Serbian Bombshell


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Tramps and Thieves
She is probably a lilttle manufactured and fake, but she is hot... who isnt nowadays?

It's Me,Stanija! Serbian Bombshell. Multimedia personality. Economist. Beauty & FitnessMogul


Yet another blatantly manufactured doll.
If you look at the proportions you can see that underneath the dollops of make -up she is not even pretty .
Utterly formulaic.
Don't you ever learn ,Mortuary?
Yet another blatantly manufactured doll.
If you look at the proportions you can see that underneath the dollops of make -up she is not even pretty .
Utterly formulaic.
Don't you ever learn ,Mortuary?

No offense, but do you think YOU are prettier then her?
The first one looks like a plastic rubber doll, the second one is air-brushed and not particularly all that great looking. they don't look like the same person is in both pics.
No offense, but do you think YOU are prettier then her?
I do not regard her as being pretty .
In fact, and because I have a trained eye, I find her distasteful in the context of this thread .

My comments on my looks and appearance are unlikely to be unbiased but I do seek attractiveness and I feel utterly sure I have that in spades and most certainly in contrast to your sad Bimbo Bombo.
Mortuary , Has it occcurred to you that your whole perspective is shallow , vulgar and -- dare I say it-- unsophisticated ?

To make life easy -- start with the great Renaissance artists and then add in the extended reality of Titian , Reubens and later Goya .

Gives you a solid general foundation for seeing feminine beauty.

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