hope we don't have to learn the hard way like Germany and other countries had to.
Let's see....what happens when you abolish the enforcement arm of any body of laws? Oh, right, the laws effectively cease to exist.

So does the bubbleheadded idiot actress want complete anarchy? Will she let a couple dozen illegals squat in her living room as proof of her commitment to lawless illegal immigration?

She’s running for office, so it looks like she’s trying to get the votes of the dumbest/most violent/disrespectful Americans. I have to wonder if she’s somehow counting on illegals voting her in...
Want more Trump? This is how you get Moar Trump.
Why is it that actors/singers, etc seem to be the most idiotic among us?

That's easy. They live in a bubble of zero negative feedback. In our cult of personality culture, we deify celebrities and they surround themselves with only the most sycophantic acolytes.

Why not? Who, if given a choice, would choose friends who challenge you and question your choices over those who enthusiastically praise every stupid choice and agree with every stupid idea.

After being in that bubble, even for a short time, the celebrities will begin to believe that everyone sees them in the same light as their entourage and will believe they actually are smart, funny, and insightful.

One reason for the high rate of celebrity suicide, and self-destructive behaviour, is that eventually fame wears off and the crowds become less adoring and most of them figure out that the high opinion they had of themselves was, in fact, a delusion.
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Let me guess, she has support from Hollywood.

Since when do we really care what Hollywood snowflakes think?

Let's start another petition, to build the wall.
Petitions can override Law ... is that in The Constitution?
I encourage her and the rest of the Demonrats to continue working the this strategy. It's a winner! Really it is!
Petition · Department of Homeland Security: Abolish ICE ·

The worst part? People are actually signing it!

Why is it that actors/singers, etc seem to be the most idiotic among us? There are far more liberal celebrities than non-liberal, and this is NOT to say I think liberals are stupid per se bc ACTUAL liberalism, in which different cultures and mindsets are welcome is not something to be shunned, but we all know that kind of liberalism has for the most part died in America and is slowly being taken over by fascist-like ideas of “if you don’t agree with me you’re obviously a Nazi/white supremacist/evil person/mentally insufficient,” and so on.

Trump’s presidency has pushed the left to extremes. Do Democrats really believe abolishing ICE is a reasonable, worthwhile plan? When you’re pushing to end an organization that has the responsibility of deporting criminal illegals (including gang members) but then get pissed when the president accuses you of catering to gang members, you might be losing it.

The left is losing it, period. What’s it going to take to get the ignorant hysteria to stop?

On the modern American radical--and increasingly, more moderate Left--it's all about bringing down our President at any cost. The Left doesn't really care about ICE or immigrant children. They've weaponized the aforementioned in hopes of ramping up their party base and young democrat voters in particular. All they have is, "Down with Trump!".

As far as the actress turned politichik, she's as radical Left as they come and overtly anti-American. What's it going to take to stop the madness? Well, November will be a good start. Lot's of fallout to come over the IG report and hearings, etc. Hopefully that will do it and America avoid further nasty internal strife.

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