Senate To Be Replaced With Room Full Of Monkeys Throwing Feces


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Replaced with? It’s already that way right now.

All one had to do was watch today’s farce in the Judicial Committee.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an emergency, overnight referendum, the American people voted on Thursday to replace the United States Senate with a room full of monkeys throwing feces. The measure passed with 57% of the vote. 22% of voters thought the Senate should be replaced by barking seals, while 17% voted that the replacement should be the pit of venomous snakes from Indiana Jones. 3.97% voted that Senate members be replaced by screaming goats. "About 100 people" voted for the current Senators to keep their jobs, with this tiny voting bloc centered in Washington, D.C.

More @ Senate To Be Replaced With Room Full Of Monkeys Throwing Feces

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