Sending Technology To China


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It's long past time for Americans to wake up to the fact that elements of our government work with governments hostile to our way of life. From today's paper:

1. “A senior House Republican wants to hold the Obama administration accountable for what he says are violations of law limiting the sharing of space technology with China.Rep. Frank R. Wolf, chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and related agencies, said in an interview that a law passed in April restricts technology-sharing with China following attempts by Chinese hackers to steal government secrets.

“They can’t just flout the law,” Mr. Wolf, Virginia Republican, said of the administration. “We see what China’s doing.”

In response, Mr. Wolf said the Appropriations Committee’s fiscal 2012 Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill passed on Wednesday contains provisions that would cut funds for ) by 55 percent, from $6.6 million to $3 million.

OSTP Director John Holdren told the subcommittee that the prohibition on activity between his office and Chinese companies was not fully constitutional, and would not be observed when it conflicts with the president’s negotiating power.” Wolf: Technology shared too freely with China - Washington Times

2. Are you paying attention?? Who is John Holdren?

Holdren is an inveterate communist supporter, going back to a magazine whose personnel were used for the benefit of Soviet propaganda in an attempt to disarm America, according to a former top intelligence official from the USSR.

The magazine's founders were accused of providing vital nuclear secrets that helped the Soviets develop an atomic bomb.

The magazine, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, has been urging the U.S. to surrender its nuclear arsenal to international control.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, with Obama's "science czar," John Holdren, on the board of directors from 1984 until recently, long has petitioned for the U.S. to reduce its nuclear stockpiles. According to Pavel Sudoplatov, a former major-general in Soviet intelligence, this kind of work by the magazine editors was for the benefit of the Soviet Union.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists began publishing regularly in 1945, when it was founded by former physicists from the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb.
Two of the magazine's founding sponsors, Leo Szilard and Robert Oppenheimer, were accused of passing information from the Manhattan Project to the Soviets. Both were also key initiators of the Manhattan Project.

In 1994, Sudoplatov, a former major-general in Soviet intelligence, identified Szilard and Oppenheimer as key sources of crucial atomic information to the Soviet Union. You'll never guess who's frightened Obama is too weak

America has its hands tied behind its back by a news media which will not inform the public of these connections.

1. The US taxpayer is funding the technological advances of China.

2. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is behind the passing of technology to China.

3. The OSTP has refused to follow the law if it required ceasing of this aid to China

4. John Holdren is in charge of the OSTP

5. Holdren has a long history of support for communist endeavors.

6. Holdren was appointed by President Obama.

Communism or capitalism.....know where you stand.
Why do you source material from a paper owned by a Korean Theocrat?
You waiting for Fox News or CNN to report this?

Besides, do a little search for Loral Space Systems and find out what Bubba was doing when he wasn't sticking his cawk into chubby interns mouths.

Also check out Charlie Trie and John Hwang. One of them, I can't remember which, said about the Clinton administration:

"Ah, White House like vending machine. You put money in, and you get stuff out. Haha!"
Why the US Government would be allowing the exportation of ANY technology developed here to ANY other country is beyond my understanding. There are no ALLIES to be had outside of our borders. Hell, there aren't many allies to be had inside our borders these days.
Why do you source material from a paper owned by a Korean Theocrat?
You waiting for Fox News or CNN to report this?

Besides, do a little search for Loral Space Systems and find out what Bubba was doing when he wasn't sticking his cawk into chubby interns mouths.

Also check out Charlie Trie and John Hwang. One of them, I can't remember which, said about the Clinton administration:

"Ah, White House like vending machine. You put money in, and you get stuff out. Haha!"

PC mapped the Director to communism. It's proper to map the source to Theocracy. The Unification church wants a world wide theocracy.
In Progressives minds, if anyone has a robust space program it should be the ChiComs.

Maybe they will built the Space Shuttle too?
John Holdren is just another wackjob Obama appointee. (Aren't they all?) He was in on the Simon–Ehrlich wager on resource scarcity in which he lost. He's a major force behind the Climategate coverup and a Eugenicist. He needs to be sent to North Korea.
Why do you source material from a paper owned by a Korean Theocrat?

Interesting that the dumbest among us often attack the source rather than find any error in material itself.

You have certainly established your Left-wing creds, and the fact that standing up for America, and for the free-market system in not within your DNA..... and so it was hardly necessary for you to bang the drum about the Washington Times in order to distract from the treasonous behavior of this administration.

Hopefully others will begin to see the betrayal of our great nation by the Obama administration that was erroneously installed in Washington.

In a sad way it is almost laughable that this law breaking will not be trumpeted by the Old Left Media, as the infraction of the Boland Amendment was...
In Progressives minds, if anyone has a robust space program it should be the ChiComs.

Maybe they will built the Space Shuttle too?

Speaking of it an accident that NASA's efforts have been curtailed and the program largely turned over to Russia?
....exactly what the communist sympathizers have demanded since Reagan worried them with his space program?

Besides his nuclear summit, Obama last April also pledged with Russia to reduce stocks of U.S. weapons-grade plutonium and signed an agreement that will lower the deployed U.S. nuclear arsenals.
Obama's "science czar," John Holdren, long has petitioned for these moves at the magazine whose personnel were used for the benefit of Soviet propaganda in an attempt to disarm America, according to a former top intelligence official from the USSR.

"[Soviet politician and security chief Lavrentiy] Beria said we should think how to use Oppenheimer, Szilard and others around them in the peace campaign against nuclear armament. Disarmament and the inability to impose nuclear blackmail would deprive the United States of its advantage," wrote Sudoplatov.
Sudoplatov said his spymasters knew the lobby efforts of the bulletin editors would be a "crucial factor in establishing the new world order after the war, and we took advantage of this."

More links...

• Bernard Weissbourd, a former Manhattan Project scientist who later served on the transition oversight committee for incoming Chicago Mayor Harold Washington, who was active in Communist Party fronts.
• Weissbourd's son, Robert M. Weissbourd, later served as chairman of the Obama for America Campaign Urban and Metropolitan Policy Committee and on the Obama Transition Housing and Urban Development Agency Review Team in 2008.
• Ruth Adams, bulletin editor, who served in the 1960s on the Advisory Committee of the Hyde Park Community Peace Center. Other center members included lifelong communist front activist Robert Havighurst, communist activist and radical Trotskyist Sydney Lens and Quentin Young, an avowed communist who has advised Obama on health care.

Among Obama's concerning remarks:
• "The notion that prestige comes from holding these weapons, or that we can protect ourselves by picking and choosing which nations can have these weapons, is an illusion." – Obama in Moscow in August 2009.
• "No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons. That is why I strongly reaffirmed America's commitment to seek a world in which no nations hold nuclear weapons." – Obama in his address to the Muslim world from Cairo in June 2009.
Besides his nuclear summit, Obama last April also pledged with Russia to reduce stocks of U.S. weapons-grade plutonium and signed an agreement that will lower the deployed U.S. nuclear arsenals.
Hey don't piss China off or the shelves at our stores might be empty!

china will not need to fight us they are buying us.
And we are eager to sell ourselves.
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John Holdren is just another wackjob Obama appointee. (Aren't they all?) He was in on the Simon–Ehrlich wager on resource scarcity in which he lost. He's a major force behind the Climategate coverup and a Eugenicist. He needs to be sent to North Korea.

X-ey, I wish that he was only a wackjob.....he is a dedicated communist and anti-American, and this administration was their dream come true...

Holdren visited the Soviet Union during the Cold War as vice chairman of a group whose founder was accused of providing vital nuclear information that helped the Soviets build an atom bomb. The original leaders of the group, the Federation of American Scientists, also served on the board of the bulletin magazine.

Just after President Reagan's March 1983 "Star Wars" speech in which he proposed a missile-defense shield to protect the U.S., a group of Soviet academicians sent a letter to the U.S. scientific community asking about the feasibility of such a shield.

The only group that responded directly to the Soviet scientists was the Federation of American Scientists, or FAS, leading to an invitation to visit from Evgeny Velikov, director of the Soviet Kurchatov Institute of Science.

Physicist David W. Hafemeister relates in his book, "Physics and Nuclear Arms Today," how he was part of the FAS delegation to the USSR along with Holdren, who at the time was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

Of course, you are absolutely correct about his being a eugenicist and warmist, aimed at global governance.
Hey don't piss China off or the shelves at our stores might be empty!

china will not need to fight us they are buying us.
And we are eager to sell ourselves.

"If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything"

A catchy little phrase. But the important thing is what you stand for.

but I am not sure that was an appropriate reply to my post? Please elaborate if you can.
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what exactly is the administration accused of sharing?

Why post if you're not willing to read the OP? :confused:

I did read it, now that nobody stated nothing.

1. “A senior House Republican wants to hold the Obama administration accountable for what he says are violations of law limiting the sharing of space technology with China.Rep. Frank R. Wolf, chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and related agencies, said in an interview that a law passed in April restricts technology-sharing with China following attempts by Chinese hackers to steal government secrets.

“They can’t just flout the law,” Mr. Wolf, Virginia Republican, said of the administration. “We see what China’s doing.”
What exactly is he trying to state was compromised, specifically? All I see is a generalization.
Hey don't piss China off or the shelves at our stores might be empty!

china will not need to fight us they are buying us.
And we are eager to sell ourselves.

"If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything"

A catchy little phrase. But the important thing is what you stand for.

but I am not sure that was an appropriate reply to my post? Please elaborate if you can.

Citi, you seem to treat most subjects like rain off a duck's back...I don't.

And the subject that I'm most passionate about is the well-being of the United States.
To trivialize the passing of technological information, a major defense of this great nation, as you do, gets my hackles up.

Perhaps, had you been born elsewhere, you'd understand how important it is to the world to defend and support America, and to recognize and execrate the fifth column...the Holdren's and the Obama's.

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