Senate unanimously passes s. res. 610 to declassify tens of thousands of documents on S.Arabia & 911


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Senate Unanimously Passes S. Res. 610 To Declassify Tens Of Thousands of Documents on Saudi Arabia and 9/11 - Big League Politics
The US Senate has unanimously passed S. Res. 610, which calls for the declassification and release of tens of thousands of pages of documents relating to Saudi Arabia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Well this sure in the hell is interesting. Everyone forgetst about the 28 pages that so conviently went missing and kept hidden for years and years. Suddenly we find them we can only imagine how redacted the papers will be. One big black block of ink over the whole page LOL.
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what could be in there?

The BS on Saudi Arabia playing a part of the inside job, but really knowing Bush and his crooked ass they are blaming it on Saudi Arabia. It's all about oil/money/ control the population.
pretty far fetched that SA would've have something to do with it
...possibly a government/royal worker was involved--but not a policy of SA
possible--yes--probable--very negative
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pretty far fetched that SA would've have something to do with it
...possibly a government/royal worker was involved--but not a policy of SA
possible--yes--probable--very negative

Then a lot got past you this was mentioned quite a while ago,
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pretty far fetched that SA would've have something to do with it
...possibly a government/royal worker was involved--but not a policy of SA
possible--yes--probable--very negative


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