Senate Republicans play Politics with the Defense Budget and Fail

The Democrats slapped Obama in the face with this one. They know he is a gutless wonder and will not veto the bill. The President of all talk and no action gets owned by the party. Nice.
The Democrats slapped Obama in the face with this one. They know he is a gutless wonder and will not veto the bill. The President of all talk and no action gets owned by the party. Nice.

He can't veto this bill. Because hacks like Frank will say he's unpatriotic and is against the troops like a "typical Liburl."

Same shit, different day Liberty.
The only thing keeping your flaccid thread up is our banter.

I suppose you missed the last two posts before yours.

FYI, go complain about Sinatra who spams her own threads, then get back to me hack.
no, dogbert is a hypocrite who gives his libbies a pass but bitches when republicans do the same thing....

Not quite. Considering I'm not online too much nor do I participate in a majority of threads means I'm going to miss quite a bit.
88-10 was the final vote on the Defense bill which by the way supposed to be passed by Sept. 28th. However, the bill was loaded down with road improvement programs, Medicare programs, social programs, and domestic spending programs that had nothing at all to do with defense or for providing for the needs of the US Military, so tell me again who has the needs of the Military in mind when it comes to the bill? Perhaps the biggest reason for wanting to actually DEBATE this bill had more to do with cramming a bill with programs that had nothing to do with the Military and less to do with providing for the troops. If any bill that has passed this year is a reflection of broad bi-partisan support this one is it. Not too many bills pass the Senate 88-10 and the following bill set to pass is a primary example.
no, dogbert is a hypocrite who gives his libbies a pass but bitches when republicans do the same thing....

Not quite. Considering I'm not online too much nor do I participate in a majority of threads means I'm going to miss quite a bit.

Dog your stats say you avg. 34 posts a day.....your not on line too much?...:lol:....i avg 12-13 and it seems like im here all afternoon.....
Dog your stats say you avg. 34 posts a day.....your not on line too much?...:lol:....i avg 12-13 and it seems like im here all afternoon.....

It use to be a lot higher. It's gone down in the past year. It was at 45 at one point, went down to like 22 when I didn't post for like 6 months. Now it's at 34. :lol:

You also have to comply that with the fact of how many arguments I get into. :redface:

Look at this thread for example. I've been posting in between the Pats game and racked up 16 posts.
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I wouldn't call sitting in mommies basement sponging tuition money off of them after signing up for a degree in Origami and posting left wingnut hate messages on a message board any kind of life.

You've already admitted swearing off women and there's no hope for you whatsoever.

Where did I swear off women and booze? Care to give me a link or want to rescind those comments?

Also, if I'm sponging tuition money off my parents, why did I do the responsible thing and take out loans so my parents would not have to do such? :confused:

And furthermore, "left wingnut hate messages"? You truly are a psycho.
I wouldn't call sitting in mommies basement sponging tuition money off of them after signing up for a degree in Origami and posting left wingnut hate messages on a message board any kind of life.

You've already admitted swearing off women and there's no hope for you whatsoever.

Where did I swear off women and booze? Care to give me a link or want to rescind those comments?

Also, if I'm sponging tuition money off my parents, why did I do the responsible thing and take out loans so my parents would not have to do such? :confused:

And furthermore, "left wingnut hate messages"? You truly are a psycho.

I remember in one of the first threads I posted in I asked you if you were drunk after you blamed the Republicans for all of the world's said you don't drink(first reason why no one trusts you) and then I asked if you had a girlfriend because you said you were a child of only 18 years, were an expert on Japanese history and you said NOPE that you didn't chase girls....(second reason why no one trusts you).

Now I'm not going looking for that know exactly what you said as well as me.

Any guy who doesn't drink or chase girls at the age of 18 is 1. Gay, 2. a fat ass loser, 3. The Elephant man.
I remember in one of the first threads I posted in I asked you if you were drunk after you blamed the Republicans for all of the world's said you don't drink(first reason why no one trusts you) and then I asked if you had a girlfriend because you said you were a child of only 18 years, were an expert on Japanese history and you said NOPE that you didn't chase girls....(second reason why no one trusts you).

Now I'm not going looking for that know exactly what you said as well as me.

Any guy who doesn't drink or chase girls at the age of 18 is 1. Gay, 2. a fat ass loser, 3. The Elephant man.

Maybe where you're from they don't want evidence to back up bullshit, but around here we do.

So I would like some links. And yes, if you are going to make accusations, you're going to back it up or rescind it.

Why do I not drink? Well, I'm 18, I'm not even legally old enough to drink although I could if I wanted. Also, I never said I don't chase girls (not in the literal sense I don't anyway) and I never said I don't have a girlfriend because I'm 18.

Furthermore, I never said I was a expert on Japanese History. Besides the fact I've posted my picture on here proving I'm not fat. Nor am I gay or The Elephant Man, I think that proves that one.

However, you are surely proving with each post that you are truly full of shit.
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