Sen. Graham: It's 'Beginning of End' for Trump Presidency If Mueller Is Fired


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
From your article:

But Sen. Graham also commented that what he “saw at the FBI and Department of Justice regarding the dossier really bothered me. It was a paid political document, unverified, used inappropriately by the court, the two FBI agents investigating Clinton had a bias a bias against Trump in favor of Clinton, all that needs to be looked at.”

Sen. Graham called again for a second separate special counsel to review Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two top level FBI agents involved romantically who were caught exchanging thousands of texts showing concrete bias against candidate Donald Trump in favor of Hillary Clinton.
From your article:

But Sen. Graham also commented that what he “saw at the FBI and Department of Justice regarding the dossier really bothered me. It was a paid political document, unverified, used inappropriately by the court, the two FBI agents investigating Clinton had a bias a bias against Trump in favor of Clinton, all that needs to be looked at.”

Sen. Graham called again for a second separate special counsel to review Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two top level FBI agents involved romantically who were caught exchanging thousands of texts showing concrete bias against candidate Donald Trump in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Ageee. The left doesn't care. Decent Americans that play by the rules need to wake up and understand that the left doesn't give a hoot about the government corruption as long as their agenda is being carried out.
I guess Graham is a leftist shill now too?

Sen. Graham: It's 'Beginning of End' for Trump Presidency If Mueller Is Fired

Today, Tapper asked Sen. Graham for his reaction if Mueller is indeed fired.

“Well as I have said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we are a rule of law nation,” the South Carolina senator told the host.

Yes, Lindsey is part of the "Deep State" :D
He's part of the political establishment that needs to be taken down., that's for sure.
As usual the left furnishes half truths and leaves out critical information. Graham called for a special council to investigate the Hussein administration, Hillary and the bias of the FBI.
The LIBs in the MSM are DESPERATE for President Trump to fire Mueller. I mean DESPERATE!!!!!!
Everything they have tried so far has been a 'dry hole'.
That's why they keep bringing it up every day all day!
It's now their only chance to get him impeached.
President Trump is WAY too smart to get suckered.

"But Mr. President are you sure you don't want to fire Mueller? (So we can call for your impeachment)"
I've noticed the leftists around here always click on the "funny" icon when they're smacked right between the eyes with the truth and they can't respond.
I guess Graham is a leftist shill now too?

Sen. Graham: It's 'Beginning of End' for Trump Presidency If Mueller Is Fired

Today, Tapper asked Sen. Graham for his reaction if Mueller is indeed fired.

“Well as I have said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we are a rule of law nation,” the South Carolina senator told the host.

Graham was wrong. The beginning of the end was when Mueller was hired.
I agree with Graham, this should be looked at and both Democrats and Republicans should be behind this.
I guess Graham is a leftist shill now too?

Sen. Graham: It's 'Beginning of End' for Trump Presidency If Mueller Is Fired

Today, Tapper asked Sen. Graham for his reaction if Mueller is indeed fired.

“Well as I have said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we are a rule of law nation,” the South Carolina senator told the host.
Yes he is. He's notorious for being a RINO. He's the one who conspired with Durbin to stuff that amnesty bill down our throats. He also voted against repealing Obamacare.
I've noticed the leftists around here always click on the "funny" icon when they're smacked right between the eyes with the truth and they can't respond.

no point in responding to people with permanent koolaid stains around their mouths.

your ilk wouldn't know the truth if it grew fangs and bit you in the ass
I doubt it. The gop will go on protecting their own interests.

As for Graham, every so often, its almost like he's going to grow a pair but then falls right behind Herr Drumpf.
From your article:

But Sen. Graham also commented that what he “saw at the FBI and Department of Justice regarding the dossier really bothered me. It was a paid political document, unverified, used inappropriately by the court, the two FBI agents investigating Clinton had a bias a bias against Trump in favor of Clinton, all that needs to be looked at.”

Sen. Graham called again for a second separate special counsel to review Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two top level FBI agents involved romantically who were caught exchanging thousands of texts showing concrete bias against candidate Donald Trump in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Straddling the line. One day Lindsey loves Trump, next minute he is not sure.
I guess Graham is a leftist shill now too?

Sen. Graham: It's 'Beginning of End' for Trump Presidency If Mueller Is Fired

Today, Tapper asked Sen. Graham for his reaction if Mueller is indeed fired.

“Well as I have said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we are a rule of law nation,” the South Carolina senator told the host.

News Flash, Hotcakes, Graham is about as mainstream RINO as they come! If Lindsay thinks this about Mueller, that simply tells me for sure the Mueller investigation is fixed, the RINOs are behind it with the Dems to try to oust Trump any way they can before THEY get drained out of Washington, and that Trump ought to fire Mueller tomorrow. That "investigation" has stunk to high heaven since its inception and the fact that the GOP have sat quietly defending it tells me where their heads are at.
I've noticed the leftists around here always click on the "funny" icon when they're smacked right between the eyes with the truth and they can't respond.

no point in responding to people with permanent koolaid stains around their mouths.

your ilk wouldn't know the truth if it grew fangs and bit you in the ass
The TRUTH is you're just fine with government corruption as long as it favors your leftist agenda. Why not just admit it.
I guess Graham is a leftist shill now too?

Sen. Graham: It's 'Beginning of End' for Trump Presidency If Mueller Is Fired

Today, Tapper asked Sen. Graham for his reaction if Mueller is indeed fired.

“Well as I have said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we are a rule of law nation,” the South Carolina senator told the host.
Yes he is. He's notorious for being a RINO. He's the one who conspired with Durbin to stuff that amnesty bill down our throats. He also voted against repealing Obamacare.

Graham defends illegals who KILL and RAPE American citizens, wants to give illegals amnesty, a path to citizenship, and the right to vote in our elections. That's who Graham is.

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