"Sex abuse bishop evaded prosecution after intervention of Lord Chief Justice and member..."


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"...of the Royal Family."

Peter Ball: Sex abuse bishop evaded prosecution after intervention of Lord Chief Justice and member of the Royal family

" A disgraced Bishop evaded prosecution for decades after intervention by a member of the Royal family, Cabinet Ministers and a Lord Chief Justice, a court heard yesterday.

The former Bishop of Gloucester, now aged 83, groomed and abused 18 aspiring young priests over a period spanning 15 years.

Mr Justice Wilkie, sitting at the Old Bailey, jailed Ball for two years and eight months for his offending on Wednesday.

But, before being sentenced, the court heard how Ball escaped justice over the same charges years earlier after he was given support by a member of the Royal family and Establishment figures.

Ball was first reported to Gloucester Police by novice monk Neil Todd and others in 1992. "

rest at link
off with his head!

he is already out of his head, it's not doing much for him

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