Seinfeld insults British


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Jerry Seinfeld Insults Prince William Wedding, Monarchy In UK Interview | - news and entertainment portal

“It’s a circus act, it’s an absurd act,” said the sitcom star when asked if he was excited. “You know, it’s a dress-up. It’s a classic English thing of let’s play dress-up. Let’s pretend that these are special people. OK, we’ll all pretend that—that’s what theater is….And that’s what the Royal Family is—it’s a huge game of pretend. These aren’t special people—it’s fake outfits, fake phoney hats and gowns. It’s fantastic. We don’t have anything like that.”
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Jerry Seinfeld Insults Prince William Wedding, Monarchy In UK Interview | - news and entertainment portal

“It’s a circus act, it’s an absurd act,” said the sitcom star when asked if he was excited. “You know, it’s a dress-up. It’s a classic English thing of let’s play dress-up. Let’s pretend that these are special people. OK, we’ll all pretend that—that’s what theater is….And that’s what the Royal Family is—it’s a huge game of pretend. These aren’t special people—it’s fake outfits, fake phoney hats and gowns. It’s fantastic. We don’t have anything like that.”

This compares to our President's insulting the Crown in what way?

Give me break.
Jerry Seinfeld is an impudent Jew that should have more respect for the traditions and customs of his mother country.

But then again, your current President delivered the most galling insult by handing back the White House's bust of Churchill. It'll take a lot of arse kissing to heal that wound.
Jerry Seinfeld is an impudent Jew that should have more respect for the traditions and customs of his mother country.

But then again, your current President delivered the most galling insult by handing back the White House's bust of Churchill. It'll take a lot of arse kissing to heal that wound.

"impudent Jew"????

I can see why the monarchy is so valued. It all comes down to bloodlines and inbreeding
Jerry Seinfeld is an impudent Jew that should have more respect for the traditions and customs of his mother country.

But then again, your current President delivered the most galling insult by handing back the White House's bust of Churchill. It'll take a lot of arse kissing to heal that wound.

Revealing all that is best about the British.

Anyway, Seinfeld's "mother country" is the U.S. I doubt any of his ancestors were British.
And whatever he says you can find among the British themselves. And with the added complaint as to how much the whole business costs.
Yeah exactly what does the "Royal Family" do in England. Besides steal tax dollars I mean.
Jerry Seinfeld is an impudent Jew that should have more respect for the traditions and customs of his mother country.

But then again, your current President delivered the most galling insult by handing back the White House's bust of Churchill. It'll take a lot of arse kissing to heal that wound.

Well if I was the next guy to occupy the White House I'd personally ask the Brits to send it back for display in my office. If the Brits were smart they'd require no additional ass kissing as I would be saying, in effect, Obama made a very bad decision given the long history of our countries. He'd look like the jerk, not me or my fellow Americans.
Jerry's being a bit harsh but he's pretty much hit the nail on the head IMO. Being a royal is a great gig if you're lucky enough to win the birth lottery.

I totally disagree. Royalty can't piss without it being reported in the newspapers in the UK. Most of the Royal family work very hard for their crust. It ain't all that.

And.... I'm totally thrilled that they snubbed the Messiah.

I'm looking forward to the Wedding. We're having one of these 'street party' things. I figure it's gonna be cool.
Jerry's being a bit harsh but he's pretty much hit the nail on the head IMO. Being a royal is a great gig if you're lucky enough to win the birth lottery.

I totally disagree. Royalty can't piss without it being reported in the newspapers in the UK. Most of the Royal family work very hard for their crust. It ain't all that.

And.... I'm totally thrilled that they snubbed the Messiah.

I'm looking forward to the Wedding. We're having one of these 'street party' things. I figure it's gonna be cool.

Its not a valid royal wedding, she is a commoner
Jerry's being a bit harsh but he's pretty much hit the nail on the head IMO. Being a royal is a great gig if you're lucky enough to win the birth lottery.

I totally disagree. Royalty can't piss without it being reported in the newspapers in the UK. Most of the Royal family work very hard for their crust. It ain't all that.

And.... I'm totally thrilled that they snubbed the Messiah.

I'm looking forward to the Wedding. We're having one of these 'street party' things. I figure it's gonna be cool.

Its not a valid royal wedding, she is a commoner

And you're an idiot. Go figure.
I totally disagree. Royalty can't piss without it being reported in the newspapers in the UK. Most of the Royal family work very hard for their crust. It ain't all that.

And.... I'm totally thrilled that they snubbed the Messiah.

I'm looking forward to the Wedding. We're having one of these 'street party' things. I figure it's gonna be cool.

Its not a valid royal wedding, she is a commoner

And you're an idiot. Go figure.

Yea...comes from inbreeding

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