Sen. McSally Introduces Bill to Withhold Senate Pay Until Relief Package Is Passed


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Jul 2, 2019
Sen. McSally Introduces Bill to Withhold Senate Pay Until Relief Package Is Passed

Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) made a major move on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, introducing legislation to withhold the pay of United States senators until the COVID-19 economic relief package passes the upper chamber:

“If Americans aren’t getting paid, then neither should the Senators failing to support the workers and families who need help making ends meet. Today, I introduced legislation to have Senators’ pay withheld until relief is passed. It is despicable that millions of Americans are without a paycheck in this time of crisis, while the Senate wastes precious time playing political games. The Senate must pass this relief package now in order to get cash straight to the people,” Sen. McSally said in a release.

Sen. McSally also criticized Sen. Schumer's (D-NY) delay of passing the emergency relief package:

Sen. McSally’s proposal is in response to the partisan gridlock occurring on Capitol Hill, much the fault of Democrats. A bipartisan relief package was all but voted through the Senate until Democrats ditched the bipartisan effort at the eleventh hour. Democrats have since written their own version of a “stimulus package,” with Speaker Pelosi at the forefront of the effort, but Democrats’ version of the bill is comprised of various far-left policy proposals disguised as a relief package, as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) points out:


Now there is a leader I could get behind!!!!
Sen. McSally Introduces Bill to Withhold Senate Pay Until Relief Package Is Passed

Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) made a major move on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, introducing legislation to withhold the pay of United States senators until the COVID-19 economic relief package passes the upper chamber:

“If Americans aren’t getting paid, then neither should the Senators failing to support the workers and families who need help making ends meet. Today, I introduced legislation to have Senators’ pay withheld until relief is passed. It is despicable that millions of Americans are without a paycheck in this time of crisis, while the Senate wastes precious time playing political games. The Senate must pass this relief package now in order to get cash straight to the people,” Sen. McSally said in a release.

Sen. McSally also criticized Sen. Schumer's (D-NY) delay of passing the emergency relief package:

Sen. McSally’s proposal is in response to the partisan gridlock occurring on Capitol Hill, much the fault of Democrats. A bipartisan relief package was all but voted through the Senate until Democrats ditched the bipartisan effort at the eleventh hour. Democrats have since written their own version of a “stimulus package,” with Speaker Pelosi at the forefront of the effort, but Democrats’ version of the bill is comprised of various far-left policy proposals disguised as a relief package, as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) points out:


Now there is a leader I could get behind!!!!
McSally is not an elected representative and in fact her state rejected her. Nothing she says matters.
They're still working. Still there. Maybe we'll have good news by dawn.
She is gaining in popularity with a massive social media campaign...
Ooops is what you will be saying....
McSally already lost badly to a much weaker opponent. She'll have to try sucking Trump's cock from political limbo after she loses again.
You have a one track mind...
Sen. McSally Introduces Bill to Withhold Senate Pay Until Relief Package Is Passed

Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) made a major move on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, introducing legislation to withhold the pay of United States senators until the COVID-19 economic relief package passes the upper chamber:

“If Americans aren’t getting paid, then neither should the Senators failing to support the workers and families who need help making ends meet. Today, I introduced legislation to have Senators’ pay withheld until relief is passed. It is despicable that millions of Americans are without a paycheck in this time of crisis, while the Senate wastes precious time playing political games. The Senate must pass this relief package now in order to get cash straight to the people,” Sen. McSally said in a release.

Sen. McSally also criticized Sen. Schumer's (D-NY) delay of passing the emergency relief package:

Sen. McSally’s proposal is in response to the partisan gridlock occurring on Capitol Hill, much the fault of Democrats. A bipartisan relief package was all but voted through the Senate until Democrats ditched the bipartisan effort at the eleventh hour. Democrats have since written their own version of a “stimulus package,” with Speaker Pelosi at the forefront of the effort, but Democrats’ version of the bill is comprised of various far-left policy proposals disguised as a relief package, as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) points out:


Now there is a leader I could get behind!!!!

Too bad it is the senators who must vote on a bill whether to sanction themselves. Until the performance and ultimate satisfaction of our government falls into the hands of the people themselves to decide by public ballot, don't hold your breath on such a bill doing any good.

And please don't say that is what we have elections for. With elections months and years away, the public simply forgets. And our choices to replace them are seldom any better.

The key to EFFECTIVE government is honest government, and to get honest government, you must eliminate unlimited lifetime appointments (most politicians make careers out of public office), and must create personal liability along with low pay and benefits. Why should anyone be honest when they can get away with murder and never be held accountable, much less get pay and benefits better than they ever could bet in private life?
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Sen. McSally Introduces Bill to Withhold Senate Pay Until Relief Package Is Passed

Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) made a major move on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, introducing legislation to withhold the pay of United States senators until the COVID-19 economic relief package passes the upper chamber:

“If Americans aren’t getting paid, then neither should the Senators failing to support the workers and families who need help making ends meet. Today, I introduced legislation to have Senators’ pay withheld until relief is passed. It is despicable that millions of Americans are without a paycheck in this time of crisis, while the Senate wastes precious time playing political games. The Senate must pass this relief package now in order to get cash straight to the people,” Sen. McSally said in a release.

Sen. McSally also criticized Sen. Schumer's (D-NY) delay of passing the emergency relief package:

Sen. McSally’s proposal is in response to the partisan gridlock occurring on Capitol Hill, much the fault of Democrats. A bipartisan relief package was all but voted through the Senate until Democrats ditched the bipartisan effort at the eleventh hour. Democrats have since written their own version of a “stimulus package,” with Speaker Pelosi at the forefront of the effort, but Democrats’ version of the bill is comprised of various far-left policy proposals disguised as a relief package, as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) points out:


Now there is a leader I could get behind!!!!

Too bad it is the senators who must vote on a bill whether to sanction themselves. Until the performance and ultimate satisfaction of our government falls into the hands of the people themselves to decide by public ballot, don't hold your breath on such a bill doing any good.

And please don't say that is what we have elections for. With elections months and years away, the public simply forgets. And our choices to replace them are seldom any better.

The key to EFFECTIVE government is honest government, and to get honest government, you must eliminate unlimited lifetime appointments (most politicians make careers out of public office), and must create personal liability along with low pay and benefits. Why should anyone be honest when they can get away with murder and never be held accountable, much less get pay and benefits better than they ever could bet in private life?
Low pay and benefits is why so many third world countries are full of corrupt officials and politicians. That doesn't work. And don't tell me we are full of corrupt officials and politicians the way Mexico is, or some other countries.
Low pay and benefits is why so many third world countries are full of corrupt officials and politicians. That doesn't work.
Jesus. Talk about idiotic, B&W reasoning. So, you go from my suggestion that we merely take away politicians incentive to get into politics to become WEALTHY where many regularly amass fortunes so that their only incentive left is only to get into it to SERVE making adequate but not lavish pay, and from that equate that to working dirt poor like some third world peasant? Wow. Like talking to 12 year old.

We must not only take away the mechanisms by which they become wealthy "serving" us, but limit their terms and introduce accountability holding them to at least as high, if not higher a standard for breaking laws and conduct.

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