setting the standard - do you really want to live by it?


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
We warned them about backing Bill Clinton because it will lower the bar on that kind of behavior...we told them to not except lying from our leaders because we will only get more we warn them to not stand by and allow their DNC leaders to break campaign laws and this to will come back on them...
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
too late..

rethuglican assholes set the standard by weaponizing FBI investigations and politicizing national security.
too late..

rethuglican assholes set the standard by weaponizing FBI investigations and politicizing national security.
fuck that.

who weaponized the FBI to go after political opponents? we're find out more and more every day obama was a busy busy man in this category. trying to flip it ain't gonna work here, son.
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
We warned them about backing Bill Clinton because it will lower the bar on that kind of behavior...we told them to not except lying from our leaders because we will only get more we warn them to not stand by and allow their DNC leaders to break campaign laws and this to will come back on them...
the nuclear option was started by the democrats who got all upset it was used against them lately.
the "no lame duck president should be appointing a judge" is another where they set the standard and then had to live with it later.

if the left is happy with informants being placed in the other sides camps, then that will now be common practice and IT WILL FUCKING HAPPEN TO THEM and i be they cry foul vs. go "wow, we shouldn't have legitimized that activity. huh?"
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
You're talking about an investigation by the FBI, not the "Obama administration," and it was because of suspicion of Russian involvement in the Trump campaign. Nunes would like us to believe that Obama ordered this to "spy" on Trump. Funny how none of this ever came out and how Trump won, isn't it?
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
great. show me the illegal activity they did with this stance.

and i'm not buying this "unrelated informants" crap dude. you know you're full of shit here but that's all you've got left. only now you know you're full of shit cause we're seeing more and more of the illegal activity obama pulled.

we KNOW more about the illegal shit obama did than the *maybe he did something* crap on trump we're still not finding after going on 2 years now. i ain't buying your crap son, flush it.
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
You're talking about an investigation by the FBI, not the "Obama administration," and it was because of suspicion of Russian involvement in the Trump campaign. Nunes would like us to believe that Obama ordered this to "spy" on Trump. Funny how none of this ever came out and how Trump won, isn't it?
so - before we get into this, oldlady - are you saying the FBI was doing this and obama had no knowledge?

it's also funny how the RUSSIA narrative wasn't important til trump won also.

i'm not taking a side - i want illegal activity gone. i don't want to set a tone that it's ok to do all the crap now being done to trump because the right will turn around and do it to the left and go THERE - YOU SAID THIS WAS OK and we'll keep on spinning into oblivion.

so back to my question - are you saying the FBI did all this w/o any input from obama?

let's take Papadopoulos for example. his "testimony" was what gave the FBI the ability to get the warrants they did. but you know who fed Papadopoulos his testimony?

the FBI.

all that is coming out now and you can deny it cause you think i'm an ass, or you can google and it dig with an open mind and start putting this together.

but if you use this as a valid tactic then you're basically saying the FBI can have someone "feed" you info and another contact in the FBI can hear you say while drunk what you were told (by the FBI again) and wa-la - they now have reasonable cause to spy on you.

don't be surprised when it comes back around. it will.

it always does and it goes up a notch cause no one seems to care as a whole to stop it cause now we're in a "get even" mode and justifying the end by any means. but only the end WE want using any means we can.

very dangerous place for a society to be. period.
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
great. show me the illegal activity they did with this stance.

and i'm not buying this "unrelated informants" crap dude. you know you're full of shit here but that's all you've got left. only now you know you're full of shit cause we're seeing more and more of the illegal activity obama pulled.

we KNOW more about the illegal shit obama did than the *maybe he did something* crap on trump we're still not finding after going on 2 years now. i ain't buying your crap son, flush it.
Your claims have been like how Obama hired Halper to spy on Trump. Except he was hired years before your fatass traitor ever started his campaign. Choke on that.
the left continues to come at trump and deny ANY wrongdoing in the attacks his way at all.

all of it deserved. all of it. even the paid informants. all this is ok.

great. but like i've been saying for months - you're setting the standard that this behavior is ok and it WILL come back and bitchslap you sooner or later. it *always* does.

you're saying it's ok to put someone into the other sides camp
you're saying it's ok to make up data to fit your narrative
you're saying it's ok to bulldog someone and cry foul any time they suggest you're wrong.

doing whatever it takes to get to trump is making people agree with very illegal actions the way. each time either side let someone get away with something, the other side will say "oh yea, hold my beer" and take it further and further and further.

til we get trump and hillary as our choices for president.

good to see someone else feel this way and write an article about it.

Those Deriding the Investigation into Trump Campaign Surveillance Have to Live by the Standard they set

and if you think a meeting at trump tower warrants an investigation great. then THIS damn well would also.

That was then, this is now. Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes continuing to dig despite the nakedly partisan protestations of Democrats and the #NeverTrump wing, we know the Obama administration not only collected documents, emails, phone calls, and garnered FISA warrants, but they also used an informant to infiltrate parts of the campaign before the election. How deep this goes is yet to be seen, but that’s exactly why an investigation is needed.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
great. show me the illegal activity they did with this stance.

and i'm not buying this "unrelated informants" crap dude. you know you're full of shit here but that's all you've got left. only now you know you're full of shit cause we're seeing more and more of the illegal activity obama pulled.

we KNOW more about the illegal shit obama did than the *maybe he did something* crap on trump we're still not finding after going on 2 years now. i ain't buying your crap son, flush it.
Your claims have been like how Obama hired Halper to spy on Trump. Except he was hired years before your fatass traitor ever started his campaign. Choke on that.
so no. you can't tell me what the republicans did that was illegal when obama took office.

you jump around and avoid the question. sorry spanky. i'm not following. either answer the question or go away.
GOP set the standard under Obama. Dems lucked out on the GOP getting caught with its pants down.
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
great. show me the illegal activity they did with this stance.

and i'm not buying this "unrelated informants" crap dude. you know you're full of shit here but that's all you've got left. only now you know you're full of shit cause we're seeing more and more of the illegal activity obama pulled.

we KNOW more about the illegal shit obama did than the *maybe he did something* crap on trump we're still not finding after going on 2 years now. i ain't buying your crap son, flush it.
Your claims have been like how Obama hired Halper to spy on Trump. Except he was hired years before your fatass traitor ever started his campaign. Choke on that.
so no. you can't tell me what the republicans did that was illegal when obama took office.

you jump around and avoid the question. sorry spanky. i'm not following. either answer the question or go away.
You never asked a question, and you have never pointed out where a Democrat hired an informant to go into the Trump campaign :itsok:
GOP didn't want to work with obama, no. no one side *ever* wants to work with the other.

so unless you can point out where the GOP hired known informants to put in the other parties camp - shut the fuck up with this crap.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
great. show me the illegal activity they did with this stance.

and i'm not buying this "unrelated informants" crap dude. you know you're full of shit here but that's all you've got left. only now you know you're full of shit cause we're seeing more and more of the illegal activity obama pulled.

we KNOW more about the illegal shit obama did than the *maybe he did something* crap on trump we're still not finding after going on 2 years now. i ain't buying your crap son, flush it.
Your claims have been like how Obama hired Halper to spy on Trump. Except he was hired years before your fatass traitor ever started his campaign. Choke on that.
so no. you can't tell me what the republicans did that was illegal when obama took office.

you jump around and avoid the question. sorry spanky. i'm not following. either answer the question or go away.
You never asked a question, and you have never pointed out where a Democrat hired an informant to go into the Trump campaign :itsok:
your twatwadded self said:

"The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard."

and i said great - what did they do that was "illegal" in this "at all costs" mantra?

you show me where they did illegal activity i'm in and will condem it with you. you make shit up and go THERE YOU SILLY LITTLE BOY, i'll call you on it.

done with you, have a wonderful life.
The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard.

Nobody hired informants to spy on Trump, it just happened that informants already in place, for years and for completely unrelated purposes, stumbled on potential mass treason from the Trump campaign and were under an obligation to investigate. Shut the fuck up with YOUR crap.
great. show me the illegal activity they did with this stance.

and i'm not buying this "unrelated informants" crap dude. you know you're full of shit here but that's all you've got left. only now you know you're full of shit cause we're seeing more and more of the illegal activity obama pulled.

we KNOW more about the illegal shit obama did than the *maybe he did something* crap on trump we're still not finding after going on 2 years now. i ain't buying your crap son, flush it.
Your claims have been like how Obama hired Halper to spy on Trump. Except he was hired years before your fatass traitor ever started his campaign. Choke on that.
so no. you can't tell me what the republicans did that was illegal when obama took office.

you jump around and avoid the question. sorry spanky. i'm not following. either answer the question or go away.
You never asked a question, and you have never pointed out where a Democrat hired an informant to go into the Trump campaign :itsok:
your twatwadded self said:

"The GOP took the stance of opposition at all costs. They set the standard."

and i said great - what did they do that was "illegal" in this "at all costs" mantra?

you show me where they did illegal activity i'm in and will condem it with you. you make shit up and go THERE YOU SILLY LITTLE BOY, i'll call you on it.

done with you, have a wonderful life.
They set the standard of opposition at all costs. Did they do something illegal? If they did, it never came to light. If the Dems did, it has not come to light. :itsok:

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