"Selma" sucked; Boring


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Girlfriend forced me to go see "Selma". Payback for making her see Dumb and Dumber 2.

It sucked. Boring.

Summary: White people suck....blah blah blah....black people have it so rough in the 60s...blah blah...white cops suck black people are peaceful...blah blah blah.....nothing has changed and you should feel guilty.

Wasted $40 for tickets and popcorn/candy/drink for an experience I could get watching any hour of MSNBC.
Typical hate-whitey propaganda. If hollywood wants to talk about racism, then make a movie about affirmative action.

or white girl bleed a lot

isn't it funny how 40 years later the libtards have finally turned on LBJ completely and slander him as opposing the civil rights marches when in fact he supported them and suggested the Selma March to MLK?

Yes, libtbards eat their elders
Girlfriend forced me to go see "Selma". Payback for making her see Dumb and Dumber 2.

It sucked. Boring.

Summary: White people suck....blah blah blah....black people have it so rough in the 60s...blah blah...white cops suck black people are peaceful...blah blah blah.....nothing has changed and you should feel guilty.

Wasted $40 for tickets and popcorn/candy/drink for an experience I could get watching any hour of MSNBC.

I say you're a liar, you never saw the movie.
The move was 3 of 4 but very worthwhile. The younger people in the packed theatre were shocked. They should have been.
A race baiting movie designed to stir up more animosity in the black community to keep up the appearance that there is still a struggle for civil rights going on.

Maybe if you didn't feel so guilty about racism you wouldn't be baited so easily.
Girlfriend forced me to go see "Selma". Payback for making her see Dumb and Dumber 2.

It sucked. Boring.

Summary: White people suck....blah blah blah....black people have it so rough in the 60s...blah blah...white cops suck black people are peaceful...blah blah blah.....nothing has changed and you should feel guilty.

Wasted $40 for tickets and popcorn/candy/drink for an experience I could get watching any hour of MSNBC.

Loved the original Dumb and Dumber. But judging by the previews, if there was one movie in the last two years I'd rather see Selma over, it would be Dumb and Dumber 2.
Liberals love to keep this country divided. Kind of sick considering the reality that blacks are blowing themselves away at over 4,500 per year. I guess we can't talk about all the innocent blacks being murdered as the thug has more rights.
Girlfriend forced me to go see "Selma". Payback for making her see Dumb and Dumber 2.

It sucked. Boring.

Summary: White people suck....blah blah blah....black people have it so rough in the 60s...blah blah...white cops suck black people are peaceful...blah blah blah.....nothing has changed and you should feel guilty.

Wasted $40 for tickets and popcorn/candy/drink for an experience I could get watching any hour of MSNBC.

I say you're a liar, you never saw the movie.
I haven't seen the movie. But I have taken a piss on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
There's a pretty good book "Black like Me" written by a white journalist who traveled the South in the 50's passing as a Black man. He underwent some kind of skin treatment to darken his skin to be able to pass. It's a pretty good look at the South back in those days concerning race relations and it was also made into a movie with James Whitmore I think was the actor. Does Hollywood go overboard with Selma? I haven't seen the movie yet but will soon.
Selma was slow at some points, but it was a decent movie. We get it, Bucs. Your new schtick since Ferguson is to automatically hate anything that involves black people. And your conservative friends will agree, forgetting that your former schtick was how much the GOP hated police and firefighters. :lol:

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