Senator Reid (D-NV) Body Slams docile Republicans

Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Senator Reid (D) being a true statesman AGAIN :salute: Not surprising as he used to be a Capitol Policemen while going to law school at night.

He invokes Rabbi Hillel & Dante to shame Republican "Doves" (irony alert- can't believe I said "repub doves" lol) into action. If you want to see a true statesman, click on the link for the video.

Harry Reid Quotes Dante In Backing Syria Strike - AOL On

Dante (The Inferno)- "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those, who in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality"

Rabbi Hillel- "If I care only for myself, what am I?" & "If not now, when?"

Repubs must've been slunk in their chairs when Senator Reid called them out :( :lol:
NO JACKASS.. He told the PEOPLE to fuck off. Has ZERO to do with Republicans...But YOU go on with your hyper-partisan jaundiced view of events...

Has Reid voiced what our National Interests are in getting involved in Syria's Civil war?

Remember, “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
Actually? The POTUS being CiNC...CAN under the War Powers Act...Question is will HE ignore the will of the people?

WE will see if Congress, the PEOPLE tells him NO.
Insert Harry Reid "War is Lost" video here.

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]
I thought Liberals were a bunch of panty waisted pussies....
Now they want to start WW III....

Who would of thunk...

Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Our proud African American President.

Where the fuck did that come from?.....

Our proud African American President whose wife finally loves her country because her hubby was elected President....

Who couldn't give two shits about it before that...

What a bunch
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I thought Liberals were a bunch of panty waisted pussies....
Now they want to start WW III....

Who would of thunk...

Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Our proud African American President.

Where the fuck did that come from?.....

Our proud African American President whose wife finally loves her country because her hubby was elected President....

Who couldn't give two shits about it before that...

What a bunch
NOTED is the RACE reference...these people are for REAL stuck on stupid and ignorant.
Since were wanting to talk about irony and hypocrisy about putting election concerns over doing whats right who wants to talk about Democrats voting for action against Iraq in 2003 and then when the going got tough in 2004 and the action became unpopular and there were elections these same Democrats decided to turn against it for the sake of political advantage?
Wasn't Harry Reid the senator who tried to influence the morale of the Troops in Iraq by telling them (put down your arms) "the war is lost"? Why isn't he in jail and charged with treason?
I thought Liberals were a bunch of panty waisted pussies....
Now they want to start WW III....

Who would of thunk...

Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Our proud African American President.

Where the fuck did that come from?.....

Our proud African American President whose wife finally loves her country because her hubby was elected President....

Who couldn't give two shits about it before that...

What a bunch
It's okay we can call them ******* again. I mean treyvon and obama opened the doors again.
Harry "Body Slam" Reid cancelled the vote and went off to suck obama's thumb. President Putin is leading Congress through the mine field.
Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Senator Reid (D) being a true statesman AGAIN :salute: Not surprising as he used to be a Capitol Policemen while going to law school at night.

He invokes Rabbi Hillel & Dante to shame Republican "Doves" (irony alert- can't believe I said "repub doves" lol) into action. If you want to see a true statesman, click on the link for the video.

Harry Reid Quotes Dante In Backing Syria Strike - AOL On

Dante (The Inferno)- "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those, who in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality"

Rabbi Hillel- "If I care only for myself, what am I?" & "If not now, when?"

Repubs must've been slunk in their chairs when Senator Reid called them out :( :lol:

Did you perhaps get body slammed on your head by any chance?

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