Sel-Defense course resulted in 50% drop in rape and attempted rape


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

My initial thinking is the reason fro the drop isn't knowing how to fight, but knowing how to spot trouble. And judging by the title of the course, that's probably what's going on.

" Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group."
ONE year? Not much of a study. What were the numbers before and after? With that few students, unless the numbers varied HUGELY , with big numbers on both ends, then the difference could easily be meaingless. If, say, 6 girls out of 900 got raped (during what period of time?) before the course and "only" (very sorry for that word) 4 got raped (during an identical period after the course) then the difference is easily just a fluke.

You also have to show that something ELSE did not account for the difference, like some drug dealers in that area went to prison and most of the local mopes moved out of that area. ONE guy could rape a dozen women in a year, so if that punk went to prison during the time being studied, yes, you'd see a dramatic drop in rapes and it would have nothing to do with the course.

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