Sen. Scott Brown Keeps Promise: Lunatic Fringe Loses

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The Lunatic Fringe went wild when Scott Brown won the MA. Senate Seat held for decades by the Lion of Liberalism, Edward Kennedy.

Early on people like me (sane people) warned the lunatics that it was they who would be most unhappy with the choice they supposedly backed.

I guess they thought he was another lying fuck, using nods and winks when he said he would do what he thought was right. That promise included bucking the party as that is what is business as usual.

I guess many on the right fringe, really do not want business as usual to win over the business of obstruction.

sucks to Tea Bag an election.

Despite the fact he opposes the bill, Republican Sen. Scott Brown took to the Senate floor Tuesday to announce he would vote to end a Republican filibuster on a bill extending unemployment benefits and tax credits.

Washington (CNN) - Barely a month in office, Sen. Scott Brown, R-Massachusetts, is putting some muscle behind his independent image by twice voting against his own party and questioning the use of the filibuster.

Brown took to the Senate floor Tuesday to announce he would vote for cloture, or to end a Republican filibuster, on a bill extending unemployment benefits and tax credits. This, despite the fact he opposes the bill and technically the filibuster helped his cause.

"I have very serious concerns about the overall cost of the bill," Brown told the chamber, "but my vote for cloture signals that I believe we need to keep the process moving." He also said, "there has been a week of debate and allowing this bill to receive an up-and-down vote, would be a step, I feel, in the right direction."

With Brown’s help, the nearly $140 billion bill cleared the procedural hurdle on a vote of 66-34, setting it up for passage.

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maybe Scott is the real deal?

If he is, he is the first profile in courage we've seen in a while. Funny, thing...profile in courage (Kennedy award)...
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Kennedy was hardly a profile in courage.

He was too busy carousing in the White House pool to actually do the hard work of passing civil rights legislation, he just talked about it a lot.

It took the beagle ear twirling hick, the greatest legislator in US history, LBJ (who could fuck and legislate, unlike JFK) to pass that, and then LBJ (and Nixon, and Ford) had to try and sort out Kennedy's frivolous frolic in Vietnam.
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Kennedy was hardly a profile in courage.

He was too busy carousing in the White House pool to actually do the hard work of passing civil rights legislation, he just talked about it a lot.

It took the beagle ear twirling hick, the greatest legislator in US history, LBJ (who could fuck and legislate, unlike JFK) to pass that, and then LBJ (and Nixon, and Ford) had to try and sort out Kennedy's frivolous frolic in Vietnam.

thread's not about kennedy. :cuckoo:
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The Lunatic Fringe went wild when Scott Brown won the MA. Senate Seat held for decades by the Lion of Liberalism, Edward Kennedy.

Early on people like me (sane people) warned the lunatics that it was they who would be most unhappy with the choice they supposedly backed.

I guess they thought he was another lying fuck, using nods and winks when he said he would do what he thought was right. That promise included bucking the party as that is what is business as usual.

I guess many on the right fringe, really do not want business as usual to win over the business of obstruction.

sucks to Tea Bag an election.

Despite the fact he opposes the bill, Republican Sen. Scott Brown took to the Senate floor Tuesday to announce he would vote to end a Republican filibuster on a bill extending unemployment benefits and tax credits.

Washington (CNN) - Barely a month in office, Sen. Scott Brown, R-Massachusetts, is putting some muscle behind his independent image by twice voting against his own party and questioning the use of the filibuster.

Brown took to the Senate floor Tuesday to announce he would vote for cloture, or to end a Republican filibuster, on a bill extending unemployment benefits and tax credits. This, despite the fact he opposes the bill and technically the filibuster helped his cause.

"I have very serious concerns about the overall cost of the bill," Brown told the chamber, "but my vote for cloture signals that I believe we need to keep the process moving." He also said, "there has been a week of debate and allowing this bill to receive an up-and-down vote, would be a step, I feel, in the right direction."

With Brown’s help, the nearly $140 billion bill cleared the procedural hurdle on a vote of 66-34, setting it up for passage.

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maybe Scott is the real deal?

If he is, he is the first profile in courage we've seen in a while. Funny, thing...profile in courage (Kennedy award)...

Good, more cooperation would be nice, instead of the usual partisan bickering and thoughts that if one party is in control and does good, they will lose elections. THis is why it would be awesome to have more parties
Triangulation. Scott Brown really could end up being a great leader in the Republican Party. His skills are pretty impressive so far. I guess we'll see.
The Lunatic Fringe went wild when Scott Brown won the MA. Senate Seat held for decades by the Lion of Liberalism, Edward Kennedy.

Early on people like me (sane people) warned the lunatics that it was they who would be most unhappy with the choice they supposedly backed.

I guess they thought he was another lying fuck, using nods and winks when he said he would do what he thought was right. That promise included bucking the party as that is what is business as usual.

I guess many on the right fringe, really do not want business as usual to win over the business of obstruction.

sucks to Tea Bag an election.

Despite the fact he opposes the bill, Republican Sen. Scott Brown took to the Senate floor Tuesday to announce he would vote to end a Republican filibuster on a bill extending unemployment benefits and tax credits.

Washington (CNN) - Barely a month in office, Sen. Scott Brown, R-Massachusetts, is putting some muscle behind his independent image by twice voting against his own party and questioning the use of the filibuster.

Brown took to the Senate floor Tuesday to announce he would vote for cloture, or to end a Republican filibuster, on a bill extending unemployment benefits and tax credits. This, despite the fact he opposes the bill and technically the filibuster helped his cause.

"I have very serious concerns about the overall cost of the bill," Brown told the chamber, "but my vote for cloture signals that I believe we need to keep the process moving." He also said, "there has been a week of debate and allowing this bill to receive an up-and-down vote, would be a step, I feel, in the right direction."

With Brown’s help, the nearly $140 billion bill cleared the procedural hurdle on a vote of 66-34, setting it up for passage.

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maybe Scott is the real deal?

If he is, he is the first profile in courage we've seen in a while. Funny, thing...profile in courage (Kennedy award)...

Good, more cooperation would be nice, instead of the usual partisan bickering and thoughts that if one party is in control and does good, they will lose elections. THis is why it would be awesome to have more parties

right now, more parties would bring more grid lock. right now the problem is not the amount of parties we have. the problem is who we the people send to washington. we send people with no back bone who have no balls.
Triangulation. Scott Brown really could end up being a great leader in the Republican Party. His skills are pretty impressive so far. I guess we'll see.

now you sound like a weirdo. Scott Brown is not triangulating, he is doing what is best for the people of MA. That is a no no in the GOP. If he wanted to be a leader in the GOP he would stiff his constituents and parrot the shit that spills out of the mouths of the real powers in the GOP...Rush and co.
Political Triangulation. All successful Leaders master this practice. Brown has surprised me a bit. I'm impressed. He really could be a Heavyweight contender at some point. Stay tuned.
The Lunatic Fringe went wild when Scott Brown won the MA. Senate Seat held for decades by the Lion of Liberalism, Edward Kennedy.

Early on people like me (sane people) warned the lunatics that it was they who would be most unhappy with the choice they supposedly backed.

I guess they thought he was another lying fuck, using nods and winks when he said he would do what he thought was right. That promise included bucking the party as that is what is business as usual.

I guess many on the right fringe, really do not want business as usual to win over the business of obstruction.

sucks to Tea Bag an election.


maybe Scott is the real deal?

If he is, he is the first profile in courage we've seen in a while. Funny, thing...profile in courage (Kennedy award)...

Good, more cooperation would be nice, instead of the usual partisan bickering and thoughts that if one party is in control and does good, they will lose elections. THis is why it would be awesome to have more parties

right now, more parties would bring more grid lock. right now the problem is not the amount of parties we have. the problem is who we the people send to washington. we send people with no back bone who have no balls.

I mentioned this on another thread, but the general public IMO is easily swayed by the bullshit that politicians throw around. TEH talking points, the lies, the smears, the inability to compromise. The people reward that shit. But also, if we had more parties, we'd have more options, and it wouldn't just be this way or that way, there would be other options. Right now its the lesser of two evils pretty much to elect. Adn read many of the posts here that emulate the mudslinging, lies and talking points that plague politics, the stupid ass people just keep it up.

In the court of public opinion, if anybody goes against wha'ts been drilled into the layman's head, like that anybody who didn't support the Iraq war was unpatriotic, they would never get elected again and there goes their career. LIke any dem that didn't support the Iraq invasion would of been lambasted and likely voted out. I use that because its a great example of the stupidity of politics. btu I guess that goes with "having no balls" comment that you said, but then again, they would probably not be reelected
maybe Scott is the real deal?
"Real deal" meaning a liberal or an independent? If you mean independent, then i would agree that only the most hopeful of conservatives expected him to tow the party line. For me though, his vote against Obamacare was just one of his views, and i'm happy here's in there for that. More power to him if he's going to vote based on his beliefs and/or the will of his constituents, not his party line. I wish more politicians would do that on both sides.
Triangulation. Scott Brown really could end up being a great leader in the Republican Party. His skills are pretty impressive so far. I guess we'll see.

now you sound like a weirdo. Scott Brown is not triangulating, he is doing what is best for the people of MA. That is a no no in the GOP. If he wanted to be a leader in the GOP he would stiff his constituents and parrot the shit that spills out of the mouths of the real powers in the GOP...Rush and co.

Scott Brown is not triangulating, he is doing what is best for the people of MA. That is a no no in the GOP. If he wanted to be a leader in the GOP he would stiff his constituents and parrot the shit that spills out of the mouths of the real powers in the GOP...Rush and co.


And if he was a Democrat Leader, then he would stiff his constituents and parrot Eddy K.

The "Lunatic Fringe," which seems to be the only way the NYT can define "Independent Voters that are Fed-Up" (excuse the pun), has produced a non-partisan Senator that won't agree to business-as-usual.

Both parties need to take notes.
Trust me,it's political triangulating at its best. All Leaders past & future have mastered this technique. No one becomes President without first mastering this. You don't have to believe me though. Just do some of your own research on all Presidents past & present. They all have this in common. It's a skill. Scott Brown appears to understand this. The man may go far. Stay tuned.
Trust me,it's political triangulating at its best. All Leaders past & future have mastered this technique. No one becomes President without first mastering this. You don't have to believe me though. Just do some of your own research on all Presidents past & present. They all have this in common. It's a skill. Scott Brown appears to understand this. The man may go far. Stay tuned.

Why should we do research to support your position?

I'd be happy if you presented a single example: How did Bush the Younger "Master this technique" before he was president?

How can you distinguish "Political Triangulation" from simply doing what you've been elected to do?
Political Triangulation. All successful Leaders master this practice. Brown has surprised me a bit. I'm impressed. He really could be a Heavyweight contender at some point. Stay tuned.

really? these imaginary things you see...they could make you a contender down the road...for commitment to the State Hospital..:cuckoo:
Good, more cooperation would be nice, instead of the usual partisan bickering and thoughts that if one party is in control and does good, they will lose elections. THis is why it would be awesome to have more parties

right now, more parties would bring more grid lock. right now the problem is not the amount of parties we have. the problem is who we the people send to washington. we send people with no back bone who have no balls.

I mentioned this on another thread, but the general public IMO is easily swayed by the bullshit that politicians throw around. TEH talking points, the lies, the smears, the inability to compromise. The people reward that shit. But also, if we had more parties, we'd have more options, and it wouldn't just be this way or that way, there would be other options. Right now its the lesser of two evils pretty much to elect. Adn read many of the posts here that emulate the mudslinging, lies and talking points that plague politics, the stupid ass people just keep it up.

In the court of public opinion, if anybody goes against wha'ts been drilled into the layman's head, like that anybody who didn't support the Iraq war was unpatriotic, they would never get elected again and there goes their career. LIke any dem that didn't support the Iraq invasion would of been lambasted and likely voted out. I use that because its a great example of the stupidity of politics. btu I guess that goes with "having no balls" comment that you said, but then again, they would probably not be reelected

countries that have democratic political systems with multiple parties have had a hard time governing themselves. think Italy and other countries with democratic political systems...something like 30 governments in 7 years. :lol:

our political system along with more parties would have a chance in America if we had a parliamentary system of government, but we don't. even then, I think we'd have a bigger disaster.

people like you see things/issues/solutions on paper and say why not. I see things in the context of human nature and say, yep...that's about right.
maybe Scott is the real deal?
"Real deal" meaning a liberal or an independent? If you mean independent, then i would agree that only the most hopeful of conservatives expected him to tow the party line. For me though, his vote against Obamacare was just one of his views, and i'm happy here's in there for that. More power to him if he's going to vote based on his beliefs and/or the will of his constituents, not his party line. I wish more politicians would do that on both sides.
the only problem here is Scott is a member of a party, and with that he gets party support. think about what you are saying. Scott won with independent and Democratic votes. The state and national GOP parties could back another contender if he strays too far.

Party line is important in many instances, but it is only one consideration a principled politician should consider. At the same time, right wingers hate Sen. Collins and others who vote conscience after considering party line.
Scott Brown is not triangulating, he is doing what is best for the people of MA. That is a no no in the GOP. If he wanted to be a leader in the GOP he would stiff his constituents and parrot the shit that spills out of the mouths of the real powers in the GOP...Rush and co.


And if he was a Democrat Leader, then he would stiff his constituents and parrot Eddy K.

The "Lunatic Fringe," which seems to be the only way the NYT can define "Independent Voters that are Fed-Up" (excuse the pun), has produced a non-partisan Senator that won't agree to business-as-usual.

Both parties need to take notes.

I have no clue what you are trying to say, and I suspect neither do you.
Scott Brown is not triangulating, he is doing what is best for the people of MA. That is a no no in the GOP. If he wanted to be a leader in the GOP he would stiff his constituents and parrot the shit that spills out of the mouths of the real powers in the GOP...Rush and co.


And if he was a Democrat Leader, then he would stiff his constituents and parrot Eddy K.

The "Lunatic Fringe," which seems to be the only way the NYT can define "Independent Voters that are Fed-Up" (excuse the pun), has produced a non-partisan Senator that won't agree to business-as-usual.

Both parties need to take notes.

I have no clue what you are trying to say, and I suspect neither do you.

I'll be happy to rephrase: you probably aren't bright enough to pour piss from a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

Thanks for reinforcing my point.

And if he was a Democrat Leader, then he would stiff his constituents and parrot Eddy K.

The "Lunatic Fringe," which seems to be the only way the NYT can define "Independent Voters that are Fed-Up" (excuse the pun), has produced a non-partisan Senator that won't agree to business-as-usual.

Both parties need to take notes.

I have no clue what you are trying to say, and I suspect neither do you.

I'll be happy to rephrase: you probably aren't bright enough to pour piss from a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

Thanks for reinforcing my point.

If you say so. :eusa_whistle:

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