
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Don’t have to go door to door rounding up illegal aliens putting them on planes, trains, buses. Anyone who claims we cannot deport 20 million illegal aliens does not have the smarts to be president of this great country. They keep coming because we do not deport them. If we deported them the would not come here illegally. Eisenhower, Hoover and Truman did it with less resources when we have not. If they cannot work they will leave and they will not come. Why would those 20 million be able to pay a fine and get to stay when there are million waiting to get in by obeying our immigration laws. Over 30% of our prison population are illegal aliens who have committed horrendous crimes. Not stealing girl scout cookies.
We need a president who know this and not afraid to say it publicly and go after business addicted to cheap labor and who hire illegal aliens with fines and taking they businesses licenses away, closing down the businesses and possible jail time. Do this and sit back and watch illegal aliens pack up the kids and leave simple because they will not be able to work. And if they leave the US born children they should be charged with child abandonment. I would. Main reason nothing is done about illegal immigration is because our government leaders are being held hostage by corporations that want cheap labor and they contributions help elect them into office
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 taught us nothing except that amnesty begets amnesty.
Q&A: the lessons of 1986 - Tucson Citizen Morgue, Part 1 (2006-2009)

How much is illegal immigration and automatic birth right citizenship already costing us? Imagine how much another amnesty and chain migration of uniting families will cost us? Impossible to imagine the cost.
Why should we take care of Mexico's people when Mexico's economy is more than capable of taking care of it's people. But why should they when we do it for them plus they send billions back to Mexico's economy. I believe we should have invaded Mexico instead of Iraq and Afghanistan because Mexico is more of a threat to this country's freedom. Illegal alien have killed more Americans than 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I use Mexico because most illegal aliens are from Mexico.Clean up the drug cartels and the criminal government they own.
Self deportation won't work. If you had to choose between being homeless in America, even without Medicaid or welfare, vs living in Mexico, homeless and destitute with no government subsidize which would you choose?
Self deportation won't work. If you had to choose between being homeless in America, even without Medicaid or welfare, vs living in Mexico, homeless and destitute with no government subsidize which would you choose?

There shouldnt be any government subsides for illegals or legal immigrants until they've paid into the system for awhile.
No job,no welfare,no medical care....NOTHING!!
This of course will cause one of two things to happen.
They'll self deport or turn to crime. If they turn to crime it will only galvanize the populace and the determination to get rid of the invaders.
We could make it to where they would WANT to leave on their own.
No schooling, jobs, drivers licenses, mandatory e-verify for home rentals. etc
They wont stay here if they have to live in the street, starve and their kids cant go to school.
We should even refuse them at the ER. Hell, even I could make a case to get that amendment back to the SC. I know damn well a politician could, if they WANTED. But that's the problem. They don't..

Don’t have to go door to door rounding up illegal aliens putting them on planes, trains, buses. Anyone who claims we cannot deport 20 million illegal aliens does not have the smarts to be president of this great country. They keep coming because we do not deport them. If we deported them the would not come here illegally. Eisenhower, Hoover and Truman did it with less resources when we have not. If they cannot work they will leave and they will not come. Why would those 20 million be able to pay a fine and get to stay when there are million waiting to get in by obeying our immigration laws. Over 30% of our prison population are illegal aliens who have committed horrendous crimes. Not stealing girl scout cookies.
We need a president who know this and not afraid to say it publicly and go after business addicted to cheap labor and who hire illegal aliens with fines and taking they businesses licenses away, closing down the businesses and possible jail time. Do this and sit back and watch illegal aliens pack up the kids and leave simple because they will not be able to work. And if they leave the US born children they should be charged with child abandonment. I would. Main reason nothing is done about illegal immigration is because our government leaders are being held hostage by corporations that want cheap labor and they contributions help elect them into office
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 taught us nothing except that amnesty begets amnesty.
Q&A: the lessons of 1986 - Tucson Citizen Morgue, Part 1 (2006-2009)

How much is illegal immigration and automatic birth right citizenship already costing us? Imagine how much another amnesty and chain migration of uniting families will cost us? Impossible to imagine the cost.

No one in their right mind will ever 'round up for deportation' illegals. The art alone would kill whoever's career pushed it.
We could make it to where they would WANT to leave on their own.
No schooling, jobs, drivers licenses, mandatory e-verify for home rentals. etc
They wont stay here if they have to live in the street, starve and their kids cant go to school.
We should even refuse them at the ER. Hell, even I could make a case to get that amendment back to the SC. I know damn well a politician could, if they WANTED. But that's the problem. They don't..

I'd even go as far as to treat them at the ER to stabilize them....then it's back to mexico with em.

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