"Senator Schumer, The President Is Calling"


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018

Chuck: "Yeah what?"

Trump: "Cryin Chuck! Let's cut the bullshit and talk turkey...what do you want?"

Chuck: "You know what I want....give me the money for the new Holland Tunnel".

Trump: "$13B....you think I'd give you $13B to get $5.7B? knock it off, Chucky.

Chuck: "Hey, you get your damn wall and get reelected unless we can get you impeached?"

Trump: Hmmmmm.....and you can get your freaks to go along with that?"

Chuck: "Of course....I can send most of them to prison with what I know about them."

Trump: "Alright, you get your $13B and I get my $5.7B".

Chuck: "I didn't say that....I'll give you $2B."

Trump: "Goodbye Chuck."

Chuck: "Okay okay, $5.7B...I had to try, you know that."

Trump: "Tell Mitch....but don't tell him about our agreement or he'll have his hand out too,"

Chuck: "Pleasure doing business with you Donald."

Trump: I was going to give you the $13B anyway, I'm a New Yorker you simple fuck."

Chuck: "Grrrr....you got me again."

Trump: "Goodbye Chuck". (click)

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