Separating Free Speech From Free Press


Sep 23, 2010
I’m not convinced the “Free Press” scandal is on the up and up. The skeptic in me went ballistic when the folks in the media wrapped themselves in the First Amendment. My little skeptic could not help noticing that the government first picked on print press, the AP. That failed to gain traction with wise old owls who are hoarse from hooting “Beware” every time the media stooges for the government. Let’s face a little reality here. There is good reason to believe that hard copies of AP stories are published by the US Government Printing Office.

Not long after the manufactured AP scandal tanked, the public was told the Justice Department went after TV; specifically the FOX Network. The myth that Hussein hates FOX lent credibility to Eric Holder’s commando raid on James Rosen’s E–mails. Hussein is never going to be the smartest guy in a class for slow learners, but he isn’t dumb enough to hate a network that gives his defenders more face time than does any of the liberal-leaning networks.

Why would the government run such an obvious scam? Answer: Something had to be done to convince every American that the press and the government are not one and the same.

Why am I so skeptical? Let me repeat what I’ve been saying for years.

Do not confuse freedom of the press with free speech.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. A. J. Liebling

Obviously, the government owns the printing presses, and the TV transmitters, in every country. Long before TV took over the news business governments controlled radio and amplified sound:

[ame=]Hitler Youth Rally Speech - Triumph of the Will 1935 (Subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]​

From the government’s perspective after WWII ended —— everything was fine. Media moguls and their employees collaborated with the government in growing the government. To be fair, you can make the case that print press still harbors one or two publications the government does not control. Not so with televison.

Television began replacing print in the 1960s. Hence, the government had it all until disaster struck in the form of free speech. The Internet replaced soap boxes and coffeehouse pundits. For the first time in history free speech for everyone had a tool; a tool the government fears because free speech became a real threat to totalitarian government.

Folks in the government, and in the media fear free speech, more than they fear getting cancer. Free speech gives away the very product government journalists are paid for NOT saying. On top of that the government never stops trying to regulate free speech, while freedom of the press was untouchable from the day it became an instrument of government propaganda. Think about that in relation to the AP/FOX scandals. It matters not that a free press and free speech are both guaranteed by the First Amendment; free speech is the government’s enemy.

Journalism’s vested interested in limiting free speech notwithstanding, every government loves protecting meaningless speech while I can’t help noticing that all governments claim the absolute Right to define “clear and present danger.” In every form of government “Don’t shout ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater” becomes “Don’t shout ‘Fire!’ in an empty theater.” Then “Don’t shout ‘Fire!'” and finally “Don’t speak at all.”

Incidentally, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said “don’t falsely shout fire in a crowded theater” yet liberals repeatedly omit the word falsely whenever they cite Schenck v. Ohio in order to justify limits on free speech. Schenck v. Ohio was overturned by Brandenburg v. United States.

Jonah Goldberg does not advance my separation of free speech and freedom of the press argument, but he comes close:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

That’s the full text of the First Amendment. But (with apologies to the old Far Side comic), this is what many in the press, academia, and government would hear if you read it aloud: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, blah blah blah, or abridging the freedom of the press, blah blah blah blah.”


The problem is twofold. First, we all have a right to commit journalism under the First Amendment, whether it’s a New York Times reporter or some kid with an iPhone shooting video of a cop abusing someone.

. . . many elite outlets and journalism schools foster a guild mentality that sees journalism as a priestly caste deserving of special privileges. That’s why editorial boards love campaign-finance restrictions: They don’t like editorial competition from outside their ranks. Such elitism never made sense, but it’s particularly idiotic at a moment when technology — Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Vine, etc. — is democratizing political speech.


The IRS told one pro-life group in Iowa that it had to promise — on pain of perjury — not to protest Planned Parenthood. That is an outrageous assault on the First Amendment as disgusting as anything aimed at the AP or Fox News.

By all means, journalists should be outraged by the president’s attitude toward the press. But if you’re going to call yourself a defender of the First Amendment, please defend the whole thing and not just the parts you make a living from.

The Obama Scandals 5/24 12:00 AM
Don’t Edit the First Amendment
If you’re going to defend it, defend all of it.
Jonah Goldberg

Don't Edit the First Amendment | National Review Online

Not long ago I said “It won’t be long before the government comes up with a reason to control Internet content. Probably national security or some such thing.”

Note that the Justice Department used national security leaks in its manufactured scandal. That makes me think the con job was the first step towards using national security to limit free speech on the Internet.

I know all of the wise old sayings praising the benefits of a free press. I also know there are no benefits when a free press becomes a government press. In short: If the press is not antagonistic toward government —— ALL GOVERNMENT —— there is no reason for a constitutionally-protected press.

Just so I am not accused of advocating anarchy. I am saying that never-ending attacks on ALL GOVERNMENT is the best way to hang onto limited government. Media does the opposite. Result: Calling the press a free press is the most successful government con job ever perpetrated by control freaks. For all of the freedoms Americans lost to media-approved collectivism many still believe the press is on their side.

Finally, the First Amendment gave the press all of the protection it needed, yet the press still became an instrument of government propaganda ——not at gunpoint —— but willingly, and even proudly in many cases. It’s fair play for a media liberal to be proud of being a Socialist/Communist; it is a perversion when they corrupt the one and only justification for a free press in order to promote totalitarian government on television. Proof: There would be no welfare state, and no huge parasite class, had the media done its job. Nor would that freedom-killing Affordable Care Act have become law.
Quote OP
I’m not convinced the “Free Press” scandal is on the up and up.

It’s so nice to see that I have company:

What we’re really seeing is the MSM setting the table for the next Democratic heir apparent, Hillary Clinton. Now that the election is over, pillorying Obama has minimal damage potential when it comes to the liberal movement as a whole. In fact, it might even be helpful.

It helps reestablish the MSM’s tarnished reputation as non-partisan keepers of the public trust, which is of course a joke. But more importantly, the more flak that Obama gets, the better the MSM can describe Hillary as America’s savior. All of the failures over the past few years will be blamed not on the fundamental mismatch between liberal ideology and reality, but on the failures of a single person, Barack Obama. Besides, everyone knows the Clintons would never use the IRS to target their political enemies (except maybe this time, this time, and this other time).

Mainstream Media Paving the Way for “Hillary the Savior”
By Fred Dardick Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mainstream Media Paving the Way for ?Hillary the Savior?
Joe Kovacs opens today’s column with this question:

Are Democrats in Congress looking to create brand-new government controls on journalists in America?

My answer is NO. The manufactured scandal is a well-planned diversion. Democrats, RINO, and every bureaucrat in government are looking to control free speech on the Internet. That is the true objective. Proof: If the government was after the press they have only to eliminate the tax deduction for advertising. That’s the only way to prove that an adversarial relationship exists between the government and the media.

Rush Limbaugh touches on what they really after:

“You see what they want to do, folks?” noted Limbaugh on his national radio program Tuesday. “That’s right, they want to set up licensing of journalists. That’s where the Democrats are headed on this. ‘You tweeters, you bloggers, you’re not journalists. We are going to determine who is a journalist and who isn’t. We are going to license journalists. I mean that Constitution’s 200-plus years old. It’s no longer relevant,’ is what he means.”

Limbaugh continued: “If a leading Democratic senator wants to talk about who’s a journalist and who isn’t, and if he thinks bloggers and tweeters aren’t and he wants to stop ‘em, how’s he gonna stop ‘em? You gotta license journalists. So the government will decide who’s a journalist and who isn’t and grant licenses and approvals. And if you don’t get your license and you start doing journalism, you could be sent to jail, or you could be reprimanded.”

Rush: Dems want new controls on journalists
'That Constitution's 200-plus years old. It's no longer relevant'
Published: 19 hours ago

Rush: Dems want new controls on journalists

Obviously, the government cannot license free speech although I’m certain Hussein & Company considered doing just that.

Hillary Clinton’s call for an Internet gatekeeper —— and Cass Sunstein labeling everything a conspiracy theory were the opening shots fired at free speech:

Just prior to his appointment as President Obama’s so-called regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein wrote a lengthy academic paper suggesting the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
by Aaron Klein

Obama czar proposed government ?infiltrate? social network sites

Note that the government’s definition of “conspiracy theorizing” is still free speech.

It’s ludicrous to think the government would ban conspiracy theorizing everywhere. Clearly, the government is after free speech on the Internet. Labeling everyone a journalist who comments on politics gives the government the justification to punish unlicensed journalists. Bottom line: Free speech is denied to everyone posting on the Internet without a license. It does not take a genius to see which individuals will be punished for speaking without a license.

Finally, if Democrats are truly after the media then the media should defend itself by not giving Democrats one line of print, nor one minute of face time; no clips, no talk shows, no discussions of the things Democrats are promoting, no talking points defenders. After all, they can’t say they lost their freedom of speech because they can still speak to each other.

On the other hand attack everything Democrats do and say. That’s freedom of the press.
I have one slight disagreement with the following excerpt:

. . . the Internal Revenue Service scandal isn’t just about the abuse of power; it’s a byproduct of an irrational fear of free speech, which seems to permeate much of the left these days. The unprecedented targeting of conservatives wasn’t incidental to this administration as much as it was an intuitive extension of the paranoia the left has about unfettered political expression.

The IRS is not a byproduct. The IRS is, and always was, the most powerful weapon in the Democrat party’s arsenal for destroying freedom of speech. Perhaps I should say it was a secret weapon forced out in the open by Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Prior to that decision the education-media-entertainment-complex pretty much shutdown conservative freedom of speech Democrats objected to until the Internet came along. Punishing politically incorrect speech is still very effective.

After the Citizen United decision Democrats knew they had to mount a full scale attack on freedom of speech. The IRS spearheads the attack.

The Citizens United ruling so pissed off Democrats their glorious leader could not contain himself:

[ame=]Alito mouths "not true" as Obama criticizes Sup Ct for opening floodgates to special interests - YouTube[/ame]​

Hussein & Company had no objections to government employee unions exercising their freedom of speech; most often with tax dollars as with teachers’ unions. Nor did Hussein object to the tens of millions of dollars his presidential campaigns got from foreign donors.

Dirty Dick Durbin topped himself on the free speech/free press scandal:

When Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., was asked about the possibility of passing a media shield law to curb this sort of abuse in the future, he replied, in part: “We know it’s someone who works for Fox or AP, but does it include a blogger? Does it include someone who’s tweeting? Are these people journalists and entitled to constitutional protection?” In the shadow of these attacks, the Senate majority whip is troubled that there may be too many protections for speech rather than too few. That is quite remarkable — and, these days, quite unsurprising.

This Is What Happens When You Fear Free Speech
By: David Harsanyi
5/29/2013 10:25 PM

This Is What Happens When You Fear Free Speech | Human Events

In short: Durbin is suggesting there is no Right to freedom of speech on the Internet if you are not a “government-licensed journalist.

NOTE: Dirty Dick Durban exercises his freedom of speech on the Senate floor:

[ame=]Durbin Compares U.S. Troops to Nazi's, Soviets, & Pol Pot - YouTube[/ame]​

Finally, more often than not freedom of speech shows that Senate Democrats are stupid bastards. So long as nobody can talk about the things they say they are shielded by the same kind of fame that covers dumb ass liberal movie stars. Hiding their stupidity is just as important as is not being criticized for promoting the Socialist agenda.
After Holder’s secret meeting with a few press big shots, I read that he said he would protect freedom of the press. As far as I know he did not say he would protect freedom of speech. More importantly, I’ve not heard anybody in the press say they would defend freedom of speech for everyone.

Bottom line: Something about that secret meeting stinks to high heaven.
Oh today they are reporting on blogs Holder has said DOJ will enforce Muslim blasphemy laws. I found that a bit hard to believe. I don't see anyone missing for writing about the dangers of Islam. Some one on facebook was harrassed but it turned out he was putting up a photo and inciting violence so there's that. I doubt Holder is going to be tinkering around with any constitutional rights on freedom of speech right about now, Flanders. Highly doubt it.
I've explained it numerous times but all you fools can think about is Holder/Obama.

We have not had "free press" since Michael Powell (son of sane Colin) took over the FCC and signed our rights away to the MUSLIM ARAB who controls what you see on fux.

If you rw's would quit being led around by your nose and THINK FOR YOURSELVES, you could see this for yourselves.

Meanwhile, just listen to cretins on fux lie to you.

If you're interested, stream Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Its all there if you're willing to see it. If not, fuck off.
Oh today they are reporting on blogs Holder has said DOJ will enforce Muslim blasphemy laws. I found that a bit hard to believe. I don't see anyone missing for writing about the dangers of Islam. Some one on facebook was harrassed but it turned out he was putting up a photo and inciting violence so there's that. I doubt Holder is going to be tinkering around with any constitutional rights on freedom of speech right about now, Flanders. Highly doubt it.

To Jeremiah: Democrats are not after freedom of speech per se. Basically, they want free speech to return to what it was before the Internet; more honored in the breach than the observance. Proof: They have been trying to shutdown freedom of speech on the Internet for years:

Quote #3 permalink

Hillary Clinton’s call for an Internet gatekeeper —— and Cass Sunstein labeling everything a conspiracy theory were the opening shots fired at free speech:

Logically, the government can only attack freedom of speech on the Internet if the press is onboard. Who can say that Eric Holder’s secret meeting was not trying to determine where the press stands? Remember that back in the early 1950s press barons promised bankers not to report on efforts to establish a global government. My guess is that Holder’s secret meeting was looking for a similar deal concerning the Internet; i.e., don’t oppose what we do.

Also, both the government and the media have the same vested interest in shutting down freedom of speech on the Internet.

Finally, this is what I’m trying to say in this thread “As an arm of government the press can take care of itself.” Concerned Americans should be preparing to protect their freedom of speech.
The First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So Judge Andrew Napolitano —— who always gets it right —— has me confused in this FOX video:

Freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, are clearly two separate First Amendment Rights. I’m not an expert on the topic, but the most famous freedom of speech case, Schenck v. United States, did not include the press.

Everybody at FOX is all aglow because Jana Winter won a case in New York’s highest court. I might celebrate with them if they, or anybody in the media, ever defends freedom of speech on the Internet. My comments in this thread pretty much sums up what I think about the press.

Here’s Ms. Winter speaking for herself.

I’m not convinced the “Free Press” scandal is on the up and up. The skeptic in me went ballistic when the folks in the media wrapped themselves in the First Amendment. My little skeptic could not help noticing that the government first picked on print press, the AP. That failed to gain traction with wise old owls who are hoarse from hooting “Beware” every time the media stooges for the government. Let’s face a little reality here. There is good reason to believe that hard copies of AP stories are published by the US Government Printing Office.

Not long after the manufactured AP scandal tanked, the public was told the Justice Department went after TV; specifically the FOX Network. The myth that Hussein hates FOX lent credibility to Eric Holder’s commando raid on James Rosen’s E–mails. Hussein is never going to be the smartest guy in a class for slow learners, but he isn’t dumb enough to hate a network that gives his defenders more face time than does any of the liberal-leaning networks.

Why would the government run such an obvious scam? Answer: Something had to be done to convince every American that the press and the government are not one and the same.

I did not watch O’Reilly interview his boss, but I want to thank him for proving what I said in the OP. I also thank Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press for the following:

Fox News Makes Up for State of the Union Disaster
By Judi McLeod Monday, February 3, 2014

Fox News Makes Up for State of the Union Disaster

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