Serious question for Social Conservatives; Bachmann or Santorum?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Serious question for Social Conservatives. Who are you going to vote for, Bachmann or Santorum and why?

I still haven't made up my mind who I'll vote for and befoer I do I'm asking for opinions from everyone.

If you are not a SoCon but support either of these two candidates, I would also like to hear from you.

If you aren't voting for either of them then don't waste your time here.

If you are a Liberal you will be ignored.
They both are at or near the bottom of the polling and won't be on any ticket unless there's a 3 car pile up that kills the front runners.

aside from that

Bachman. Santorum was tossed out of PA for being incompetent.
Serious question for Social Conservatives. Who are you going to vote for, Bachmann or Santorum and why?

I still haven't made up my mind who I'll vote for and befoer I do I'm asking for opinions from everyone.

If you are not a SoCon but support either of these two candidates, I would also like to hear from you.

If you aren't voting for either of them then don't waste your time here.

If you are a Liberal you will be ignored.

I'm supporting Newt, but if the Social Conservative thing is most important to you, and those are the two you've narrowed your list down to, I'd probably go with Santorum because he's a more credible figure. 12 years in the Senate, extensive FP background.
They both are at or near the bottom of the polling and won't be on any ticket unless there's a 3 car pile up that kills the front runners.

aside from that

Bachman. Santorum was tossed out of PA for being incompetent.

Well, no, he got tossed out because voters were taking their frustration out on any Republican available in 2006, and he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did win two very tough elections as a Republican in a blue state without being a RINO sellout like Arlen Spectre.
Serious question for Social Conservatives. Who are you going to vote for, Bachmann or Santorum and why?

I still haven't made up my mind who I'll vote for and befoer I do I'm asking for opinions from everyone.

If you are not a SoCon but support either of these two candidates, I would also like to hear from you.

If you aren't voting for either of them then don't waste your time here.

If you are a Liberal you will be ignored.

Bachmann and Santorum will not be around for anyone to vote for either.
They will both be gone past NH. Possibly after Iowa.
Serious question for Social Conservatives. Who are you going to vote for, Bachmann or Santorum and why?

I still haven't made up my mind who I'll vote for and befoer I do I'm asking for opinions from everyone.

If you are not a SoCon but support either of these two candidates, I would also like to hear from you.

If you aren't voting for either of them then don't waste your time here.

If you are a Liberal you will be ignored.

I'm supporting Newt, but if the Social Conservative thing is most important to you, and those are the two you've narrowed your list down to, I'd probably go with Santorum because he's a more credible figure. 12 years in the Senate, extensive FP background.

I ran a youth football clinic here in the mid 90s and we had numerous former pros come every year. We had Earl Campbell, Billy White Shoes Johnson and Downtown Charlie Brown come the year that Newt came here and spoke at this football jamboree. His theme: death penalty for drug dealers with mass executions. That was his speech at a youth football clinic with 350 7-11 year old kids. The parents were shocked. But that is classic Newt.
Google his absurd recent speech about opposing the independent judiciary. Newt is a reactionist of the highest order. Not Presidential material.
Now I like Newt as he is a brilliant historian and speaker. But the thrice divorced Humpty Dumpty is history in 3 weeks.
The guy your unions made up all those lies about Mitt Romney is the nominee.
Vote for him or get 4 more years of the current moron.
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They both are at or near the bottom of the polling and won't be on any ticket unless there's a 3 car pile up that kills the front runners.

aside from that

Bachman. Santorum was tossed out of PA for being incompetent.

Well, no, he got tossed out because voters were taking their frustration out on any Republican available in 2006, and he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did win two very tough elections as a Republican in a blue state without being a RINO sellout like Arlen Spectre.

Santorum got tossed out because he is a hypocrit and PA voters tired of the moral police. I have a ton of relative up there. Santorum was exposed as the bigot he is.
Spectre despises the religous right and their moral police so he went where he was wanted. Western PA Democratic politics is fiscally conservative. Additionally, they have always supported the unions there. Spectre was as good a tough ass prosecutor in his day and is a no nonsense individual. I respect the hell out of the guy.
It makes no difference – both are interchangeably crazy. What’s remarkable is both are lawyers yet are remarkably ignorant of – or willfully in contempt of – the Constitution, particularly with regard to its fundamental tenet of privacy rights.
Santorum got tossed out because he is a hypocrit and PA voters tired of the moral police. I have a ton of relative up there. Santorum was exposed as the bigot he is.

How was he a "hypocrite", exactly? Or being a bigot, or the "moral police".

He got swept out in the anti-war wave of 2006. Nothing more, nothing less.

Spectre despises the religous right and their moral police so he went where he was wanted. Western PA Democratic politics is fiscally conservative. Additionally, they have always supported the unions there. Spectre was as good a tough ass prosecutor in his day and is a no nonsense individual. I respect the hell out of the guy.

Well, I guess statistically, someone has to.

I think after he had his near-death experieince in 1992 (when the feminists nearly took him to the woodshed for having the terminity to expose the gapping holes in Anita Hill's story) the man really lost his backbone.

I still recall his "Scottish Law" argument about voting against convicting Clinton during impeachment. "not proven"? Really?
Santorum is the man, but American isn't ready for someone with the balls to do what it takes.

Care to elaborate? I'd like to know why he's the man.

He's the most conservative of the bunch, and he seems to stand for what he believes in. I know he is a politician, but he seems the most trustworthy of the bunch. I don't have to agree with everything a politician does, but I do want to trust him, at least more than the next one.

I also have the very unpopular belief that much of what ails America today is the lack of family values and commitment!

I guess, too me, he just doesn't seem the crook and/or liar that the others and the obama do.
I also have the very unpopular belief that much of what ails America today is the lack of family values and commitment!

40% of all births in the US, are to single parent households.

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